Chapter 32 - The Coward

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The amphitheatre was silent as the group entered, their footsteps echoing as they descended the central staircase. Hanian could only guess how long they had waited in the small chamber not far from the cavernous room, mostly in silence, Lyet sitting alone the entire time. As the babbling faded from along the corridor the Elf had scouted ahead, returning soon after, letting them know it was safe to advance. She now stood at the bottom the stair, beckoning the party to follow.

"Where are they?" Hanian asked as he reached her.

"They are is a large corridor beyond those arches," she said, pointing to one of the gloomy openings. "We should follow."

The group moved swiftly, Lyet again taking her Demon form, disappearing ahead.

"You can't deny her abilities are handy, Han," Cass said.

"She's a Demon, Cass," Hanian said, exasperation plain in his voice. "I know you like her but come on, man, open your eyes."

"My eyes are fully open, brother, and I don't like what I'm seeing in you one bit," he replied angrily. "She has done nothing but help us since we met and you continue with your mistrust and selfish doubt. I don't think it's I that has to open his eyes."

Hanian glared at the Outrider but said nothing, turning away.

Lyet was waiting for them at a fork in the tunnel, the pillared corridor splitting off to either side.

"Which way did they go?" Hanian demanded, still angry after his exchange with Cass.

Lyet ignored his mood. "They split up."

Hanian shook his head, exhaling, exasperated as another problem presented itself.

"We're going to have to split up to, there's no way of telling which way Sam and Milly went," Cass said.

"They went that way," Lyet said, nodding down one of the corridors.

"And just how do you know this?" Hanian said.

"They are with Gorothan, and my father went that way," she answered.

Hanian again felt the suspicion surge inside but he knew splitting the group would weaken their already poor position to the point of near uselessness.

"Lead on, Lyet," he quietly said, resigned to the fact he had no other option that to trust the woman.

Within minutes she returned, motioning them to wait.

"They have stopped," she informed the group.

"What are they doing," Cass asked, but as he did a low rumble filled the hallway, the paved ground shuddering beneath their feet.


Gorothan lifted his head, tilting it slightly as he listened to the sound of his army outside on the Plain. He inhaled deeply, seeming to soak in every word with delicious pleasure, a smile growing on his lips. He turned to his men as the chorus stopped and nodded slightly. The Darnach flung open the Dinning Hall doors, the mass of Elves, roaring their battle cry, streamed out into the heart of Darkspur. The two surprised Castle Guard who had been trying moments before to get into the room were mown down instantly, overwhelmed by the wall of screaming Darnach soldiers. Every one of them knew their role, the attack had been planned meticulously years in advance and they fanned out along the adjoining passageways, eager to get to their allotted goals. More and more followed from the staircase, watched by their grinning leader, standing placidly to one side. Sam and Milly cowered in the corner of the room, clinging to one another, Milly with tears streaming down her cheeks. With Gorothan's attention directed away, Tari slowly shuffled over to the children, crouching.

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