Chapter Fourteen

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    "Shit shit shit."
    Jeremy scrambled for his phone which happened to not be in any of his pockets. Jerking his gaze around the living room, his eyes landed on the device charging in the connected kitchen. Jeremy pulled it from the charger and quickly dialed in Michael's phone number.
    "Jerry? What's up?" Michael answered after the second ring.
    "Madison fainted and I don't know what to do!" Jeremy exclaimed.
    "What? Did he forget to drink water or did he not eat?"
    "I don't know! But he was complaining about having a headache and other things before he went unconscious. Is that normal?" Jeremy looked at Madison, biting his nails.
    "That is totally not normal!" Michael's voice rose suddenly. "Why the hell did you call me? You should be calling 9-1-1!"
    Jeremy slapped his forehead. "I'm an idiot. I'm sorry Michael."
    "Don't apologize. I'll be over in a few."
Jeremy hung up and hurriedly dialed 9-1-1 in his phone.
    "This is 9-1-1, what's your emergency?" a voice answered.
    Jeremy immediately began ranting, panic growing. "Hi, my friend here just fainted, but he was complaining about having a horrible headache and then he got really scared because he couldn't see and his legs weren't moving and then he said his hearing was fading and then he fell on the ground and he won't wake up, please help me!"
"Calm down, sir. Tell me your address, we'll send over an ambulance."
Jeremy spit out his address before hanging up and throwing his phone onto the couch. Madison was on the carpeted living room floor, unconscious. Jeremy kneeled down beside him.
"Come on, Madison," Jeremy pleaded. "Don't die on me."
It was a few minutes before sirens could be heard. Jeremy did his best to pick up his friend, but with Madison being taller than even him this proved to be slightly difficult. Jeremy opened the front door and half-carried-half-dragged Madison out of the house.
"Sir, let us take care of this," said a man who had emerged from the ambulance.
Jeremy nodded and let the people take over the situation. He bit his nails, his stomach filled with dread and nervousness. Michael's PT Cruiser then made an appearance. The car screeched to a halt, and Michael practically exploded out and rushed towards Jeremy.
"Jerry! Are you okay?" he asked, taking his boyfriend into his arms.
"Don't ask me that, I'm not the one who fainted after being in a bunch of pain." Jeremy's voice shook as he wrapped his long arms around Michael's torso.
"Right. What happened?"
Jeremy looked over at Madison, who was now being loaded into the ambulance on a stretcher. He just looked so...dead.

"Hey, Jeremy?"
Jeremy looked up as Madison emerged from the bathroom. "What's up?"
"Where's your tylenol? I've got this horrible headache, it hasn't gone away since yesterday. It wasn't in your bathroom," Madison said, holding his head.
"Here, let me get it for you."
Jeremy stood up from the couch and walked to the kitchen. He grabbed the medicine and a glass of water, taking it over to Madison. He was still in the doorway that led into the living room. He looked panicked.
"Madison? Are you okay?" Jeremy asked, holding out the water and pill. Madison didn't take it.
"Jeremy, I can't see."
Jeremy furrowed his eyebrows, placing the things in his hands down on the coffee table.
"Here, come to the couch."
"I can't move my legs either."
Jeremy was thoroughly confused, but he wrapped one of Madison's arms around his shoulders and tried to walk him over to the couch.
" legs don't want to work." Madison's voice was shaking as he slowly shuffled to the couch.
"It's okay, just try to keep going, we're almost there," Jeremy said, trying to keep Madison and himself calm.
"I said you're almost there."
"Jeremy, I can't hear you. My hearing is leaving me, I'm going deaf!"
Jeremy was now terrified, but he didn't want to show that he was. He looked around, knowing full well that he wasn't going to find anything that would help.
"Umm, one second. Madison, stay here," Jeremy said, walking to the kitchen again.
Suddenly there was a loud thud. Jeremy spun around to find Madison on the ground, eyes closed. He rushed to his friend's side, checking his pulse. It was still beating.
"Shit shit shit."

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