Chapter Nine

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Sucking too hard on your lollipop, oh love's gonna get you down-
Madison reached over to grab his phone from the side table. He grabbed his glasses (he got another pair because contacts were annoying) and looked at the screen to see who was calling on this fine Saturday morning. It was Jeremy.
"Hey...Jeremy..." Madison mumbled, voice gravelly from sleep.
"Madison! Hey, did I wake you up?" Jeremy's voice asked.
"From the sound of it, I did. It's like 11:30! Did you have a late night?"
Madison glanced over at the clock. He could barely read the glowing numbers; 11:27. He flipped onto his side, closing his eye for a moment.
"Yeah, I guess you could say that," Madison finally replied.
Now, the late night was not what people would usually think "late night" is. Madison and the Squip had stayed up until 4:00 in the morning, binge watching Sherlock on netflix. They got through all the seasons and had a long discussion on it afterwards.
"Mmm, I see. Well, anyways. Mike and I thought we would go out today at the mall, and we thought you would like to join."
"What, and have some weird threesome afterwards?" Madison asked jokingly.
The sheets rustled next to Madison, and a pair of bare arms wrapped around Madison's waist, who was also lacking a shirt. Squip nudged Madison's neck with his nose.
"Mmm, good morning, Madison. What's this about a threesome?" he asked. Madison's felt his lips brush his bare neck.
"Hush for a second," Madison whispered.
"No! You'd bring Eric with you obviously," Jeremy said. "Like a double date, y'know?"
"Yeah, sure, that sounds fun. What time?"
    "Well I was going to say around noon, but since you just woke up, how about around 2:00? We'd meet you at the Starbucks at the front."
Madison agreed on the time and ended the call. He placed his phone down and turned in the Squip's arms. He draped an arm over the Squip's hip and buried his face in his chest.
"You're a good actor, you know," Madison noted.
"Why do you say that?"
"Well, I know you didn't sleep and I know you didn't wake up just now, and so doing that lazy put your arm around me and gravelly morning voice, was obviously fake," Madison explained. "Quite convincing, though."
The Squip grinned and placed a kiss on Madison's head.
"Well, since you agreed to go out with Michael and Jeremy for that double date, that means you need to get up," the Squip said, patting Madison on the back.
At that moment, the door flew open, Madison's mother standing in the doorway.
"Finally, you're awake! Do I need to detach you guys from the bed?" she asked, placing her hands on her hips, obviously unbothered by her son sharing a bed with another person.
"Mommmm!" Madison complained.
"Don't 'mom' me, mister! I let you guys sleep in, but it's been over two hours and you need to get up," Teresa sassed. "I have a meeting I need to get to and I would rather you be awake while I'm gone. You better not be in that bed when I get back. If you go somewhere while I'm away, you let me know. There's food in the fridge. Now, I have to go. Eric? Take care of Madison, he can be really unresponsive when he's lazy."
The Squip let go of Madison and sat up, saluting Teresa with two fingers.
"You can count on me," he said.
Madison's mother nodded and turned, running down the stairs and walking out the door. Madison listened to her car leave the driveway and speed down the road.
"Alright, Madison. You heard your mother, I have to take care of you and- OW!" The Squip was cut off by Madison. He had lifted himself up onto the Squip, laying his chin on his chest and biting his neck.
The Squip whacked Madison's head gently.
"Oh come on! Don't be boring~" Madison whined, walking two of his fingers up the Squip's chest and up to his collarbone.
"Just a few weeks ago you said no lips, only nose, head and cheek yet here you are biting my neck," the Squip scolded. "I'm being a good boyfriend and going by your rules."
He slipped out of the covers and walked to the other side of the room. He feigned stretching, giving Madison a great view of the Squip's back muscles.
"You know I could have been talking about butt cheeks," Madison joked, sitting up on the pillows, placing his arms behind his head.
The Squip glanced back at him, disgusted. "That's vulgar, Madison."
Madison shrugged and gave him a 'what can you do?' face.
"Alright, now get up," the Squip demanded. "You need to eat and I'll pick out your clothes for today."
"Okay, mother," Madison grumbled.
He slid out of bed, struggling with his contacts for a few minutes and headed downstairs to eat. Opening the fridge, Madison searched for the food his mother mentioned. He found some tupperware with a note that read For Maddie. Madison opened the tupperware. His father had made banana pancakes! Madison smiled.
Madison ate the stack of pancakes faster than he wanted to, but they were just really delicious and were gone within minutes. Putting his dishes in the sink, Madison rushed upstairs to see what the Squip had picked out for him to wear.
"I'm back, are you done picking clothes out?" Madison asked, pushing the door open.
The Squip looked over at Madison, holding two different belts; one plain black and the other also black but with rhinestones.
"That was quick," the Squip noted.
Madison walked up behind the Squip and wrapped his arms around him. He had put a shirt on (much to Madison's disappointment), along with a loose, white, bathrobe style sweater.
"Yeah, my father made banana pancakes," Madison said, resting his chin on the Squip's shoulder. He watched him skillfully pick out clothes and put them together with another piece, matching them perfectly. After a moment, the Squip turned around and shoved a pile of clothing into Madison's arms.
"Change," he ordered.
Madison took the clothes and began changing. The Squip blushed.
" aren't changing in the bathroom anymore?" he asked, cursing himself for stammering in his sentence.
Madison shrugged and slid off his pajama pants, replacing them with the black and white striped ones the Squip had given him.
"It's not like we're strangers anymore," Madison told him. "Anyways, were both guys here, aren't we? Well, supercomputer guy and human guy."
The Squip just nodded and wrapped his arms around himself. "Yes, I suppose so."
Madison rolled his eyes playfully and continued to change, wondering why the sweater was so short. When he was finished, he went to look at his reflection in the bathroom. The Squip had chosen a dark blue crop top sweater with the cookie monster on it ("When the fuck did I buy this?") with a black T-shirt underneath. They were matched with skinny black and white striped jeans and his mother's black hat. Madison turned around to see the back.
"My ass looks great in these pants," Madison commented.
Squip smirked, placing his hand on Madison's lower back when he turned around. Madison felt the hand slide down to his butt, where he got a hard pinch.
"OW! What was that about?" Madison jumped back, turning to face the Squip. He put his back against the wall, protecting his butt.
The Squip shrugged, giving Madison his lopsided grin. "Who knows. It's not like my feelings are real, so you can't blame me from wanting to try-"
"That's some pretty unholy stuff going on through that head of yours," Madison interrupted, running out of his bathroom and jumping on his bed. The Squip followed Madison out and laughed.
"Don't talk to me about unholy, I can hear you read those stories on your phone," he said, following Madison onto the bed.
Madison rolled off the mattress and scoffed. "I'll have you know McPriceley is very holy. They're mormons, remember? Soldiers of the army of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints," he recited.
Squip stopped trailing Madison and relaxed on the pillows of the bed. "If you call two men slamming each other against the wall and fucking each other holy, then I don't want to know what you think unholy is."
"Hey! It's good reading material," Madison defended. He grabbed his phone and looked at the time, noticing a notification. "Speaking of, one of my favorite stories has been updated-"
Madison's phone was suddenly ripped from his grip. He whined in protest, trying to reach for his phone.
"Ah, ah, ah," Squip tsked, sliding the device in his pocket. "No gay fanfiction until after the date today, okay?"
"No buts. Pun not intended."
Madison mock pouted. "Fine. But can I have my phone back?"
"When we leave you can have it back."
Madison agreed to the terms and conditions.

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