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     I woke up with someone's arm under my neck and another arm draped over my waist. I looked at the clock and saw that it was half past ten, meaning Dylan had already left for work. I relaxed a little against Jared, trying to enjoy the moment that probably would never happen again. I was about to fall back asleep when I heard the door creak open. I sat up a little, making surprised eye contact with Austin. He narrowed his eyes and looked from Jared, back to me. I rolled my eyes and shook my head back and forth to ensure him nothing had happened. I felt Jared start to stir next to me, which resulted in Austin quietly retreating back to the living room.

     "Hey." I whispered as I laid back down facing Jared. He groaned a little and pulled me closer to him in his sleep. I tensed a little at first by his action, but didn't think much of it being that he was still asleep. I looked up at his face and mentally slapped myself for staying like this. "Jared, we have to film. Wake up." I said a bit louder.
      "One more hour.." he mumbled as he dug his face into the top of my head.
     "We have five hours until Dylan gets off work for all of us to film. Unless you want him in the videos too, I suggest you start getting up." I responded, pulling myself away from him and out of bed. I walked to the kitchen and turned the coffee pot on. I looked around to see that surprisingly everyone had left and there wasn't a huge mess either.
     "I took out the trash with Dylan this morning before he went to work. There was only about three people left at that point so I kicked them out for you." Austin said sitting on one of the bar stools.
     "I can't thank you enough." I sighed as I grabbed a  Rick and Morty coffee mug from the cabinet.
    "I know it's not my business, but did anything go down last night?" I about spit out my first sip of coffee from both the temperature and question at hand. "I wouldn't judge you if it did, I know you have your hands full." Austin followed up the question, due to my reaction.
     "Nah, nothing happened last night. I got kinda sick and we just ended up stumbling back to my room and then went to sleep." I said taking another sip. "We did decide we're going to film today though, if that's cool with you?"
    "I was wondering if he'd bring up us stalking your channel," he laughed, "but yeah, I'm down to film. We should do the what's in my mouth thing." He suggested, wiggling his eyebrows. Before I could respond, he opened his mouth again, "On the real though, please don't lead him on." We both just looked at each other for a minute.
     "I have risen." Jared said, sleepily sitting on the bar stool next to Austin. I poured them both a cup of coffee and then we got to work planning our videos for the day.

     "Oh no.. I feel like I'm not going to to like it." I said trying to turn down Austin's Kombucha.
     "We're already rolling, do you want your subscribers to think you're close minded? Do you want the to think you hate vegans and healthy things? Do you?" Austin teased, getting in my face with the Kombucha bottle.
     "Fuckin' fine," I said, narrowing my eyes, "but I'm not going to like it.." I frowned towards the camera and proceeded to take a sip of it. It surprisingly wasn't that bad besides that amount of carbonation.
     "Aaaaaand?" Jared drug out, awaiting my response. I looked between both of them in defeat and raised my hands.
     "I don't hate it.." Austin hugged me and cheered.
     "She is now one with the 'buch!" He laughed while pointing at the camera.
     "We are totally off topic here.. Anyways, what is up guys! It's Alex, and I'm here with some other homies you may already know." I said, motioning to Austin and Jared.
     "Nah, fuck this, this is the DickalexDinesShow now and today we're going to be blending up some dead things and puking them!" Austin yelled, followed by Jared and myself laughing uncontrollably.
     "We all took a trip to the grocery store and picked out some items that the other participants know nothing about." I continued.
     "The goal is for everyone to be able to guess the items blended to create their sickening smoothie." Jared explained.

     "This is a fucking shit storm waiting to brew." I whined sniffing my smoothie. I was the last one to endure the torture.
     "It's not that bad." Austin said, almost dry heaving from the smell.
      "Swallow that shit." Jared said while plugging his nose.
      "Yeah, you'd like that." I shout back with a smirk.
      "Stop using banter as a buffer! Chug it so we can breathe!" Austin joked, impatiently. I took a deep breath and took a sip. I wanted to vomit immediately.
      "Oh what in Satan's asshole.." I mumbled before spitting up a little. "Does that have fucking horseradish in there?" Jared and Austin started losing their shit from my reaction. I held up my hands as if I were praying and then chugged the drink without a second thought. I shivered from the nastiness.
      "Thoughts, questions, concerns?" Jared asked before putting his arm around me.
      "I think I now know what rotting flesh tastes like." I replied, full of regret. Austin was about to say something when vomit rocketed from my mouth and onto Jared's lap. We both just stared at each other in disbelief.
     "Holy shit! That just happened! Oh my God!" Austin about fell out of his chair from laughing so hard. I started smiling uncontrollably and laughing from embarrassment and Jared slowly started laughing.
      "And I think that concludes the video." Jared said motioning to his lap.
      "I'm so fucking sorry!" I laughed as Austin got up to turn the camera off.
      "In your defense, I probably shouldn't have put so much mayo in there." Austin replied, tossing us a roll of paper towel.
     "It's all good," Jared laughed wearily, "could I maybe throw these in the wash though?"
     "Yeah, of course!" I said throwing the soiled paper towels away. "In the mean time you can wear the basketball shorts now." I said walking to my room to find them. I grabbed the shorts from the corner and turned around to see Jared taking off his pants. "YIKES." I quickly turned back around. I threw the basketball shorts his way.
      "Oops." He replied throwing his dirty jeans at me.
      "Oh, that's gross!" I gasped, catching the pants before they touched my clean clothes. I heard Dylan walk in the front door and start talking to Austin. "Go ahead out there and talk to Dylan and Austin. I'll be out there in a second." I threw Jared's pants in the washer, then went to the living room.

      "Hey, I think I'm going to go to Kyle's for the weekend. Is that cool with you?" Dylan asked, already changed out of his work clothes.
     "Didn't you just stay there the past two weekends?" I asked, knowing he would be tripping the whole time he was there.
      "It's not like I do it that often." He responded defensively. I already knew where this argument was going, it went the same way every time we had it.
     "Can we please not do this again right now?" I asked quietly, subtly glancing at Austin and Jared.
      "So that means I can go?" Dylan said, clearly misunderstanding what I was saying. I scoffed and dragged Dylan to his room to talk privately, but to also keep the awkwardness at a minimum with my company. We argued for what seemed like an hour and finally reached the conclusion we always do which was deciding to take time to ourselves. He would stay with Kyle for a week and I would stay here, waiting for him to come back and try to clean himself up and start over. Dylan grabbed his already packed bag and headed out the door without a word. When I walked back into the main room, Austin and Jared were sitting on the couch messing with their phones.

      "Everything good with you guys?" Jared asked, locking his phone.
      "Eh, it's a normal occurrence. We'll be back together in a week or so, I'm sure." I sighed plopping down in between them and turning on Netflix. "I'm sorry if that was awkward for you guys, but you don't have to stay or anything." I said, not breaking my gaze from the tv.
     "Bullshit, I've seen worse." Austin said with a sigh. "Besides, what type of friend would we be if we left after that?" I smiled at the fact we all already felt so close. It's hard to find people you just click with nowadays.
     "Thank you." I said genuinely, turning to look at Austin. He returned a smile and went back to scrolling on his phone.
     "So, sleepover round two?" Jared said with a raised eyebrow.
     "Round two, fight." I said in reference to Mortal Kombat.

Lust in the Mosh Pit | A Jared Dines StoryWhere stories live. Discover now