Chapter 11 - The Shadowsong

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Sam was woken by the sound of bird song. But far from the usual cacophony of the dawn chorus, this was spellbinding. He had never heard a sound so beautiful. It made his heart almost ache to hear the graceful melody, which seemed never to repeat but ebbed and flowed like a breeze caressing a wheat field on a summers day. He ran to his bedroom door, Hankle was already standing on the landing, his face full of fear and confusion. Cass came from his room, he to looked bewildered and stared at his brother.

Hankle turned to him, simply saying, "No." His voice deflated.

They both quickly descended the staircase and hurried to the front door, Sam trailing after. Another warm, still day greeted the trio as Hankle stepped apprehensively out into the farmyard. On a gate post, across the yard sat the most ornate, intensely coloured bird Sam had ever seen. Its size and shape reminded him of a magpie but the birds feathers shimmered in the light, changing colour as it moved; magenta, cyan, turquoise, to many to count. Its head was thrown back as it sang, indigo head feathers trailing down its back. It abruptly stopped, cocking its head as they came closer.

Hankle turned to Cass, but just as he opened his mouth to speak, the bird took off, swooping low over the cobbles straight to Sam's father. Hankle instinctively raised an arm, the bird settling there, staring into his face.

Then from the nearby trees another started singing.

"Ah well, it appears we both have the call," Cass said as a second bird flew out from the canopy, directly to him, landing on his shoulder.

Sam slowly moved towards his father, all the time staring at the marvellous bird. He reached out, curious to know how the plumage felt but as he did, the bird rubbed its head on Hankle's wrist and the coloured feathers seemed to wash away in a second, leaving a dull, black and white imitation of what it once was. The bird took of, squawking hoarsely as it did so, its beautiful voice also gone. Sam looked over at Cass, his bird was rubbing the Tellers cheek and in an instant, it to became drab and unexciting. It flapped it's wings and followed the other bird high into the air, disappearing over the tree line.

Hankle slumped onto the edge of the horse trough, head in hands. He looked up at Cass, "Well?"

"We can't ignore this brother, you know that," Cass replied.

"Can't we?" Hankle said. "I'm sure it won't be just us that have received the call, they can take care of whatever it is."

"Hankle, come on. Caden, would not send for you of all people if this wasn't important," Cass reasoned, "and for all you know, it isn't bad news."

Hankle seemed to think about this, mulling it over in his mind. He stood up and turned to Sam. "Time for another talk lad."

He explained the birds were called Shadowsongs. Each had a deep link to a specific person and could locate the individual absolutely anywhere in the world. Their song would call to their bound partner when near and that person could not help but be compelled towards the melody. Once united, the bird would touch its quarry and instantly revert to its bland, colourless state. It would then return to the sender, letting them know it's pre-arranged message had been delivered.

"The message in this instance, Sam, is please return to Darkspur immediately," Hankle explained.

Cass put his hand on his brothers shoulder, "Show him the rest, he's going to find out later on anyway."

Sam's heart was racing, he didn't know why but he was filled with apprehension, something was going on.

"Come with me." Hankle took Sam's hand and led him to the paddock behind the barn where Aindrea was grazing on some hay. Hankle called to her and the old shire horse trotted over, nuzzling his chest.

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