You've Got A Thing For Pretty Boys

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      'Flying Whales' by Gojira blared through my speakers as I sat on my bed writing poems. I was working on a book on and off that I had hope to publish by the end of the year while Jared and Austin were discussing their bands and upcoming projects. By this time I had changed into a very large grey sweater I had got thrifting and black leggings. Both Austin and Jared had changed into spare clothes they found in Austin's car. I unlocked my phone to look at the time and saw it was half past seven. 

     "Hey, guys!" I yelled from where I was sitting, "do you want to get some food?"

     "All in for Taco Bell?" Jared asked loud enough for me to hear. I slipped on my combat boots and grabbed my wallet.

     "You don't have to ask me twice." I said heading for the door. We all piled into my car and made our way to Taco Bell. "Now the real question, inside or drive thru?" 

     "If we get it to go, we can go back to your place and stress eat during a scary movie." Austin answered, shooting finger guns at me from the passenger seat.

     "I second that idea." Jared said looking at me through my overhead mirror. After a very impulsive forty dollar purchase, we headed to the liquor store to restock from the night before. Jared insisted on buying drinks since I covered their Taco Bell. When we got back to the house, Jared handed my a handle of fireball. "For you, my lady." He teased with an exaggerated accent. 

    "Stop it, Ron, stop." I said using the same exaggerated accent.

    "It's 'wingardium leviosa' not 'leviosaaaa'" Austin continued with the accent. 

    "You're almost as tall as me in those boots." Jared laughed, standing next to me as I put the drinks in the overhead cabinet. I stuck my tongue out in response and set the bags of Taco Bell on the coffee table. We decided to watch It Follows for whatever reason. I didn't know whether I felt awkward during the intimate scenes because I wasn't entirely too close with Austin and Jared or because I wanted to be closer, if you get my drift. When the credits started rolling I made my way to the kitchen.

     "What do you guys want to watch next?" Jared asked, searching through my Top Picks section on Netflix.

      "I'm down for Deathgasm or Queen of the Damned." I said before taking a swig of fireball. 

      "You like Deathgasm enough to watch it more than once?" Austin laughed in disbelief.

      "I was Medina for halloween last year, sue me." I rolled my eyes, taking another swig. "The Quiet Ones is another good movie if you guys don't want to watch either of those. I'm not sure if it's on Netflix though. I suggested, plopping back down next to Austin. I had found out during the day that Austin actually had a long term girlfriend, but she was away finishing up her last year of college. We were about halfway through the movie when Austin decided he was ready to go to sleep. I told him he could sleep in Dylan's room since he wouldn't be back for a matter of time. 

     "Alright, you two leave room for Jesus." Austin said while making an 'I'm watching you' movement with his fingers.

     "Goodnight, daddy." Jared joked, causing me to let out a snort. Austin laughed and closed the bedroom door.

     "And then, there were two." I said stretching across the couch and putting my feet in Jared's lap.

    "Did I ask for your nasty feet?" He said sarcastically, dramatically holding his nose.

    "Shut up! They're not that bad." I said, slightly unsure if that was true or not.  I tried to refrain from quoting lines from the movie to myself as time went on. 

    "Jeez, how many times have you seen this?" Jared asked without moving his eyes from the screen.

    "Probably around eight times," Jared started laughing, "What can I say? I like Sam Claflin!" I put my hands defensively. 

     "Of course you do." Jared said shaking his head.

     "Oh? And what's that supposed to mean?" I said sitting up to face him.

     "You seem to have a thing for pretty boys." He responded, pretending to flip his nonexistent hair. 

     "You caught me," I could cut the sexual tension with a knife if I wanted to, "you've got it all figured out." I said sarcastically. We both looked at each other through narrowed eyes, trying to read the other's emotions. 

     "Well, y'know, I'm suddenly really sleepy. I'm going to go to bed." He said getting up and heading towards my room. 

     "Bitch, I don't think so!" I whisper yelled, remembering Austin was trying to sleep. I ran quietly trying to catch up with Jared and beat him into my room. By the time I made it, he was already sprawled across my bed and fake snoring. "Jared.." I whined, trying to roll him off. He caught me off guard and pulled me on top of him. We both looked at each other, trying to keep our breathing steady. aI rested my hands on his shoulders as he ran his over my sides, underneath my sweater. I quickly got up and walked towards the door.

     "Alex, I'm sorry, I shouldn-" I cut Jared off by closing my door and putting my finger to my lips. He relaxed, knowing that he hadn't upset me. I turned my light off and realized my iPod was still playing the From Mars to Sirius album from the docking station. I knew Dylan and I were basically on a break right now, but part of me still felt hesitant to mess with Jared. I laid down next to him and put one of my legs over his. He lifted the back of my sweater to rub my skin lightly. Neither of us said anything, but I think we both knew something was bound to happen.  I grazed the front of his pants with my knee while I pretended to shift to a more comfortable position. He flinched a little and looked down at me.

     "I'm supposed to think that was an accident?" He laughed, pulling my leg up higher on him. I shrugged my shoulders innocently and looked away. 

     "Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't." I said looking back at him. He raised an eyebrow before looking to my lips and back up to my eyes. 

Bois and gals, this next chapter is going to be smut so if you don't like that then skip ahead

Lust in the Mosh Pit | A Jared Dines StoryWhere stories live. Discover now