Unpleasant surprise.{G}.pt2

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🎵This is the day:The The🎵
I was walking down the trains alone when Ethan came running behind me.
"Hey you Okay?" He asks
"No I'm not. My boyfriend just flirted with another girl then took her side over mine" I wipe another tear.
"And he wasn't the one to come running after me" I say
"Maybe he just doesn't love me anymore" I say crying more.
"No y/n don't say that. Grays crazy about you and you're crayzy about him."
Me and eth get to the car. He sits in the drivers seat and I sit in the passengers.
"Then why is he acting like that" I say playing with my hands
"I don't know y/n. But I know he's not doing it to hurt you. There's probably a good reason" he says.
Me and Ethan watch the sunset from the car. Once the sun was down we saw them coming down and to the car.
Gray comes up to the window were I was. He puts his hand on mine.
"Are you still mad?" I just lightly move my hand away. He looks down and walks to sit in the back.
The whole way back Emma was laughing with gray and flirting.
I clenched me fists. Gray was ignoring her tho he looked sad and bothered. I looked at him threw the mirror and he was looking at me already.
I just look away.
We get to the apartment and sit on the couch.
I sit with James talking about what we should do for a collab we wanted to do together.
"Y/n can I talk to you?" Gray says walking up to me and James.
James lightly smiles and walks away.
Leaving me and gray in the kitchen alone.
"What" I say crossing my arms
"Listen I really Sorry baby. I'm sorry I didn't take your side and giving Emma the attention I should have been giving you." He says getting closer but I back up
"Why are you doing this now? I don't want to to say all this just because you feel like you need to so I can just forget about it" I say
"No babe I relived how fucked up I was being and that I should have been on your side 100%. I was being stupid. I don't know why I did that" I can see the truth in his eyes.
"I was really thinking you lost feelings and didn't want to be with me" I say quickly wipe if a tear away.
"No baby" he says holding me I hug him back
"I will never leave you for another girl. I love you and only you"
"I can't imagine myself with another person" he kisses me cheek. I smile at his words
"If you ever do that again I'm slapping you back to New Jersey." I laugh and he laughs giving me a passionate kiss.
"Come on Baby lets go upstairs" he says
"What about-" I say
"Who care about them" he jokes
"Guys we'll be upstairs. You guys might want to put the music a little louder" he winks.
I laugh. Emma gives me a bitch look but I just smile.

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