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[a/n: Guys I'm so so sorry please forgive me something came up and I know that's a lame excuse but please understand! Better late than never right? Anyway, enjoy (even though it's a mess 😓). Love ya! 💜]

"First of all, thank you for asking, Taehyung," Min Ji began with a smile, "It's been a while since anyone has had the courage to ask me about myself. I take it as a compliment, though I think most people think it will anger me," She added with a sigh, her smile faltering.

"What did he ask?" Jimin asked, earning a 'shush' from Jin.

"He asked about my bionic implants," She explained, smiling again and lifting her metal arm, silver fingers curling and extending.

They nodded, interest sparking the air. Min Ji sat back and thought for a moment.

"I suppose I shall start two years ago. Almost three, now. I was one of the first to be taken away against my will." She paused. "Taehyung may or may not remember this part of the process. The way a person's will is stolen is by electric shocks to the brain and spinal cord."

Everyone glanced at Taehyung, who closed his eyes and leaned his head on Jungkook's chest.

"At the time," Min Ji went on, earning their attention back, "The technology was unstable. It wasn't exactly a prototype, more like a beta version. The electric shock was too much for the human body to handle. It fried my nerves and burned my face beyond repair." She tapped her metal cheek lightly. "The government sent a rescue mission, I being among the few who were successfully rescued. I don't know what happened to the rest, but I think I'm the only one who survived. Giving our wills back was the easy part- giving our bodies back was another task altogether." She paused. "I was the only person who had some working parts. The technology they had wasn't advanced enough to give a person a new body, but there was just enough of me left to save. At first, I was mortified. I felt inhuman. I hated being different. I learned to accept it, though. I realized that I had to be strong enough to handle whatever life threw at me. Plus, I'd figured a lot out while I was in dormancy. Taehyung, you might remember this, too, but your conscious is trapped in a dark emptiness while living without free will. Anyway, I figured out a lot about the world and myself. I'd become wise. I decided to work for the government, saving the ones without free will. I suppose I immediately got respect just for going through what I had. Then, when the officials realized how valuable I was due to such knowledge and peace of mind, I think they decided to put me in charge of the operation. That's how I became General Min."

They all sat in silence for a moment, taking in the story. Then, Namjoon cleared his throat.

"General, if you don't mind me asking... are you tall because you were born that way or...?"

Min Ji laughed.

"No, I had a few metal vertebrae implanted. It has to do with the dangerous surgery on my spinal cord, replacing it in some places and such." She explained.

There was a moment of content silence.

"I'll tell you something, though," Min Ji spoke up, "Airport security is a nightmare. Metal detectors going off everywhere!"

They all laughed.


It was finally time to go home. It had been a few days since Taehyung got back and he'd started building up strength. It'd be a while until he could actually walk properly, though, and upon realizing that Min Ji had decided to dismiss them, knowing they wanted to go home.

Jungkook hadn't left Taehyung's side. Even now, he pushed Taehyung's wheelchair, leaning down and pecking Taehyung's messy floof of hair. Min Ji had ordered for a limousine to drive them home.

They all said respectful goodbyes to Min Ji, who was also going home that day. Most of the soldiers had cleared out, the ones without free will identified and their families contacted. Namjoon murmured something to Jin before stepping away from the group to speak to Min Ji.

"General Min," he bowed, "It was a pleasure to work with you. You truly are a very respectable leader and I strive to someday be a leader like you. It's a shame to part ways; I feel like I could've learned even more from you."

She smiled.

"You are already a great leader, Namjoon. It was a pleasure working with you, too."


The limousine ride was long and they all fell asleep.

When they got back to the house, everyone tiredly walked inside.

"Should we celebrate Taehyung's return?" Jin asked.

They all looked at each other. They would feel bad if they didn't but they were all really tired. Taehyung, who was just as tired and glad to be home, smiled softly and shook his head.

"Let's all get some sleep first. We can celebrate later."

They all gave him grateful smiles.

"Thank goodness," Yoongi sighed quietly, then louder he said, "Well, see you tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? It's only the afternoon," Jin raised an eyebrow, "Aren't you going to eat?"

"Sleeping is twice as good," Yoongi replied.

"Okay, then," Jin shrugged, "If you say so."

"Good night, hyungs," Jungkook mumbled, bowing with effort since Taehyung was leaning on him for support.

"Good night, Jungkook. Good night, Taehyung," They all said.

With that, they went upstairs. Jungkook and Taehyung were the last in their room since it took Taehyung a little more effort to make it up the stairs. They eventually got there, though. They laid down without a word, sinking into the comforting, familiar softness. Taehyung rolled over and pulled Jungkook close. Jungkook let out a small noise of surprise.

"You're so cute, Jungkook," Taehyung whispered, hooded eyes glazed with tiredness but still full of love.

Jungkook blushed, not knowing how to respond. He'd been away from his boyfriend for so long that he'd fallen back into his old ways- being distant and guarded. He'd forgotten this feeling- this flustered giddiness he felt when Taehyung was being flirty. His heart fluttered when Taehyung leaned into his neck, falling asleep. 

"Good night," he whispered quietly.


Jungkook awoke in the middle of the night, perhaps around 1:00 AM. Taehyung was still deeply asleep, his now hollowed face resting peacefully. Jungkook lifted his hand and ever so carefully brushed his fingers over the older's cheekbones.

Taehyung's eyes opened immediately, causing the boy's own eyes to stretch wide and nearly jump out of his skin.

"T-Tae! S-sorry for waking you up, I-"

Taehyung chuckled, moving his thin fingers to Jungkook's waist under the blanket.

"It's ok, Kookie. Go back to sleep," He whispered.


Jungkook snuggled closer to Taehyung so that his temple was against the older's raised collarbone.

"Good night, hyung."

"Good night."

[a/n: Do you want a time skip to after Taehyung is healthy or another chapter following his recovery? Your input is much appreciated!]

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