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      After I moved everything into Jared and Austin's two story house, I sat on the couch feeling exhausted. I threw my head back and closed my eyes, trying to avoid riding the dizzy dark ride behind my eyes which would lead to puking. 

     "Not that you look like you're up for it," Austin said sitting next to me, "but we are actually having an ep release party for one of the local bands here tonight." I moaned in defeat.

     "Please tell me I have more than four hours to rest and that I don't have to see Jared until the party starts?" I asked, halfway lifting my eyelids. 

     "You sadly only have three hours, BUT you do score on your second request." Austin said with a half smile. I wasn't sure whether Jared had told him about anything or not regarding their stay at my place after dark.

     As I started up the stairs, Austin yelled up to me, "Oh, also, Janie is going to be here tonight." I mentally facepalmed. "Her band is playing second, so maybe she'll leave before anything can go wrong." He said that last sentence as if it was a possibility, but I think deep down we both knew it wasn't. I laid down in my new, and hopefully temporary, room and clicked on Spotify. I tossed and turned for about an hour. I couldn't sleep because I was too worried that I wouldn't wake up in time before everyone got here. I trudged into Jared guitar room down the hall to try and pass some time. I grabbed my acoustic from the corner and played Snuff by Slipknot while looking out the window. In my mind, it felt like I could've been in a super sad music video or something. When I was done playing, I headed back to my room to start getting ready. I had picked out some grayish blue, ripped skinny jeans and a Portrait of an American Family shirt that I had cute the sleeves off of. I decided to go down stairs once I heard the first band messing with their equipment. 

     "And it lives." Austin said ruffling my hair.

    "Shut up." I laughed while swatting his hand away. I turned to the kitchen and saw Janie talking to one of her band mates. "Hey.." I said with an apologetic smile.

     "Oh, hey." She said uncomfortably. Her band mate walked away leaving just the two of us in the room. 

     "I'm sorry for anything I possibly said the other night, there was just a lot going on at once and I don't think throwing drinks into the equation-"

     "Or me kissing you." She interrupted.

     "Yeah, or that, made anything much better." I finished my sentence. "I just wasn't expecting something like that and I don't think anyone else did either." I laughed sitting up on the counter. 

     "That was my bad, you're straight, I should've known my limits." She said grabbing a beer out of the fridge.

      "No, it's not that, it's just-" I was interrupted by Jared walking into the kitchen with two other guys. 

     "Oops, did we interrupt something?" One of them asked genuinely.

    "Probably," Jared said, unamused, "this is Alex, she's going to be staying with us for a while so we can all film and record some music together." My eyes widened, he had never talked to me about recording anything musically. "Alex, this is Tony and Ryan." 

    "Nice to meet you guys." I said shaking both of their hands.

    "The first band is about to start, c'mon." Janie said, pulling me from the counter and towards the deck out back. The first band reminded me a bit of Atreyu. Janie and I locked arms and threw each other in circles in the middle of the pit while laughing. It felt like everything was going back to normal in this moment. She pulled me to the side of the pit before we spin fast enough to let go.

Lust in the Mosh Pit | A Jared Dines StoryWhere stories live. Discover now