Bestfrinds Brother pt.2 {E}

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🎵 warm:Dre'es, Mia🎵
We're like three hours into the ride and Ethan's head is on my lap sleeping. I look at him for a bit trying not to be creepy but he looks so peaceful. He's very handsome I must admit. I've never really payed attention to the twins I just saw them as my best friends brothers. But now that we're older and I'm spending a lot more time with them I realize how sweet ethan is and how funny he is. As I was thinking all this I didn't realize that I was brushing my hand threw his hair. I stop myself.
"Don't stop" he says wanting to go back to sleep I smile and continue to brush my hand threw his hair.
I end up falling asleep.
"Get our now to piss or forever hold your peace" I hear Grayson yell waking both me and Ethan up. We where at our first pit stop.
We get out use the restroom and get some snacks. We get back into the car and get back on the road with 4 hours left.
Me and Ethan talk about a lot of stuff and get to know each other a lot more.
I start to get sleepy I try and lay my head on the window but it's was to bumpy and uncomfortable I guess ethan noticed my struggle
"you can lay on my lap if you want"
He smiles
"Thank you" I say laying my head on his lap as I start to fall asleep my brushes his hand threw my hair.
Right before drifting off into my sleep I hear his whisper
"you're so beautiful"
I wake up to ethan lightly shaking me
"Hey we're here" he smile
We get out of the car and it's so beautiful here I just embrace the sunrise and how beautiful the house is.

 The twins start to walk down another trail "Where are they going?" I ask cam "Oh they have there own little cabin on the side" she rolls her eyes "they said they need their "bro time" whatever the hell that means" I laugh and continue to walk int...

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The twins start to walk down another trail
"Where are they going?" I ask cam
"Oh they have there own little cabin on the side" she rolls her eyes "they said they need their "bro time" whatever the hell that means" I laugh and continue to walk into the house
"Well you'll be staying in here" can says showing me my room I look at it in shock on how beautiful it is. "I'll be right down the hall to the right if you need me, imma go shower" she says "okay thank you" I smile 

 "I'll be right down the hall to the right if you need me, imma go shower" she says "okay thank you" I smile 

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My view was beautiful it was a perfect view of the beach.  It was also a perfect view of the twins little cabin great now I really won't be able to keep my mind off ethan.

Couple hours pass by and I just got out the shower I had my towel rapped around me and I was on my phone

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Couple hours pass by and I just got out the shower I had my towel rapped around me and I was on my phone. When suddenly someone busts threw the door
"hey dinner is r- oh gosh I'm sorry"
ethan says looking away but not really looking away. I giggle
" okay thank you"
He just smile and leaves awkwardly.
I head downstairs the the porch where everyone's sitting at the table.
We all sit and eat and talk. Once everyone was done we all kinda went out separate ways cam went to her room to FaceTime her bf,Gray went to the gym the have. I went to go sit in the sand watching the sunset.
"Mind if I sit with you?" Ethan asks
"No not at all" I giggle he sits and we sit in silence for a while and he says a dumb little joke that makes both of us laugh.
"Hey y/n I've been wanting to tell you something" ethan says
"What's up?" I smile looking at him.
He looks  at me straight into my eyes
And the energy changes. I start to get butterflies in my stomach and blush
"Well it's something I've been wanting to tell you for a while now" he says
"What is it loser" I giggle
"Listen y/n I really like you. Like really really like you. I mean I always have ever since we where little. It's probably weird for you. I'm sorry I shouldn't have-"
"No ethan it's okay" I giggle
"I really really like you to " I smile he looks up and smiles almost in shock.
"Really?" He says
"Yeah" I blush that's when both of us start to lean in. Oh yeah it's happening.
Our lips connect and he grabs the side of my face. We pull away with our foreheads still connected. We smile and he brushes his thumb over my cheek.
"FINALLY" we hear someone yell from the house and it was gray and cam cheering. We laugh and the rest is historyyyy

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