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•Your POV• I was in the middle of putting on my heals when I got a call from Ethan. "Hey babe I heading out the door right now" he started to say something but I couldn't really hear. "Hey I can't really hear you but I'll be there soon" I say hanging up I get in my car and drive to the party. The reason behind me not going with Ethan is because I had a big project due that I had to finish so it was better if I just met him there. I get out my car and walk into the loud crowded house. I spot one of Ethan's friends Matt. "Hey Matt where's Ethan" I yell He turns around and looks at me kinda shocked I gave him a weird look "What" I say "I t-thought you weren't coming?" "What? Who said I wasn't" "Um never mind. Uh I'm not sure where Ethan is" he says walking away. I'm beyond confused right now. Well I guess I have to look for him myself. •Ethan's pov• I wasn't completely sure what was going on but I know I was in a room with some girl making out on the bed. She was on my lap and my hands were on her hips. The Matt comes storming in the room "Yo Ethan y/n is here" he says I take a moment to look at what the hell I was doing. I look at the girl. Why the hell am I doing this. I push the girl off and run out looking for y/n. I spot her in the living room looking around. I walk up to her "Hey" I say She looks back and smiles "There you are" she kisses me This feels so wrong. But I can't tell her now. "Hey what's wrong?" She says putting a hand on my cheek. "Huh oh nothing" I smile and fake laugh. "Come on dance with me" she smiles taking my hand. I don't know what the hell I was thinking I don't want to lose y/n. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me. I think it's just better if I don't tell her. Right? I decide to drink a bit because I was so upset and stressed. I ended up drinking a bit to much. By the end of the night I was drunk. Y/n helped me into the car and started driving to my house. She doesn't drink so it was safe driving home. •Your POV• With Ethan's arm over my shoulder I was helping him upstairs to his room. "Okay eth lay here" I say " cannonball!!!" He yells jumping on his bed I laughed so hard "Ethan no" I say in the middle of laughing. "I thought it was the pool" he said rolling over. "Your a crazy man Ethan" I laugh taking off his shoes after taking his cloths off except his boxers. "Now try and get some sleep" I say He reaches up and pulls me to his chest I laugh "You are so beautiful" he say moving hair out of my face I just smile and kiss his face "Go to sleep" "I don't wannaaa" he says drifting off into sleep. I get up and put a blanket over him. I have to present my project tomorrow so I couldn't stay. I kiss his lips and walk out the house. *morning* •Ethans pov• I wake up with my head pounding. I don't remember getting here. I roll over and see a note water and pills. 'Hey babe sorry I couldn't stay. Hopefully you not hurting that much. See you later baby xo y/n" I smile putting the note down my smile fades as I start to remember what I did last night I'm such an idiot. Y/n is so amazing. I sit up putting my head in my hands. I have to tell her. But I don't want to lose her. I can't. •your POV• I was in the middle of presenting my project. I look out the window door and I see Ethan smiling holding flowers. I smile and continue to talk about my project. After I was cleaning up my dear putting all the papers together. "Hey hot stuff" Ethan says kissing my cheek "Hey" I smile kissing him "These are for you" he hands me the flowers "Aw thank you" "Let's go back to my place?" He says holding my hand walking out the school "Sure" We get to his house and and I sit on the couch while he goes upstairs for something. "Here you go" He said giving me a blanket "I'm going to take a quick shower" he said kissing my head. I put on a movie. *ding ding* I look over and see that Ethan got a text I get his phone a look at it. It was from a random number 'Hey I had a grate time at the party ;) you're an amazing kisser. Let's see what else you're amazing at?;)' My heart dropped. I put his phone back as I hear him coming down stairs. "So baby what movie are you watching" he asked sitting next to me. I just stayed quiet. "Hey what's wrong" He put his hand on my cheek making me look at him. I push his hand away. "What happened at the party on Saturday" I asked hooding he would just tell me the truth. "What? Uh um nothing nothing happened" he said I look away in shock and anger I get up and put my shoes on grabbing my things "Y/n what are you doing?where are you going?" He asked "You got a text message" I say opening the door. "Wha-" he says grabbing his phone "Shit" he throws his phone and runs after me. "Y/n pleas let me explain" he says "What Ethan? That you hooked up with some random girl and didn't even plan on telling me?" "No y/n I was going to tell you- but" "But what" I yelled "I-it wasn't a big deal. Y/n pleas" "If it wasn't a big deal you would have told me. Goodbye Ethan" I say shutting my door and drive away. Ethan squats with his head in his hands and a tear falling down his cheek.