🎵Great summer: Vance Joy🎵 I wake up to the sun beaming in my eyes. I turn and see that the bed is empty I wonder where Ethan's at. He's never up before me that boy can probably sleep all day if I let him. I sit up and grab my phone. After a couple minutes of scrolling threw my socials I get up and use the restroom. As I was brushing my teeth I stated to hear honking Then someone yell my name. I go the the front door and look out the window to see ethan with his Jeep But it looked different in a really good way "Ethan theses people still sleeping" I say laughing going up to the window. "Oops" He says I roll my eyes "You like what I did to the car" he says "Yeah I love it" I smile examining it more. "What do you say we go on a little road trip" he smiles I get excited "Omg yessssss" I love road trips so much especially with Ethan. "Okay go pack" he says I run inside and pack some warm cloths bc we were going to the mountains. We get in the car and I get cozy with my warm blanket and snacks. I wait for Ethan to finish putting the things in the trunk. "You ready baby" he smiles putting his hand on mine. I nod and smile. He leans in a kisses my lips. I kiss back. "I love you" I say "I love you to" He says giving me one more peck before driving off.
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