Chapter 35 - Erwethwen's Tree

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The army of Mages charged. They had walked for days to get to Darkspur in time, at first slowly, every one of the awakened weak and gaunt. But this swiftly changed as the days passed, the Healers steadily strengthening the wasted bodies of everyone, bringing colour back to their ashen faces. By the forth day of marching no-one would have known any had been inflicted with the sleeping sickness, a burden only kept alive by the combined magic of the Arch Magi. But now they moved at frightening pace, every one of them steeped in incantations and spells muttered from the lips of countless number of Magi. Between them they knew every spell that had ever been uttered in the world, and they were going to use them all.

As they ran, launching fireballs, bolts of lightening and orbs of pure blue energy; the forward line parted allowing three large figure to run though. The first was tall and slim, a twisted mass of roots and vines, it's long legs striding effortlessly over the fields. The next, squat and wide, a chunky frame of gravel, clay and boulders that powered it's way forward with a strong waddling gate. The final figure had no mass at all, a swirling storm of wind, pulling debris into the air as it's ever changing shape danced in hypnotic confusion. Elementals of earth, stone and air careered straight for the Demon Iazohr.

Between them and their quarry lay the now disorientated Darnach army, unsure which way to turn. But they were a minor inconvenience to the Elemental's goal. The trio tore through the ranks, tossing bodies aside with apparent ease, hardly seeming to notice the men crushed beneath their feet.

Iazohr himself knew of the advancing three but at that moment his mind was distracted by the flitting, nimble annoyance that skipped, swung and darted with deft dexterity about his huge body. The beast was getting ever more frustrated as Orophin scamper, always just out of reach, along his shoulders, all the while slashing and stabbing at the great creature. Again, he run up Iazohr's back, stabbing his daggers into the flesh, using them as handholds as the Demon swung around trying to catch the elusive Elf. This time Orophin made it to the head, diving for one of the long pointed horns at the front of the scull. With one hand he grabbed the gnarled bone swinging fluently round, his dagger read; it sunk deep into the monster's eye. Iazohr screamed, whipping his head round violently. The Elf scrambled for a grip but try as Orophin might, he could not hold on, the force too great. The Elf flew high into the air and Iazohr swung his clawed hand at the defenceless Elf, batting the small figure away, arcing over the barricades to disappearing into the shadows.

Iazohr turned, purple blood spilling from his mangled eye, but the Elementals were on him and he had no time to react. They swarmed over the massive creature, clubbing and tearing at his flesh, but in reality doing very little harm. They did have one massive advantage though. It was not skin or bone that formed their bodies and every hit or gash from Iazohr, little more than inconvenience the Spirits, who repairing themselves almost instantly from the rock and vegetation of the earth beneath them. The Elementals job was nothing more than to hinder the Demon, keeping him busy and away from the humans until the Dark Summoner was found. Iazohr screamed in frustration, but he knew he was now effectively useless.


"This changes nothing," Gorothan screamed, in a complete rage. He pulled Milly behind him, throwing her at one of his guards. "Watch them, we may still have need of the children yet."

He turned to the men guarding the King and Keria. "They move, kill them," he shouted.

Caden and Keria were forced to their knees, the feel of cold steel pressed on their necks. The Mages had arrived in time for the battle beyond the walls but here, inside, they were still forced to watch as Gorothan and his men started down the stone stair into the castle gardens.

"Where are they going?" Keria said.

Caden just shook his head, his eyes fixed on the Darnach leader as he made his way between the flower beds and vegetable patches. Behind him he dragged the Elf, who Caden now knew to be the long lost Elven Priestess he had search for all those years ago; he was still finding it difficult to comprehend that this was actually her.

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