Chapter Six

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Here's a short chapter, I got writers block for a bit


"Honey? What's going on?"
Madison heard their -his now- mother knocking on the door. He was curled up on the ground where the Squip had pushed him to. The red Mountain Dew was soaking into the carpet, leaving a semi-translucent red stain.
His mother opened the door. She took in the splintered wood on Madison's bathroom door, the red stain on the carpet and Madison, curled in a ball against the wall, head in between his knees.
Madison's mother rushed to his side and crouched down to his level. She rubbed his back soothingly, not saying a word. She never said anything when Madison was upset because she knew that the silence would eventually get the words out of him.
"Mom?" Madison looked up. "I...I need to tell you something."
His mother just nodded encouragingly.
Madison took a breath. "'m a guy. I identify as male...again," they added hastily.
Madison's mother smiled and gave him a big hug.
"That's great, honey," she said quietly. "If you're happy, I'm happy."
Madison buried his face in the crook of his mother's neck. He heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Madison's father walked into the room, seeing his wife and son on the ground. His wife heard him as well and let go of Madison.
"George, comfort your son," she said, standing up.
"Oh, okay well- wait." He stopped. "My son?"
"Yes, your son."
Madison looked at his father and just nodded. His dad just stood there for a moment before breaking out into a huge smile. He stooped down to hug Madison.
"Does that mean we can go to football games and play catch in the yard?" he asked.
Madison laughed. "We could have done that anyways. I don't need to be a guy to do that, you know."
"I know, I know, I'm just joking."
"Have you told Michael and Jeremy yet?" asked Madison's mother.
Madison shook his head. "I'll call them. I want to tell them personally."
His mother nodded. "Come on, George, leave Madison to his friends."
George stood up, still grinning. "Well, good for you, kiddo."
With that, Madison's parents left his room, closing the door behind them. Madison sighed and reluctantly got up from the floor.
"That wasn't so hard, was it?" the Squip asked, appearing on Madison's desk.
"You be quiet, I don't want to talk to you right now," Madison muttered.
The Squip sighed and looked at his nails. "Well, you're welcome anyways."
Madison glared at him, but he didn't say anything. He didn't shut him down either, for some unknown reason. Maybe the Squip was making him do it.
"I assure you, I'm not," the Squip said. "This is entirely your decision to not shut me down. Which I appreciate."
Madison rolled his eyes and grabbed his phone.
"Hey Madison," Jeremy greeted once he picked up. "What's up?"
"Hi, Jeremy. Are you home?" Madison asked.
"Is Michael with you?"
"Yes, why?"
"Perfect. I'm coming over."
"Wait what-"
Madison ended the call and rushed downstairs. The Squip disappeared, reappearing at the bottom of the stairs in case Madison tripped.
"I'm going to Jeremy's house!" Madison called to his parents. "Bye, I love you, see you in a little bit!"
"Okay, sweetie!" Madison's mother called back.
Madison slammed the door behind him and jogged towards Jeremy's house. The Squip appeared next to him, keeping up with his jog.
"Why are you in such a hurry?" Squip asked, not even panting. "You hated the subject and suddenly you want to tell the whole world?"
Madison glanced over, looking up at the Squip. He didn't respond. Talking or thinking distracted Madison whenever he went running.
"What are you doing? How are you doing that?"
What are you talking about?
The Squip slowed for a moment, glitching over to Madison when he fell behind. "You blocked me out from your mind. You did that when we went to the mall the other day."
Madison shrugged and kept jogging.
The Squip wasn't about to drop the subject. "Madison, this is important. If you are able to block me out of your head, then I might have a glitch and that could hurt you."
Madison raised an eyebrow.
Since when do you care what hurts me?
The Squip was silent. Madison looked over to see the Squip's glow fading from pink back to his normal blue, then disappeared completely. Madison wondered what that meant.
"I...I don't want you to get hurt because of something you didn't want," the Squip finally said, seeming to choose his words carefully.
Madison looked forward again, ignoring his suddenly fluttering heart.
A few minutes later, Madison jogged up Jeremy's driveway and up the stairs to the front door. The door opened before Madison had the chance to knock.
"Madison?" Jeremy began. Michael came up behind him.
Before the moment got sappy or awkward, Madison blurted;
"I'm a guy!"
Jeremy blinked. Michael cocked his head like a puppy, sunlight reflecting in his glasses. Madison took a deep breath, panting for air and refilling his lungs.
"Wait wait wait, back up," Jeremy finally said, leaning against the door. "What?"
Madison took another deep breath.
"Here, how about we invite our buddy inside, okay Jere?" Michael suggested, pushing his boyfriend aside to let Madison in.
"Thanks," Madison said, stepping inside the house.
The group got settled in Jeremy's bedroom, Michael on the bed, Jeremy on the floor sitting between Michael' legs, and Madison on the desk chair. Madison explained the best he could how he got to his realization without mentioning the Squip directly. It was difficult, but Madison was pretty sure he got the whole story into Michael and Jeremy's head.
"That's great, Maddie!" Michael exclaimed.
Jeremy nodded, smiling from ear to ear. Madison smiled back, feeling as if he were glowing like the Squip.
"One more thing, though," Jeremy said, shifting his position on the floor. Madison nodded, gesturing for him to ask away.
"Michael an' I saw you running with someone on the way here," Jeremy said, glancing up to look at Michael. "Is know...a special someone to you? Maybe?"
Madison blushed. He wasn't paying attention enough to realize the Squip had gone into physical mode while jogging over.
"" Madison mumbled. "He's, um, just friend..."
"Very convincing, Madison."
Oh be quiet.
Michael scooted forward. "Hey, you know it's alright with us! When do we get to meet him, though?"
Madison buried his face in his hands. "Guys! It's not like that! I don't think of him in that way. He's a friend, that's all!"
"I'm hurt."
Shut up! You're a computer, goddammit!
"Hey, hey, we're joking," Jeremy said. Madison peeked through his fingers to see Jeremy grinning apologetically at him.
Madison grinned back, taking his hands away. With the questions out of the way, the trio decided to go down to play Apocalypse of the Damned. They were aiming for level 15, level 14 was harder than they thought. Madison didn't want to play, so he just watched Michael and Jeremy, curled up from the couch.

I don't know why I'm still posting, nobody reads this.

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