And They Were Roommates

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      I had just settled into the motel, (and by just settled in, I mean thrown all my stuff in the corner), when I received a text coupon for Subway. I took advantage of the deal and returned to my room to eat and relax. I took a snapchat of my feet on the bed and my held up sandwich. I captioned the photo, "living that Zach and Cody lifestyle," before sending it to my story. I started scrolling through my phone looking at roommate offers. One caught my attention but it was about two hours north of where I was staying. The article said that there was a washer and dyer along with full kitchen and bathroom, which was nice. The current owner was also open to having pets and I was heavily considering getting a cat. I decided it would be best to call now and get it out of the way before I went to bed. 

    "Hey, is this Janie?" I asked anxiously.

    "That would be me. Are you calling about the roommate article I put out?" She asked, hopeful.

     "I am, actually. I was wondering if I'd possibly be able to come out tomorrow and meet you and see the place in person?" I inquired, feeling a little more at ease.

     "Of course you can. Just text me when you're ten minutes away." She responded.

    "Great, see you then." I said before hanging up. The thought of living with someone I didn't know felt odd, but it was either that or live in a hotel until I got a better job. I was wired from the thought of meeting that girl tomorrow and the thought of even moving in all of my things. I started scrolling through the comments on my most recent video with Jared and Austin. I had 200k subscribers, but didn't upload nearly enough to make a living on the site. I was amazed by how many of the comments were about shipping me with either Jared or Austin. Other comments were about people being confused by the fact we all knew each other or asking if Dylan and I were still together. "Jesus.." I laughed. You upload one video with someone of the opposite sex and everyone thinks you're dating them on here. One of the top comments was from Austin stating that he and Nicole were still together and to please not start any shipping, which I couldn't agree with more.

      I woke up at eight and started to get ready. I wanted to get there early in case I ended up having to drive all the way back to stay at the hotel again. I imagined what Janie looked like and what music she listened to the whole ride there. Occasionally my mind wandered to Jared, but I tried not to think about him too much. The apartments were located in a woodsy area that gave off a Twilight kind of vibe. I texted Janie to let her know I was ten minutes away and my heart started to race. I hated the thought of meeting new people, but loved being social. A small figure cam running down the stairs of the complex building as I parked my car.

     "Janie?" I asked as I opened my door.

    "Yes, that's me. Alex, right?" She asked as I nodded and stepped out. She hugged me and then showed me up the stairs to the apartment. She was around 5'6 with long brown hair, hazel eyes, and androgynous facial features. She was wearing black ripped skinny jeans paired with a baggy Metallica shirt. As she showed me around the apartment I began to feel comfortable around her and realize that maybe moving wouldn't be so bad after all.

     "So, what do you think?" She asked leaning against, what would be, my bedroom door frame.

     "I think you've got yourself a new roommate, if you'll have me?" I answered with a smirk.

     "Then what are you waiting for? Go get your stuff!" She smacked my butt as I walked out the door, causing me to laugh. Though she was a bit forward, I was the same way myself when it came to new friendships, so I wasn't too bothered. After I brought all my stuff in, I called the hotel and told them I wouldn't be returning that night. Janie helped me unpack everything and the suggested we had a celebratory drink. We held up our shots of fireball while playing various songs by Glass Animals.

     "To my new roommate and hopefully good times." She said tapping her glass to mine.

    "Cheers, I'll drink to that bro." I said in reference to Eric Andre. We were about four shots in when Dylan called me and started begging me to come back to the house and talk to him. After a bit of back and forth arguing I told him I had already found another place to stay and hung up.

     "Ouch, that was kind of harsh." Janie said in reference to the phone call.

     "He's not my problem anymore." I slurred a little bit. She took a swig of fireball and laid her head on my shoulder. We had been stuck on the couch watching Rick and Morty for almost two hours at this point.

    "He an ex boyfriend?" She asked, passing me the bottle. I took a swig and burped.

    "Yeah. He had a bad drug problem and it was to a point where it was either drugs or me and he chose drugs every time." I said, oversharing. "Then I met this other guy and he's cool but I don't think I want a relationship period after everything. I have too much I want to do and not enough mental energy to keep up with dudes." Janie snickered and rolled her eyes. "Fuck, I'm oversharing aren't I?" I sighed, leaning back further on the couch and closing my eyes.

    "No, I just know what you mean in a way." She said, closing her eyes as well.


     We both passed out at some point that night, but woke up in our own beds. That was about two weeks ago, and things had been great since moving. We took turns making breakfast each morning and she even got me a job at the pie shop she was manager at, which was ironic considering she was a lesbian. 

     "You still good to go to the party, babes?" She asked, leaning over the counter as I took my apron off.

     "Hell yeah, you get off at six right?" I asked, the time now being four.

     "Yes, ma'am." She answered, twirling a piece of my hair.

     "Alright, then I will see you at half passed six." I said before heading out the door to my car. She had invited me to a party which was (hopefully) going to have tons of food and live music from some local bands. I wasn't sure if the scene would be much different considering I was three hours away from the venues and bands I was used to.  I took a shower and decided to get dressed while I waited fro Janie to get home from work. I thought of Jared and Austin when I saw the Rest, Repose basketball shorts in my laundry basket. The thought quickly passed, and I continued searching for an outfit to wear. After about forty five minutes, I decided to wear my forest green skinny jeans and black button up top. I was looking at myself in my full body mirror when I heard someone whistle. I whipped around to see Janie leaning on my door frame as per usual.

      "Jesus Christ, you scared the shit out of me." I said with a laugh, gripping my chest.

      "Sorry, you just seemed so focused. I didn't want to interrupt you." She replied, walking over next to me in front of the mirror. "Are you ready to go?" She asked looking at me in the mirror.

      "As I'll ever be." I said turning to look at her. With that, we started our drive to the party.

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