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It was late afternoon. Sunlight filtered through the trees. The wind stood still and no living thing dared make a sound. The forest seemed to be waiting for something. The world held its breath in anticipation. Something was going to happen. And whatever it was, it was going to happen soon.

Jungkook was dozing, barely aware of his surroundings, as Taehyung lightly massaged his back. The older was aware that Jungkook was falling asleep, and couldn't help but smile. He thought about how much progress he'd made with the boy who immediately assumed the stranger he'd just met after waking up from being knocked out was about to hurt him. Who didn't even mention his broken leg because he was afraid of showing weakness. That boy had grown so much. He was learning to trust and voice out his own needs. And here he was, trusting the older enough to fall asleep in his arms, allowing himself to become completely vulnerable. He was showing signs that yes, he was almost ready to open up. He was almost ready to show Taehyung his true self.

Teahyung was ready to see his true self. Ready to accept him with open arms, ready to help Jungkook accept himself. Ready to show him just how beautiful life can be when you open your eyes. And ready to show him that he was not broken beyond repair. That a little trust and a lot of love could heal him, that there was more to life than hiding all the pain you have inside.

Taehyung knew Jungkook was broken. And he was ready for every sleepless night of crying, every painful thought, every fallen tear. He was ready to put the pieces of the younger's shattered soul back together. He was ready for everything.

Not knowing if Jungkook was awake enough to hear, he leaned down and whispered into the younger's ear.

"Jungkook, please let me in. I love you beyond words, every broken piece, every little quirk and every subconscious habit. I love every part of you. I'm ready to know exactly who you are and where you came from. I want to know what broke you and why you are the way you are. I want to know your story. Please, when you're ready... Show me you."

Jungkook heard.

He sat up and looked Taehyung in the eye.

"Taehyung, I wish that I could show you me. I wish that I could let you in. I want to tell you my story. But I'm so, so scared."

"Why?" Taehyung asked quietly, intertwining his fingers with the younger's.

"Because I love you. And if I lose you... it-it might just be enough to drive me insane... What I mean is, I can't afford to lose you. Even if it means hiding myself. Even if it means suffering in silence, hiding my pain, fixing my broken pieces with physiological tape untill I am presentable to you. I need you, Taehyung. I need you more than I've ever needed anyone. That's why I hide myself. That's why I'm so afraid."

Taehyung wrapped his arms around the younger, tilting his head until their foreheads touched.

"You will never lose me. There's nothing you could ever do to make me leave. I will wait for as long as it takes for you to be ready to reveal yourself. I love you enough to wait untill the end of time, just promise that one day you'll show me."

Jungkook inhaled Taehyung's scent. It made him feel warm and safe. He thought with sadness for just a short moment of just how different the meaning if 'I love you' was for the two boys. Just how much more he meant when he'd said it. After all, Taehyung probably meant more of a brotherly love. Either way, Jungkook would take what he could get.

"I promise."

Jungkook felt Taehyung give him a hug.

"Thank you. Remember, you can trust me."

Jungkook nodded, realizing that he really could trust Taehyung. He thought about everything they'd talked about that day. Yes, one day perhaps he would be ready.

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