Chapter Seventeen

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The Squip woke up in Madison's bedroom. How did he get there? Wait, he woke up like a normal person would wake up from a nap. Squip's didn't do that. He sat up on Madison's bed and looked at his hands. They were a normal human skin tone, the greyish tint no longer there. The Squip placed a hand on his chest. A rhythmic beat was felt underneath his hand.
The blankets on the bed were soft. His fingers sunk into the pillows. It was all so strange...yet the Squip was sure he enjoyed it. Is this was real enjoyment felt like? He took up a pillow, hugging it to his chest. There was a scent from the pillow; mango conditioner and women's linen scented deodorant. It was Madison's scent, the Squip was sure.
Madison. The Squip thought about Madison. His heart felt like it had erupted into a million butterflies and they spread throughout his body. His pulse quickened and a smile crept into his expression. Is that what romantic feelings really felt like?
It was only then that the Squip realized something. Madison wasn't here. Where was he? He looked around the room. He felt a buzz come from the pocket of the jeans he was wearing. He pulled out a phone, a notification lighting the screen.

Unknown Number: Hello, Squip C1944, this is Doctor Katsuro. You have successfully gone through the process of becoming a human being. You may be wondering what is going on, so I will explain. Once we had completed the procedure, your heart along with your brain seemingly failed. We were able to prevent your death, though it seems that a part of the experiment did not go according to plan. Because of your previous life as a Squip, the brain did not accept any memories from the process nor returning back to where your host currently lives, which happened as a last time Squip caused transport. We have no explanation for this, though nothing else had gone wrong, and this malfunction will do nothing to harm your physical or mental state.
A few things you should know: several features will take awhile to develop, such as the need to eat, drink, use the restroom, etc. Do not be worried about the lack of hunger and such things. They will happen in a week or so. I do hope you enjoy your life as a human. I wish you and Madison well.

The Squip was confused. Apparently he was an experiment? He knew he had gone to Japan to update, but he didn't remember anything other than that. He's just suddenly a human now? Nothing made sense. He didn't like having something not make sense; Squips were extremely smart. They knew everything.
Despite his confusion, the Squip exited the message app and dialed in a number. He had that phone number memorized though he knew he never would need it as a Squip. He placed the phone to his ear once the call had gone through.
That wasn't Madison. "Hello? It's... Eric?
"Oh, Eric! This is his mother, we've met. We've been wondering about you, we had no way of contacting you! Madison is in the hospital.
The Squip had a feeling in his stomach that he could only explain as if his heart fallen into it.
"Oh god. Oh my god," the Squip muttered, dropping his head into his free hand.
"Don't worry, he's alright now, just sleeping. Come by if you can, I'm sure Madison would appreciate it very much."
"Of course."
The Squip hung up and placed the phone back into his pocket. The update he had went through put Madison in the hospital. How could he do such a horrible thing?
He spent no time wallowing in self disappointment. Like the Flash, the Squip was out of the door and sprinting towards the hospital. Almost a quarter way there, he had to slow down and catch his breath.
"I'm never going to get used to this human thing," he grumbled, though continued to push forward.
When he finally arrived at the giant building, the Squip marched right up to the receptionist desk.
"Madison Harper, where is he?" he demanded.
The receptionist sighed. "Relationship to the patient?"
"Hos- er....boyfriend."
The receptionist pointed behind her down a hallway, not bothering to write him a visitors pass. "He's down there, room A69. There's like six other people there, by the way."
The Squip nodded and ran down the hall. He checked all doors he past, glancing at the numbers. He realized he went too far and backtracked to room A69. He stood in the doorway, panting. He was greeted by six other faces. Michael gave him a hard glare, inhaling sharply. Jeremy just looked completely surprised.
"Eric?" he said, his voice an octave higher.
In between all the faces was Madison laying on a hospital bed, gauze bandages wrapped around his head. At the name, his eyes flew open. Madison sat up, eyes wide, as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing.
"Wha...what...Eric-c?" he sputtered. "B-but...I thought-"
The Squip stepped inside. He looked at Madison's mother.
"Could you give us a minute?" he asked softly.
Teresa smiled. "Of course. Come on, everyone."
Everyone nodded and followed Mrs. Harper out. Michael shoved past him, 'accidentally' stepping on the Squip's foot. The Squip winced at the unfamiliar feeling of pain, despite the pain not being anything dramatic.
Once everyone had left the room, the Squip closed the door and stepped towards Madison's bed.
"Is it okay if I sit?" he asked.
Madison just nodded, eyes still wide and following the Squip's every move. He moved cautiously and sat down next to Madison on the bed. He placed a hand over Madison's. Madison inhaled sharply.
"You feel...different," he whispered.
The Squip picked up Madison's hand and placed it over his heart. This earned a gasp from Madison.
" have a...a heart beat? You have a heart?" he asked, dumbstruck.
The Squip nodded. "That was my update. I'm a human."
Madison was rendered speechless. Even after the Squip had taken his hand away, Madison kept his own hand over his heart. It was a wonderful feeling.
"Look, Madison, I'm so sorry about everything," the Squip said suddenly. "I feel horrible about putting you in the hospital because of this update. If I had known-"
Madison stopped him.
"Hey, it's okay."
He made the Squip look in his eyes. They were no longer bright electric blue; they had toned down to a cornflower shade.
"I'm just so glad you're here. I went through surgery because your Squip pill exploded in my brain and they had to remove it," Madison told him. "I thought you were gone forever. But you being here, and as a human on top of everything, is the best thing I could ask for. Don't be sorry for anything, nothing you did was wrong."
The Squip looked at Madison, his eyes watering, though he didn't let anything fall. He rubbed his hand against his eyes, getting rid of any trace of tears.
"So...what's it like not being a Squip anymore?" Madison asked after a moment.
The Squip ran a hand through his dark curls. "I'm not completely used to it yet. You know, now that I think about it, I've been calling myself a Squip still. 'Squip' isn't much of a name, is it?"
Madison shook his head, which caused it to ache. He stopped shaking it. "No, I guess not. Looks like you're gonna have to accept the name Eric, huh?"
The Squip - Eric - sighed. "I guess so. Still can't change it to Benedict?"
"I'm afraid not, Eric."
Eric laughed. Madison smiled at the laugh. It was a real one, not the fake humor Eric had felt as a computer.
"I still need a last name. I can't just be Eric," he pointed out.
Madison furrowed his eyebrows. "You're right. Any ideas?"
"I'll let you choose."
"Oh, you will? I'm honoured. How about Stark?"
"Absolutely not."
They went through a bunch of names, Eric disagreed to all of them. Madison was getting fed up.
"Come on, you said I could choose!" Madison exclaimed.
"I need to like the name, but you keep choosing names from fandoms. My first name already comes from that one actor you like."
Madison huffed. "Fine, this is the last one I can think of: Lovette."
Eric looked thoughtful. "Eric Lovette. Yeah, I think I like that one."
"Good. You'd made a great Mrs. Lovett, by the way."
Eric glared at Madison. "Ohh, I'm going to strangle you."
"I'm already in the hospital because of you. I will sue you if I have to. Anyways, you already agreed to the name."
"Fine. I'm only keeping it because I love you."
Madison paused. "You do?"
Eric seemed to realize what he said. Then he smiled.
"Yeah, I guess I do."

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