Lacrosse Boy{G} pt.2

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🎵 Moody Orange:Rainbow kitten surprise🎵
Your POV:
"Rachel im going to lunch not the met gala" I say to Rachel showing me a dress to ware to my lunch with Grayson today.
"Okay okay what about this. It causal and cute" she says holding up a outfit. I put it on and look in the mirror. "I like it" I smile happy I finally found on outfit.

Me and Rachel we're doing girl talk while she was on my bed messing with my things while I was doing my makeup
"I can't believe you're finally going out. With a boy!!" She says causing me to giggle "yeah me too" I smile. My last relationship ended so badly. I was dating this boy for two years. He was my best friend. Then suddenly he said he couldn't do a relationship anymore that he couldn't handle it. I was understanding. Then a week later he's with another girl and he told me he didn't want to speak to me anymore. I was heartbroken. And it kept me from going out with anyone or even think about getting into a relationship. But with Grayson i got a different feeling. I haven't felt this way about a boy in so long. My phone digs. "Hey I'm 20min away :)"
"Omg he's on his ways" I rush blow dry my hair and make it looks nice. I put some makeup on and get dressed. 20min later I get a text from gray saying he's outside. "Good luck!!" Rachel says hugging me "thank you" I say walking to the door. "USE PROTECTION" she yell I just roll my eyes and laugh. I walk out and see gray leaning against his car on his phone.
"Hey" I say "oh hey wow you look beautiful" he says causing me to smile "thank you" he opens his door for me. We drive off. "So where we going" I smile being exited. "Welll we're going to my favorite lunch spot.I've gone there since I was a kid. Its kinda my secret place" he says giggling "oh well I'm a lucky girl then" I say "yeah you are" he smiles causing me to blush. The way there we talking about random things getting to know each other a lot more. We have a lot in common then I thought we would. We like the same kid of music. I would show him songs I love and he would do the same. It feels like I'm falling in love with him already. But I'm still keeping some walls up. But he's amazing. We get to the cafe and it's beautiful because it right along the beach and it has a beautiful view. "It's so beautiful here gray" I say sitting down at the table. "Yeah it is" he says looking out to the view then back at me "I never get tired of this view. It's like it gets better every time" he smiles. The waitress comes to our table she looking like she's in her mid 30s. "Oh hey Grayson." She says "hey Kim" he smiles she looks over at me and smiles "you finally brought someone other than your brother" she giggles grays face gets red and I giggle "yup. Thank you kim" he's says in embarrassment. "What can I get you kids." She giggles I order. "I'll get the usual" gray says "alright I'll have that right up" she says taking the menus and walking away.
"So im then fist person you've brought here other than your brother" I giggle "yeah" he smiles blushing a little. We change the subject and talk about things. "So tell me about yourself" he smiles "well I'm the only child,I play soccer,i have a dog named Max he's basically my best friend" I giggle "what about you" I smile "welll lets see I have a twin brother ,I play lacrosse-" "what you have a twin brother. That's so cool" I say "yeah I guess" I laughs. We continue to talk about get to know each other more. The day was filled with nothing but laughs and him making so many jokes.
"Well I should be going home. I have a project I have to work on" I say in a sad time seeing that it was already night time. "Okay" He says bummed. We leave and start to drive to my house. We listen to tame impala on our way back and sing along to every song. We get to my house and he walks me to my door.
"I had a really good time Grayson" I smile "I did too. We have to do this again" he smiles blushing "I would love that" I say he look at each other and he starts to lean in and I start to as well. Our lips connect and it was like magic. I instantly got butterflies in my stomach. We pulled away and I felt my face heat up. "Good night gray" I say opening my door "goodnight y/n" he says walking backwards to make sure I get inside. I get inside and to my room. I jump around in happiness squealing. I call Rachel and tell her all about my night.

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