Chapter Eleven

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I'm embarrassed of this chapter. Beware of the end of it. Slightly spicy.

I'm so sorry for what you are about to read.


    "Have a good party!" Madison's mother said while standing in the open doorway.
    "Don't have too much fun," his father told him, standing next to his wife.
    "Mom! Dad! People are going to be here any moment now!" Madison complained, trying to push his parents out of the house.
    It was the day of his birthday party. Madison had convinced his parents to leave the house for the night so they wouldn't embarrass him or restrict the guests from doing things they wouldn't approve of.
    "Don't be so rude, you're parents are just being parents," the Squip said from the couch, a copy of The Great Gatsby in hand.
    "Listen to your boyfriend, Madison," Teresa said, nodding approvingly in the Squip's direction. Madison rolled his eyes.
    "Alright, alright."
    Madison allowed his parents to give him hugs before continuing to nudge them out of the doorway.
    "We love you, happy birthday honey!"
    "Yup, love you too, bye now!" With that, Madison closed the door.
    Squip looked up from his book. "Don't stress so much, you're having a party."
    "Yeah, yeah, I know."
    The room fell silent for a moment. A moment later, there was a knock on the door. Madison sighed and opened it.
    "Heya, Maddie!" Michael greeted.
    "Michael! Jeremy! Hey, thanks for coming." Madison grinned at the couple.
    Jeremy pushed his way through the door, Michael following. "Of course we were coming to your party. You never throw parties, I'm not missing a once in a lifetime chance."
    Madison chuckled, closing the door again. Michael went to say hi to the Squip while Jeremy helped himself to the fridge.
    "You do realize that there's already food on the tables," Madison pointed out.
    Jeremy stood up with a bottle of crystal pepsi and a slice of cold pizza. He closed the door and sat at the kitchen table, which was pushed aside to put more space in the kitchen.
    "I do realize that, but I knew you weren't going to put the good stuff out and I haven't eaten dinner yet," Jeremy said, his words muffled from the pizza.
    Madison stared at Jeremy before shaking his head and joining the Squip on the couch. The Squip automatically wrapped and arm around Madison's shoulders.
    "Michael, please teach your boyfriend friend-visiting etiquette," Madison joked, getting comfortable in his own boyfriend's arms.
Michael scoffed. "Maybe when you and Eric stop with the PDA. Public affection makes people uncomfortable, you know."
"I understood that reference," Madison said.
"I understood that reference."
"You're such a nerd," the Squip muttered, putting his nose back in his book.
Madison giggled. The doorbell then rang. Madison jumped off the couch to see who was at the door.
"Hi Chloe, Brooke," Madison greeted, stepping back to let the two girls in.
Chloe was noticeably excited while Brooke seemed a bit bored. Madison wasn't too fond of Brooke and vise versa, but he knew Chloe wasn't going anywhere without her best friend at her hip.
As the afternoon slowly turned to evening, the Harper household filled up with high school students. Everyone Madison invited had came, who brought friends of their own, and those friends brought more friends. Madison's grin faltered as more people he didn't recognize entered his house, letting them in as his guests reassured him that they knew them.
"Oh my god," Madison muttered, leaning on the Squip in the kitchen. The living room was filled, and the only mostly vacant space was near the fridge. The Squip wrapped an arm around Madison and squeezed his shoulders.
"It's just tonight, okay? Then you can be as socially awkward as you want," the Squip said.
"Remind me to never throw parties again."
"Sure thing, darling."
Madison fell silent, though that did nothing to lower the noise that filled the house. A few people came up to say hi and the Squip took over with the socializing. Madison could tell he didn't care about anything the guests told the Squip, but he was trying to be being polite. After a moment, Madison saw a few people attempting to sneak upstairs. He parted from the Squip's side.
It was Chloe and Rich. Chloe was trying to drag the poor boy upstairs while Rich did the best he could to call out to Jake.
"Chloe, leave Rich alone please," Madison deadpanned. He crossed his arms and stood at the foot of the staircase.
Chloe gazed at Madison, a flirtatious smile adorning her bright red lips. The whole scene Chloe was making seemed half-hearted.
"Oh, alright. Can't say I didn't try," she said. She let go of Rich's wrist, and the short boy scampered away, taking cover in Jake's tall figure. Chloe looked past Madison into the kitchen as if watching for something.
Madison stepped up to Chloe, giving her a questioning look while passing her and checking the rest of the second story. The door to his parents room was slightly ajar, and Madison could see two- no, three- people inside on the bed.
"Shit," Madison muttered. He'd just have to change the sheets before his parents came home.
Leaving the top room and making sure his own bedroom was untouched, he made his way back downstairs. Chloe was gone.
Making his way back to the kitchen and his boyfriend, Madison noticed Brooke pressing up against the Squip. The Squip made no move to do anything about her except ignore her presence. Furrowing his eyebrows, Madison picked his way through all the people.
"Erm...Eric? You realize there's a blonde practically glued to your hip?" Madison asked.
The Squip looked down at Brooke as if he just noticed she was there. "Well, it's obviously not the blonde that I want glued to my hip."
Brooke looked over at Madison. "Oh, you're back already. I thought that since you left this gorgeous boy alone, I would keep the seat warm. Though I thought you would have been more caught up with your distraction."
Madison's brain clicked. Chloe lured him away to let Brooke hit on his boyfriend. Chloe even knew Madison was with the Squip, even though she found out at the time when they were still faking it all.
"Ah. I see." Madison shifted his weight from one foot to the other, placing a hand on his hip. "Well, you've warmed the seat. Give me my boyfriend back."
Brooke removed herself reluctantly from the Squip's side, huffing. She strided away, flicking her hair back.
"You don't deserve him," she breathed as she passed Madison.
Madison flinched. The Squip felt Madison's sudden mood change. Escaping the conversation he was in, he moved to Madison and wrapped his  arms around him.
"Hey, you're fine," the Squip told him. "Brooke's a slut."
Madison snorted, his good mood returning a bit. "That's an understatement."
"I'm keeping it PG-13."
"You aren't doing a great job at that. Change your vulgar language."
"I will when you do."
Madison lightly slapped the Squip on the chest. "We both know that isn't going to happen."
The Squip slip his arm down to Madison's waist, grinning.
"Woah woah! We talked about this!"
Madison looked over to see Michael scrambling through the crowd. His sweatshirt was tied around his waist, showing off his Big Bang Theory themed T-shirt. He marched up to the couple and gazed at them sternly.
"No PDA, please. We're trying are having a good time here," he scolded.
Madison rolled his eyes and pointed to the living room, where there were a few people trying to discreetly make out, although they were either too drunk or stoned to realize they weren't doing great at keeping secrets.
"If you don't want PDA, tell those guys over there to quit it," Madison said. "Along with the people having a threesome in my parents room."
Michael winced. "Oh, god."
The Squip snorted. "Have fun cleaning that up tomorrow."
Madison glared at his boyfriend. "You know damn well that you're helping with cleaning up."
Michael interrupted before the Squip could shoot back a response. "Hey, let's forget about that, I came to give Madison something."
Madison immediately turned back to his friend. "Oooo, a present?"
Michael nodded and handed Madison a bag. Looking inside, Madison saw several bottles of clear soda. It was that weird Mountain Dew he saw in Michael's fridge that one day. The Squip went stiff.
"Aww, thanks Michael!" Madison exclaimed. "I saw this before, you've never given it to me with the other sodas."
"Well, it's a newer flavor of Mountain Dew, that's why I didn't give it to you," Michael explained. "It's a good flavor though."
"Hey, Michael!"
Michael turned to see Jeremy. He was waving him over where he and a few other were playing Cards Against Humanity.
"It's your turn, bro!"
"Coming, one second!" Michael called. He turned back to Madison. "Well, hope you like the gift, I gotta get back to my game."
Madison nodded and Michael returned to the group. Turning to the Squip, Madison held up the bag.
"What does this kind of Mountain Dew do to a Squip?" He asked. "You wouldn't tell me last time I asked."
The Squip shifted uncomfortably. "I had a good reason for not giving you such information."
Madison quirked a brow. "Okay, well if you don't tell me I'll drink it and find it myself."
"No!" The Squip snatched the bottle Madison was about to open. "Don't...don't open it. Or drink it."
Madison paused for a moment.
"Okay, well now I really wanna know what it does," he said.
Madison grabbed another bottle from the bag. The Squip took that one as well, but Michael had packed a whole bunch of the soft drink in the gift bag, so Madison was able to replace it again. The Squip, having no more hands, panicked and rushed to put down the bottles in his hands, but due to the crowd, he couldn't teleport or place them down fast enough. Madison cracked open the Mountain Dew and chugged half of the bottle.
The Squip stopped. He dropped the soda bottles on the ground. Madison panicked for a second.
"Please don't go evil on me-" he pleaded. He was cut off from saying anything else."
The Squip grabbed Madison by the waist and pinned him against the fridge. Several magnets and papers fell to the ground. The guests near them either ignored the scene or whooped.
"Get some, Maddie!" Madison heard someone shout.
"I told you not to drink it," the Squip growled, tracing a finger up Madison's stomach, lifting up the hem of his shirt.
Madison gulped.
"Hey, look, I'm sorry," he stuttered. "Let's just forget that I drank the soda and everything will be alright- mMHP!"
A pair of lips were smashed against Madison's. He was shoved harshly against the fridge again, knocking off any remaining magnets. Not completely minding the sudden affection, Madison kissed back, though the Squip wanted full control of everything. He pulled back and attacked Madison's neck, sliding a hand up his shirt.
"H-hey," Madison mumbled. "We're in front of e-everyone."
The Squip glanced up at Madison. His eyes shone an unnaturally bright blue.
"You brought this upon yourself, Madison," he said, sliding his hand back down and palming Madison through his jeans. Madison stifled a groan.
"We can make this more private if you like," the Squip purred, "upstairs."
Madison took a breath. "Please."
The Squip kicked behind Madison's knees, causing him to fall in the Squip's arms. Hoisting him up, the Squip marched through the crowd of people, several people whistling as the couple passed.
"Hey, I have a question," Madison said suddenly, tracing his finger around the Squip's collarbone. "As a computer, what's in your pants?"
"As a computer, that's for me to know and you to find out."
Madison wiggled his eyebrows. "Mmm, exciting."
They stopped conversing as the Squip began his way upstairs. His fingers and face glitched every so often. Madison guessed it was from the Mountain Dew.
At the top of the stairs and in Madison's room, the Squip threw Madison on his bed and slammed the door behind him, catching Jeremy's attention downstairs. He nudged Michael.
"I think we're taking over as the hosts, tonight," Jeremy informed his boyfriend.
Michael picked a card out of the deck. "Why's that?'
"Eric just slammed Madison's bedroom door with both inside. I think our friend is about to have a sleepless night."
Michael snorted. "I told them to stop with the PDA, and look where that got them."
Jeremy rolled his eyes, elbowing Michael. "Whatever. It's your turn."

Oh god I'm SO sorry

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