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[a/n: I wasn't going to post this until it was edited but I just couldn't do it. I've been sick and tired and I'm so sorry for this. So here is somewhat of a rough draft I guess because I can't go another week without posting anything. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Love you guys.]

Jungkook stepped out into a courtyard. It was surrounded by the building's walls on all four sides. The roof was open to the sky, fresh air blowing through Jungkook's hair for the first time in days. In the middle of the stone brick floor, an obstacle course with all kinds of fancy contraptions was set up. Jungkook's eyes widened at the sight of it, finding the complicated course a bit intimidating, but he was determined.

"This is your training course. It will get harder throughout the days as you train. This will be a baseline assessment to see where your strengths and weaknesses. Completing this course takes both physical and mental agility. Are you ready for your first run-through?" Min Ji asked.

Jungkook took a deep breath.


Min Ji smiled approvingly.

"Start there and wait for my signal," She commanded, pointing.

Jungkook stood at the beginning of the course. Min Ji reached to her right and flipped a lever. The mechanical course whirred to life, complete with swinging axes, spiked wheels, and rotating platforms. Jungkook gulped.

"Three, two, one... Go!"

He leaped into action. Vaulting barbed wire fences, maneuvering over spinning balance beams, sliding under swinging axes, dodging mechanical dummies which swung their lifeless fists, and so on.

Before he knew it, he was at the end of the course, panting. Adrenalin raged through his body, pulsing in his ears.

"Twenty seconds. Not bad," Min Ji commented, looking at a stopwatch in her hand, "Let's see if we can shave two seconds off that today."

She slipped the stopwatch into her pocket and looked at the clipboard in her other hand. She started making marks on it, mumbling to herself.

"Raise barbed wires, increase balance beam speed, dummies are too easy... Got it," She announced, looking back up at Jungkook, "Okay, let me change it up and we'll have you run it again."

She flipped out a board in the wall and started to type something into a hidden touchpad. Jungkook turned around to find the course changing, the obstacles being rearranged in front of his eyes. The dummies were pulled into the floor to be replaced by a complicated ropes course three meters high.

[a/n: I can only think in meters, but for those of you who think in feet, 3 meters is about 10 feet.]

Jungkook made his way back to the starting point, watching the new course move in front of him. When all obsticals were in place, Min Ji turned to him.

"Are you ready?" She called over the noise.

"Yes!" He responded.

"Three, two, one, go!"

And he did.


Three hours later, Jungkook made his way to the public shower stalls. He took a shower, washing away all the sweat that coated his entire body. He was tired but satisfied with his performance. When he was done, he hopped into a fresh uniform and crossed the Great Passage.

He saw Jimin and Yoongi sitting together in the Dining Hall. Hoseok was approaching them with a tray of food and took a seat next to Yoongi. Jungkook slipped into the large room and walked up to them.

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