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[a/n: crap I almost forgot to post a chapter this weekend]

Jungkook followed the others into a large, modern-looking building. The female leader of the patrol who'd found them made a signal with her hands as soon as the stepped through the door, her troop dispersing immediately as each headed off in their own directions.

The woman led them to the middle of the wide space where an unearthly-tall woman stood, giving out orders.

"Who's this?" she asked the woman, motioning a shiny hand at the newcomers.

"New recruits, six of them."

"There was seven," Jimin murmured quietly, "seven of us."

The tall woman raised an eyebrow, counting them with her eyes.

"We found them over the border, just inside the danger zone," The woman who had led them in explained.

The tall woman's eyes softened as she made the connection.

"Too many lives have been lost that way," she murmured quietly, almost to herself.

That's when her eye caught Jungkook. The boy had a blank expression, guarded eyes unwilling to reveal anything. This sparked her interest as she could usually read people easily.

She assigned different high ranking military people [a/n: I'm sorry, I don't know much about the military. Please don't take offense at any of this if you do know the correct terms. Just tell yourself "this author is an idiot but what can you do?"] to each of the members to give them tours and explain things to them. She chose Jungkook for herself.

"What's your name?" She asked, bending over slightly to have a better view if his face because, after all, she was freakishly tall.

Jungkook looked up at her, finally bothering to take in her appearance. To his surprise, a metal plate was in place against her left face-cheek (just thought I should specify lol) and completing her collarbone on her right side. Her right forearm was metal with pointed claw-like fingers. Her left leg had patches of skin while being mostly made up of metal plates. He took a moment to look at her.

"Jungkook," he stated finally.

"Well, Jungkook, I heard that you were very close to your seventh member."

"His name was Taehyung," Jungkook growled.

She smiled at his confidence, but took note that this was a touchy subject and decided not to push it.

"How about I show you around?"


After his long tour of the place, Jungkook was lead to the room in which he'd stay. It was right next to the tall female's room, the other members' rooms were not far off. The tall women sat down in a chair in his small room. Her black hair fell lightly around her shoulders, the skin that was visible on her face a flawless bronze. Her eyes were jet black and seemed to follow Jungkook's every move. It made him feel as if she were reading him, decoding his carefully blank body language and dark, guarded eyes.

"I want to ask you a few questions to decide your rank. Don't worry, they won't be difficult."

He nodded. She seemed satisfied with his response, continuing briskly.

"So, Jungkook, I've heard much about you. And Taehyung, that is," he added, "So, you two escaped the apocalypse, eh?"

Jungkook flinched as if she'd just slapped him across the face. It took her a moment to realize what she'd done, and immediately regretted her words after. After all, they hadn't truly escaped, had they?

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