Need A Ride? {E}

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                                                                  🎵she's a riot:The jungle giants🎵

Your POV:

"Yo I'm outside" my boyfriend zack says over the phone "Okay" I hang up grab my backpack and head downstairs grabbing a banana and head out the door. I get into zacks car and we drive off. It was a quiet ride since we got in an argument last night. Ya see zack is the "mr popular" at school He's the  quarterback  Back for the football team. Anyways him and his team have these big party's on Fridays where it's just the guys on the team no girl. Or that's what he tells me. I believed him until a picture went around of him and a girl on his lap at a party. He says it's a old photo but I think it's all bullshit. You may be thinking how or why I'm still with this asshole. Well me and zack started dating back in 8th grade and he was so sweet. But then when he came into high school he changed. He joined football and made it to varsity and now thinks he's all hot shit. Hate to say it but I'm dating a jock. I was to leave him but apart of me is still in love with the boy I fell in love with. 

We pull up to the school and park. We walking in and he says hi to everyone giving his guy friends bro hugs and high fives. I just walk and smile. As we were walking down the hallway I see Ethan dolan the captain of the lacrosse team and his buddy's walking towards us I get tense because him and Zach hate each other. Zack hates him because sophomore year he caught ethan hitting on me and ethan hates Zach because of how he treats everyone else and that he has me. As they passed by each other Zach bumped shoulders with Ethan "we got a problem?" Ethan asked I immediately get in-between them. With these guys they find any little thing to argue about or get into a fight. "Hey Zach lets just get to class" "yeah zacki you should get to class" Ethan says waving his hand "god know you need every second with you walnut brain" "you wanna take this outside dolan" Zach says getting closer to him smashing my hands between them "Zach lets go!!" I yell he listens and we walk away. Zack ends up storming off leaving me to walk by myself. I look back and see Ethan looking at me and he smiles I just look away. 

Despite what Ethan said in the hallway he's acutely a really big sweetheart. He just really doesn't like zack. Because he rubs it in Ethan's face everyday that he can't have me. Which I really don't approve of. I get to my Last class of the day and in the middle of the class I ask to use the restroom. As I was leaving the restroom I hear giggling down the hallway and it was a couple making out I get grossed out but then I start to think. Zack hasn't kissed me in weeks he's not affectionate with me at all anymore. The boy lifts his head up and I see that it was....Zach. Zach was the guy kissing the girl. My eyes water and go back into the restroom. I cry in the stall for a while. I end up getting myself together washing my face so you can't tell I was crying and I head back to class. The bell rings and I get my stuff and leave. "Hey baby" I hear behind me and arms wrap around me "don't fucking touch me Zach" I say turning around "why what's wrong" "why don't you go make out with that slut some more. Let's hope you don't catch anything with the amount of lips have been on hers" I say "y/n what the fuck are you talk-" just shut up save your lies" I say "y/n-" " hey y/n you need a ride?" I hear from behind me and it was ethan I smile "don't even fucking think about it dola-" "yea acutely I would love a ride" I smile at ethan and grab his arm "BUT YOU'RE MY GIRL Y/N" he yells grabbing my arm. "Acutely Zach I'm not your girl. I was never your girl in your eyes because apparently I just wasn't good enough for you" I say taking his hand off my arm.

Me and Ethan walk to his car "hey do you mind if you don't take me home. That's the last place I want to be right now" I say "yeah yeah of course" "hear I got a place we can go" he says driving a bit faster and smiles. We start to drive up this curvy mountain "dolan where are you talking me" I giggle "it's a surprise" he says and smiles. God he has such a beautiful smile. We get to the top and the mountain and he parks we get out and sit on the hood of his Jeep. "Wow this is so beautiful" I say looking at the view instantly feeling so much better. "Yeah it is isn't it" he says but I can feel him looking at me as he said that. I looking at him. "I'm sorry that dick head did that to you. You deserve so much better" he says "it's okay-" " it's not okay y/n. You're an amazing girl and you deserve the world. You don't deserve to be treated like that Bc you're more than any other girl you're so different from the rest you genuinely kind hearted and loving. You're confident and beautiful." He says putting his hand on mine. "I have never been told that" I say "well you deserve to be told that everyday" he says. "I've always loved you y/n even when I wasn't supposed to. I didn't care bc I knew that dick head wasn't treating you right or how you're supposed to be treated." I start to lean in falling in love with every word that was coming out of his mouth he leans in as well  and finally our lips connect. I felt butterflies in my stomach it's been a while since I've felt those. It felt like fire works went off. 

We pull apart and look into each other's eyes "y/n will you pleas be my girlfriend" he says putting his hand on my cheek "yes Ethan of course I'll be your girlfriend" I smile and we kiss again. 

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