Chapter 36 - Divine Clarity

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Everything appeared to Sam with divine clarity; the whole world sharper, brighter, more real than he could ever remember. He could make out every pore on Tari's skin, each bead of sweat rolling down her brow, the tiniest red vein in her eye; all appearing more crisp and distinct than it had ever done before.

He looked round at the scene, a moment in time frozen before his eyes. Gorothan was powering towards Tari, the gold blade ready in his hand. An arrow hung to the right of his head, missing the man by no more than the width of a blade of grass. Around Gorothan, his men, swords thrust into the air, were still chanting for their Demon God. Milly stared, puffy eyes bulging at the dead Darnach guard lying at her feet, a scream beginning to form on her lips.

Sam could feel his body bristle with energy, his small frame almost bursting from within, trying to contain the Elven Priestess' power.

You are not, Tari, a voice said in his head.

No, I'm not, he replied.

But you have her power, the voice went on, why is this?

Tari is in great danger. She could not use her power, so I have borrowed it to try and save her, to save everyone, Sam went on.I know who you are and I'm not your enemy, will you help me? he asked.

There was a pause. I will, Kelmar.

The brutal world came crashing back.

Gorothan smashed into Tari, propelling the Elf back against the Tree, wrenching her from Sam's grasp. He pinned her there by her throat as she vainly struggled, almost all of her strength gone with her power. Sam watched helplessly as Gorothan, screaming in euphoria, punched the golden blade home, through the Elf's stomach, impaling her to the tree.

Milly screamed somewhere behind and several of the chanting Darnach, now realising something was wrong, began to draw their swords. More arrows thumped into Gorothan's guard from the ramparts above but most of the Darnach were now totally focussed on something further down the garden.

Gorothan stepped back, nervously watching the Elf and the Tree stretched out above. But nothing happened. He started looking round, confused, getting ever more agitated.

"No, no, no, this is not right," he shouted. "We did everything, Lord, everything you commanded, why is this not working?"

His head whipped round, focusing on Sam, standing perfectly still in the middle of the chaos.

"You," he screamed. "You did this."

His troops were now shouting behind their leader and he turned, watching in disbelief as the elegant form of Sairalindë rose from the earth. Moss covered, wrapped in roses and wild flowers, she looked stunning in her sublime beauty, a vision of nature at it's most alluring. The Elemental surveyed her surroundings slowly with her jewelled eyes and caught sight of Tari, blood cascading from her wound. The Elemental roared, a cry of anguish that echoed around the courtyard walls as she turned enraged to the advancing Darnach.

Gorothan grabbed Erwethwen's Sikil, yanking it from Tari's flesh. The Elf fell limp to the ground, her legs crumpling under her weight, eyes shut. The Darnach priest turned towards Sam.

"You've ruined everything," he wailed, so much hate in his voice. "So many years of sacrifice gone to waste because of one small, insignificant boy. I will make you pay."

Sam didn't move, terror rooting him to the spot. Even Tari's power couldn't save him, all of it now focussed on the Elemental tearing through the soldiers, trying to get to her Priestess. Gorothan swung the blade.

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