Chapter Two

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The next day, Madison had forgotten about the Squip. So it was a big surprise when they woke up to see a glowing Eric William Morris sitting on Madison's desk, inspecting his nails. Madison's cheeks flushed, and they wanted to go right back to sleep.
    "Oh, you're awake," the Squip said, getting up from the desk. "I thought you might like a nice surprise when you awoke."
    "It's a little bit too good of a surprise," Madison mumbled, pulling their warm covers over their nose.
    The Squip grinned. It wasn't a nice grin, but Madison gave him credit for trying.
    "Alright, today is the last day of school," said the Squip. "You want to give an impression."
    "No. No I don't," Madison said back, lying back down and pulling the covers all the way over their head.
    "Ah, ah, ah," the Squip tsked. "You're getting up."
    Madison felt the sheets get ripped off of them. They shrieked, even though they were fully dressed in pajamas, they didn't appreciate the sudden chilly air.
    "Come on, Madison, we need to find some clothes that don't make you look like a nerd," the Squip nagged, throwing the blanket on the floor.
    "Uggghhhh," Madison groaned, giving in. They threw their legs off the bed onto the carpeted floor. They stretched, rubbed their eyes, sniffed, then looked at the Squip.
    "There. I'm up," they said. "Happy?"
    Madison made a face, but didn't attempt to throw back a snarky comment.
    The Squip then turned around, throwing open Madison's closet.
    "Woah woah woah!" Madison stepped forward, but tripped. The Squip pretended nothing happened while Madison crawled over to their bedside table, reaching around for their glasses. Once the glasses were placed firmly on Madison's nose, they headed over to their closet.
    "Could you not look through my closet like you own everything?" Madison asked.
    The Squip glanced over. "But that's the thing, Madison. I own you, meaning I basically own everything you do."
    Madison placed their head in their hands. The Squip continued rummaging around the closet, searching for who knows what.
    "I'm looking for something that isn't a sweater vest or khaki pants," the Squip answered, yanking something off a hanger. "Except that seems to be the only thing you own."
    Madison looked back up. "I have a pair of jeans, somewhere. Would you prefer that?"
    The Squip turned around, clutching onto a light colored denim button up Madison never wore.
    "It would make do," he replied.
    Madison sighed then crouched down to look under their bed. They had thrown them down there a few months ago, knowing that they would probably never wear them again. After a moment, Madison spotted them, grabbed hold of one leg and pulled them out. Straightening up again, they dusted them off and showed them to the Squip.
    "Hmm." The Squip looked them over. "They're skinny, so that's a pro."
    "You really want me to wear these?" Madison asked, glancing pointedly at the jeans.
    The Squip just shrugged his shoulders and looked away from them. "They're better than khakis, that's for sure. Just put them on, along with this shirt."
    He threw the shirt, Madison catching it against their chest. They really didn't want to wear them, but he knew the Squip wasn't letting them leave wearing a sweater vest.
    Madison turned and headed to their bathroom. They quickly changed into the outfit, struggling with the jeans. They were tighter than Madison remembered. Had they really grown since they last wore them? They buttoned up the denim shirt, then looked at themselves in the mirror, staring at the strange reflection.
    What am I doing?
    Finally, Madison stepped out into their room. The Squip looked over, Madison spreading their arms out.
    "Well?" they asked.
    The Squip strided over. "First of all, the shirt. You need to roll the sleeves up, it's going to be 10.2.3 degrees fahrenheit today."
    The Squip took Madison's arms, rolling up the sleeves just above the elbow.
"Second," the Squip continued after finished with Madison's sleeves. "The buttons. That's a big no-no."
He pointed at the buttons, which were done all the way up to the collar. He then took hold of the top button, undoing it. The Squip went down a few more before Madison realized how low he was going.
"Woah there!" they said. "That's a bit too low there, cowboy."
The Squip stopped, raising an eyebrow at Madison. "Cowboy?"
"Shut up," Madison grumbled.
They swatted away the Squips huge hands, doing up a few buttons, leaving just two open, revealing minimal amount of chest.
"That's good for me," Madison said.
The Squip shook his head, but let it go. He then pointed to Madison's glasses.
"We got to get rid of those," he said.
"What? My glasses?" Madison asked. The Squip nodded. "No! I'm blind without them! I need them to see so I don't trip and hit my head or something!"
"I'll guide you, no problem," the Squip replied.
Madison refused profusely. Checking the time, which was 7:02, they decided they needed to call Jeremy to ask if he could pick them up. The Squip watched as Madison talked with Jeremy, and when they finished, went to go downstairs to wait.
Madison grabbed their bag, leaving their room. Right when they were going to go down the stairs, Madison's ankle got caught on something and they tripped. They hit their nose right on the railing, Madison's glasses cracking in the process.
"What the hell!" Madison yelled. They straightened out, holding their nose. Taking off their glasses, Madison inspected them closely to see the damage. They were cracked beyond repair, they were no use to Madison.
"What they hell!" they repeated. They turned on the Squip, only a blurry glowing figure in Madison's eyes. "You did that on purpose, didn't you?"
The Squip shrugged.
"You are unbelievable," Madison growled, gripping their broken glasses. "Now I have to go to school blind."
"Oh, you'll be fine," the Squip said. "Just get your hair out of your eyes, people will want to see your grey eyes."
Madison gaped at the Squip. He just broke their glasses, and now he was talking like he did nothing of the sort. Madison didn't even care that he looked like Eric William Morris, it's not like they could see the Squip anyways.
When Madison didn't move, the Squip grabbed their arm and led them back into Madison's room. He sat them down on the bed, sitting behind Madison's stiff figure, and began to braid their hair.
"What are you doing?" Madison asked after a moment.
"I'm braiding your bangs to get them out of your face," the Squip replied.
Madison didn't say anything to that, but they were too angry to fight back. Madison's phone buzzed. Jeremy texted that he was in front of Madison's house.
"Jeremy's-" Madison began.
"I know, tell him to wait a second," the Squip said. "I'm almost done."
Madison hesitated, then did as the Squip said. After a few minutes, the Squip was finished. Madison wanted to see how they looked, but of they couldn't. The Squip, reading Madison's thought, grabbed their phone.
"Hey-what are you doing?" Madison tried to grab their phone back.
"I'm taking a picture, chill out," the Squip muttered. Madison stayed still, then hearing the camera click, swiped back their phone.
"Ok, I'm going to school now, so don't bother me," Madison said, jogging out of their room once again. They headed down the stairs, being careful to not trip. The Squip caught them when they did, which Madison shook off, still mad that he had broken their glasses.
"Hey Jeremy," Madison breathed, slipping into the passenger's seat. "Sorry, I took longer to get ready today."
"No, no, it's cool," Jeremy replied. "Speaking of, you look nice today. What happened to your glasses?"
"I, uh, I tripped and fell down the stairs," Madison lied.
"You stuttered," the Squip said inside Madison's head. They flinched slightly.
"Oh man, are you alright?" Jeremy asked, noticing the purple bruise that was forming on Madison's nose.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," Madison replied. "Come on, Michael is probably waiting for us at school."
Jeremy nodded and drove off. He was getting a lot better at driving ever since he first started last Halloween. He even went as far as getting his permit, but he still didn't have a license. Madison and Michael just never said anything about it so Jeremy didn't get in trouble.
Once they arrived at school, the first thing that happened to Madison was get a compliment from Chloe Valentine.
"Looking good, Madison!" she called.
"Oh, uh, thanks?" Madison replied.
"Be confident."
Shut up.
Jeremy laughed. "Look at that, Chloe thinks you look nice. You're officially popular!"
Madison shoved Jeremy playfully. "Shut up."
"Hey, I'm just trying to tell the truth."
"Jerry! Maddie!"
Madison and Jeremy looked around. Michael was bounding over to them. Madison didn't need glasses to know that he was holding an extra large red slushie.
"Hey, guys!" Michael greeted, pecking Jeremy on the lips. "Maddie, you look nice today. You braided your hair!"
"Haha, yeah," Madison said, rubbing their neck. "Guess I wanted to try something new. Doesn't help my eye site, though. I fell down the stairs and broke my glasses."
"Oh no! You're alright though?"
Madison nodded. "Yeah, don't worry."
"You're getting better at lying."
Madison ignored the Squip. "Hey, since it's the last day, I thought maybe we could just skip today. Go to Michael's or something, play video games."
"No! I didn't dress you up just so you could go play video games!"
Madison ignored the Squip.
"I like that idea," Michael agreed. "Jerry?"
"Sure, why not?"
The trio turned around and got back into the car. Michael had to go separately since he brought his car. They met back up in front of Michael's house. Hopping out of the car, Madison carefully followed the boyfriends up the driveway. Thank god there were no stairs, but Madison still managed to trip. Before they could make a sound, the Squip appeared and caught them. Madison looked up. The Squip still looked like Eric William Morris, making Madison blush.
"You're welcome," he said.
Madison straightened up quickly, murmuring a soft "thanks." The Squip grinned lightly and disappeared, becoming a voice inside Madison's head again.
Once inside Michael's house, everyone decided to play Apocalypse of the Damned, except Madison ended up watching since it was a two-player game. They were on level 13 now, and things were getting bloodier by the second.
"Leave them alone, they won't notice," the Squip said suddenly.
Madison jumped. I think they will.
"Oh, come on! Talk to me!"
Madison rolled their eyes, ignoring the Squip. When he kept talking, Madison got fed up and thought shut down. The Squip's voice immediately stopped. Finally, some privacy.
"Hey, hey! Don't leave me behind!" Jeremy's voice rang out.
"Catch up, then," Michael laughed, poking out his tongue at Jeremy.
"Don't stick your tongue out at me, mister!"
"You can't tell me what to do!"
Jeremy paused the game and tackled Michael. Madison giggled at the couple wrestling on the floor. They didn't want to wait around to see what happened next, so they stood up and walked into the kitchen. Madison helped themselves to a strawberry poptart. While waiting for the poptart to pop, they looked inside the fridge to see what new old school sodas Michael had collected. They couldn't really tell what was new and had already been there, what was old school and what was newer. They spotted a clear drink on the left side of the fridge. Looking closer, they saw that it was clear Mountain Dew. Madison wondered what that did to a Squip, so they started him back up to ask.
What does mountain dew whiteout do? Madison thought, squinting at the label.
"I don't wish to tell you," the Squip replied. "Just please don't drink it."
"I'll tell you another time, just don't drink it."
Fine, fine.
Madison turned away from the soda and grabbed the orange juice instead. They poured it in a cup, put the juice away, and collected their poptart that had just popped. They walked into the living room, but Michael and Jeremy were still on the floor. Madison turned to give them some privacy.
It was a while before Madison decided to go back home. They left a note on the dining table to let Michael and Jeremy know they went home so they didn't panic. The walk was a bit long, but Madison learned to trust the Squip to catch them whenever they tripped.
It was about noon when Madison finally got home. With their glasses broken, their wasn't much Madison could do. They couldn't read, couldn't watch anything, and they didn't trust themselves to make anything for lunch.
"Not to worry, I've ordered you some contacts. They should be coming soon."
Madison looked up to see the Squip (more of a blue blob) at the foot of their bed. At that moment, there was a knock on the door.
"Oh, they're here," the Squip said excitedly.
"How did they come so quickly?" Madison asked.
"I'm a supercomputer, I can control smaller devices such as phones and laptops," the Squip explained. "And maybe adjust how long it takes an online package to arrive."
"I sure wish I had that ability sooner," Madison mumbled, letting their head fall back on their pillows.
"You might want to get them, Madison," the Squip told them.
"Jesuuusss," Madison grumbled. "Fine."
As fast as they could go without glasses, Madison stumbled down the steps and retrieved the package. Back in their room, Madison attempted to open the box.
"Here, let me do it," the Squip said. "I don't want you to cut yourself."
"Oh, thanks."
A few moments later, the Squip had opened the box. He picked Madison up from the floor and led them to the bathroom. He sat them down on the sink counter, helping them put in the contacts.
"How did you know my prescription- wait, nevermind," Madison cut themselves off. "Supercomputer. Right."
A few moments later, Madison could see again. Looking in the mirror, they were caught off guard on the reflection.
"That is not me," Madison said.
"It sure is you," the Squip said back.
"I want you to stop it."

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