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[a/n: Before we get into this chapter, I want you to know that you are very important. You deserve to be happy and healthy. You deserve to eat well and get enough rest. I hope you are taking care of yourself. I purple you 💜 Now, let's get into this chapter, I hope you enjoy it! :)]

Jin caught Jungkook as he fell. Namjoon quickly dialed 911 and explained the situation. Jungkook's mother attempted to escape, but the crowd blocked her way. All the people gathered around greatly admired the survivors who had given them hope through their fear, so they all did their part in protecting Jungkook. They held her captive until the police arrived, as well as an ambulance.

Jungkook was loaded into the ambulance and taken to the hospital. Taehyung was granted permission to ride with him while the Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok, and Yoongi drove after them in the SUV, Jimin following in his own car.

The news crew was satisfied, having caught every bit of drama on camera, and retreated to the News building (or whatever you call it) to edit and do whatever it is they do. Anyway, Jungkook was hooked up to an IV at the hospital and his arm was stitched up quickly. Taehyung stayed by his side until he woke up.

[a/n: All aboard! The emotional roller coaster is taking off! XD]

When Jungkook did wake up, he took one look around and looked Taehyung straight in the eyes.

"Get me out of here."

Taehyung didn't ask questions, as Jungkook was obviously very serious that he didn't want to be in the hospital. He quickly got the doctor and made arrangements to let Jungkook out of the building, even though the medical professionals advised he stay longer. Despite their wanting to monitor Jungkook's recovery, every nurse and doctor had a great deal of respect for the survivors who were their symbol of hope. It didn't take much time to get them to comply with Jungkook's request.

Because of the new injury, Jungkook wasn't able to use his crutches right away. He also, for reasons he didn't give, refused to use a wheelchair. So, in the end, Taehyung ended up carrying him out of the hospital.

Once they stepped out of the large, unappealingly clean building, Taehyung felt Jungkook relax. His tense muscles loosened and he rested his head on Taehyung's chest, letting out a long sigh. It was growing dark now, the last bit of orange light slowly creeping into the horizon. Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jimin followed close behind them and Taehyung walked out into the dim parking lot.

"Take me home, please," Jungkook whispered softly.

Taehyung translated Jungkook's plea to Namjoon, who took them quickly to the SUV. Hoseok and Yoongi rode with Jimin to save room in both cars. Climbing into Namjoon's car, Taehyung slid Jungkook into a laying position on the back seat, getting in after him to lay the younger's head on his lap. Jungkook fell into a light sleep as they drove home in what was something like a comfortable silence.

At home, they all said their "good night"s and went to bed. Taehyung and Jungkook cuddled once they got to their room. Although Jungkook was tired, his sleep was light and restless. He had vivid dreams all night, full of flashbacks and PTSD. Taehyung could've slept deeply, but he only dozed, fighting to keep himself awake in case Jungkook needed him. The older had to wake Jungkook up several times when he was thrashing and crying in his sleep. So, neither of them had a very restful night.


The next morning, the two got up at the break of dawn, since neither of them was sleeping anyway. They sat up in bed and Taehyung ran a hand through Jungkook's fluffy hair, smiling with adoration at the younger. Jungkook smiled back, his love for the other outweighing everything else in that moment. But soon reality caught up to him and he sighed, his smile fading as he leaned into the older's touch on the side of his face. Taehyung pulled him into a short hug.

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