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[a/n: This is just a little peek into Jimin's head. Next real chapter coming soon. Also, before you read this chapter: I was nervous about posting this because it actually prompts a plot twist. Whether that plot twist is good or bad lies in the eyes of the reader. I don't know how you guys will react and I'd hate do disappoint/offend/anger one of my amazing readers. So, what I guess I mean to be saying is... Please don't get angry or leave because of the this. I've been planning this for a while but it took me this long to get up the courage to go through with it, so please don't hate. I also still don't know if I actually want to do this or not, so the plot twist is very subtle and hard to decipher.]

After the hyungs left the maknaes to sleep in peace, they headed to the dining room for dinner. Dinner was already on the table, still piping hot. Yoongi sat down, Jimin claiming the spot beside him and Hoseok on his other side. Namjoon and Jin sat next to each other across from the others.

Jimin stubbed his toe when he went to sit, which left him muttering profanities and gripping his shoe. Jin scolded him for his language and Hoseok just chuckled.

"Careful, Chim, you only get ten toes. You can't replace them," Yoongi advised.

Jimin glared playfully at the other, pouting childishly.

"You ok Jimin?" Namjoon asked, just making sure.

"Yeah, yeah... Just fine," Jimin muttered as he let go of his foot.

They started to eat, so Hoseok started up the conversation.

"Wasn't it so cute when the interviewer quoted Taehyung and he got all embarrassed?" He asked before shoving a forkful of food into his mouth.

"Yeah, and that little taekook moment was adorable!" Jimin agreed.

"You guys, I know you love your ship but you really need to take it down a notch. I get that they're cute and all, but we've established their fluffy relationship already- no more need for spying, fangirling or conspiracy theories. Besides, spying on the maknaes is just a little creepy," Yoongi lectured in a bored tone.

Jimin recoiled and looked down at his food. He hated when Yoongi hyung scolded him. Even if it wasn't directly meant for him, he felt guilty and nervous. It's just that Yoongi hyung is scary. That's why I get nervous.

"Aw, c'mon, Yoongi! Let us have our fun!" Hoseok exclaimed, bumping the other's shoulder with his own.

Yoongi huffed and rolled his eyes.

"I'm just saying," he replied.

After dinner, they went upstairs to get ready for bed. Jimin took a shower and brushed his teeth before changing into his teddy bear pajamas. He turned and looked at his big comfy bed. The sheets were cold and Jimin always hated that, so when he climbed under the covers he curled into a ball. After a few minutes of lying there in the silent, lonely room, Jimin sat up.

"Screw this," he sighed, throwing the comforter to the side and getting up.

He walked to the window and opened it, letting the icy wind bite his skin and ruffle his hair. Then he moved to a sitting position on the window ledge, gently wrapping his fingers around the outside edge. And he just sat there, looking up at the stars and thinking.


[a/n: I'm bored so here's Yoongi's point of view.]

Yoongi walked quietly in the courtyard. He had wanted to take a late night walk, but Hoseok didn't want to come, so he just went alone. He stopped when a faint noise caught his attention. He looked up at the mansion to see the movement of a window being opened. He counted the windows from the left. It was Jimin's window- just as Yoongi thought. Jimin did this often, and Yoongi, who liked late night walks, saw him a lot. The older watched from his place in the shadows as Jimin curled up on his window ledge.

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