Chapter Four

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"Woah, woah, woah! Who ever said that was fair?!"
Madison rapidly pressed the buttons on their controller, trying to catch up to Michael. Michael laughed and sprinted ahead, killing about ten zombies, a smattering of blood droplets dotted the screen. Jeremy laughed from the couch, eating some kettle corn Madison had made for everyone earlier. Madison killed a few zombies that were in their way and attempted to catch up with Michael, who went on ahead to a different area.
Out of nowhere, Madison's character was attacked.
Madison sighed in defeat as the words "GAME OVER" popped up on the screen. Michael groaned in annoyance.
"We were almost there!" he exclaimed, throwing down his controller.
"Calm down, Michael." Jeremy tried to comfort his boyfriend. "It's my turn anyways, we'll get to the next level."
Madison reluctantly gave Jeremy their controller, switching spots with him on the couch and by the popcorn bowl.
"Can we go nowwww?"
Madison sighed at the Squip's complaining. They popped a few pieces of kettle corn in their mouth before standing up and stretching their arms.
"You going somewhere?" Michael asked, dipping his head back to look at Madison.
"Yeah, I'm sorry," Madison said, rubbing their neck. "I promised a friend that they could take me to the mall today."
"Oooo, a date?" Jeremy wiggled his eyebrows.
Madison's cheeks flushed. "No no no, nothing like that."
"Then why are you blushing?"
"Okay, bye, see you later!" Madison said, turning around to head out of Michael's house. "Don't have too much fun!"
"You can't keep it a secret forever, Madison!" Michael called.
With that, Madison slammed the front door and walked down the driveway. They chuckled at Michael and Jeremy while they walked. They walked to the mall since Michael's house was close to it anyways.
"You remember your promise, yes?" the Squip asked, popping up next to Madison.
"Yes. I do."
Madison promised the Squip that he could take them to the mall and do whatever he wanted. Madison was just so bored and made that stupid promise. But since Summer Vacation was already a month in, Madison figured they may as well go out and do something.
The Squip was practically prancing with excitement. His blue glow had brightened to a blinding state, causing Madison to avert their gaze from the Squip. He had even dressed up in clothes that he called his "domestic male youth culture outfit". This consisted of some of the tightest black skinny jeans Madison had ever seen with rips at the knees, a black T-shirt with white splatters and a leather jacket with a bunch of chains and metal trinkets. His hair even had a few bright blue streaks in it. Madison just thought he looked like he was trying to fit in at a metal concert.
"I'm offended."
Madison squinted at the Squip. "Why? Because I think you look like a wannabe goth?"
"Ouch, that's even worse than the first thing!" the Squip huffed, crossing his arms. "I'm just fitting in!"
"But nobody else but me can see you, what's the point?"
The Squip gasped, placing a hand on his chest as if he were actually offended, his glow lowering to a tolerable brightness. "No point? You should always take the chance to dress up, even if nobody is going to see you!"
Madison snorted and looked ahead. The Squip had tried to dress Madison in mall appropriate clothing, which turned out to be the skinny jeans they wore on the last day of school and one of Madison's dad's Star Wars shirts. It was way too big for Madison, but the Squip managed to make it look good. He had to be talked out of braiding Madison's hair. Their hair was getting wavy from all the weaving, and Madison didn't appreciate that.
Once they arrived at the mall, Madison got pulled along by the Squip as he led them past a bunch of stores and kiosks selling phone cases and expensive watches. Madison got a few strange looks, which was understandable as nobody could see the Squip and just a teenager running through the mall.
Finally, the Squip stopped in front of a store with some kind of rock music playing inside. Madison looked up at the sign: Spencers.
"Really? Spencers?" Madison asked. "I thought all this store sold was ouija boards, weed themed shit and sex toys."
A couple walking by looked at Madison strangely.
"Great job, now people think you're crazy," the Squip commented.
Oh be quiet. Let's make this quick.
Madison walked into the store and tried to ignore any looks they got. Picking up a random shirt, Madison looked at what was on it. There was a picture of happy looking animated kids sitting together in a sandbox, a pentagram traced in the sand. Words in red letters surrounded them saying 'Our first time summoning the Devil!"
Madison laughed.
"Buy it."
The Squip looked at the shirt. "If you like it, buy it."
Madison shook their head. No way. I'm a good person, remember?
"Alright. Do whatever you want." The Squip shrugged and stalked off to the back of the store. Madison put the shirt back and followed.
When Madison walked around the poster display where they saw the Squip go, they were confused when he wasn't there.
Squip? Where are you?
No answer.
"I'm right here."
Madison flinched. They turned around to look at the Squip. He had his hands on his hips and was looking towards the entrance of the store.
"Let's go, I'm bored," he said, striding to the exit.
We were barely here five minutes!
"Well that five minutes was long enough for me. Come on!"
Madison ran their hands through their hair before following the Squip out of the store and back out into the main part of the mall.
Madison trailed the Squip around the mall like a lost puppy, not knowing any of the Squip's next moves. They stopped at Hot Topic, H&M, and at some point even a massage place. Apparently Madison wasn't relaxed enough, so the Squip told them to get a back massage. This included taking off their shirt, which Madison wasn't happy about, but they had promised the Squip that today was his day, so they did it anyways.
Around 1:00, Madison made the Squip stop so that they could eat. Not wanting to keep him waiting, Madison ordered food from the first place they saw, which was a pretzel place. They grabbed a giant bag of mini pretzel pieces and a mountain dew.
"If I drink regular mountain dew, does that do anything to you?" Madison asked, popping a pretzel bite in their mouth.
"No," the Squip replied. "But in later updates, maybe. And speak in your mind, please."
Madison swallowed. "Later updates?"
Squip glared.
Sorry. Later updates?
"Yes. I'm a different type of Squip than your friend Jeremy had. That one...had a few difficulties while being made," the Squip explained. "I'm a newer version, so I can update myself, and that adds other features. I don't know what they are though, so we will both have to wait a see what they are."
Oh. So the you're kind of like a phone. When it updates, new apps or something are added. That's cool.
"If that's what you want to compare me to, sure."
But you're better than a phone. You're...well... I don't know. You're just better than a phone.
"Thank you."
You betcha, buddy.
The Squip looked over at Madison, who made a finger gun with one hand and winked. Squip just squinted at them before turning his gaze ahead.
Once Madison had finished eating, the Squip dragged them to Zumiez.
Zumiez?! This place is expensive!
"Which means they have stylish clothes," said the Squip, walking inside.
Madison stayed in the doorway for a few moments, questioning their existence before walking into the store. The Squip was looking at a jacket. When Madison approached him, he gestured that they look at it.
Picking it up, Madison saw that it was a letterman's jacket. The solar system was on the back of the jacket, a single planet patch on the front.
This is nice. Should I get it?
The Squip nodded briskly before heading off to another part of the store. Madison threw the letterman's jacket over their arm and followed. The Squip had already picked out about eight shirts for Madison to try on. Madison had barely tried on two shirts when a bunch of skinny jeans appeared on the hook inside the changing room.
"Jesus Christ..." Madison muttered, continuing to try on the shirts. When they had finished trying on all the clothes, they threw open the curtain to pay for the clothes. The Squip's voice interrupted them and turned them back around into the changing room once again.
"You need to try on different combinations of those clothes so you can see what goes with what."
Groaning, Madison closed the curtain and tried the clothes on again, this time combining them with these jeans or that shirt.
Finally, finally, Madison had tried as many combinations as they could and marched up to the Squip, a bunch of clothes in their arms. It didn't help that they had bags of clothes from other stores to hold.
You want me to buy all of these?
"Yes. Then we can burn all of your hideous sweater vests and khakis," the Squip said.
But this is going to cost me like a thousand dollars!
"It will cost you approximately $887.92," the Squip corrected.
Okay, but still! I didn't bring that much! I only have like $20 left from the other shopping trips we made.
"Don't worry. I pickpocket a few people," the Squip said, inspecting his nails.
Madison gaped. You what? Why would you do that!
The Squip shrugged. "I knew this was going to be expensive, so I stole a few hundred dollars from the surrounding civilians in the mall."
I cannot believe you.
"They won't notice, it's alright!" the Squip reassured Madison. "Now go buy your clothes so people won't notice you gaping at air."
Madison huffed, but did as they were told anyways. They marched up to the cash register, placing the pile of clothes on the counter.
"That's quite a bit of clothes you're buying there," the cashier observed. She began scanning them, eyeing Madison.
"You just moved in from Manhattan," the Squip said.
"I just moved in from Manhattan," Madison repeated, looking anywhere except the cashier's eyes.
She chuckled, continuing to scan the clothes.
"She's into you. She's going to give you her number," the Squip said.
Hell no!
"Why not? She's attractive, wouldn't you say?"
I mean, sure, she's pretty, but I like guys.
"What?" The Squip looked at Madison.
You didn't know- Oh. I don't think about that a lot, maybe that blocked you from knowing that. I can do that?
"Apparently so..." the Squip muttered.
Also, I talk about how much I love Eric William Morris, and you don't get the impression that I just might be queer?
"To be fair, you don't have to be queer to have a man-crush," the Squip defended himself, crossing his arms.
"That'll be $887.92," the cashier announced, pulling Madison out of their conversation with the Squip.
", yeah one second," Madison said, forgetting all about the recent conversation.
Where's that money you said you stole?
"Check your back pocket."
Madison shoved their hand in their back pocket and pulled out a giant wad of money. They tried not to gape at the amount in their hand, and handed it to the cashier. She looked about as surprised as Madison felt. She began counting the money, handing back the extra.
"Thanks," Madison mumbled, shoving the extra in the H&M bag on their arm.
The cashier started packing the clothes in a few bags. Madison caught her slip a piece of paper in one of them. They tried not to cringe.
"Well," said the cashier, handing Madison the bags. "I do hope to see you soon. Have fun getting settled in New Jersey."
She leaned forward on the counter, obviously trying to show off her boobs. Madison gulped and grabbed the bags. They smiled awkwardly and walked towards the exit.
"Umm, bye!" he called, rushing to leave.
When Madison was a safe distance from Zumiez, the Squip appeared next to them.
"That was real smooth," he deadpanned.
I'm sorry! I don't know how to deal with flirtatious girls!
The Squip didn't say anything and just headed towards another store.
"Come on, one more store then we can leave," he said.
Madison took a deep breath and jogged to catch up.

The last store they went to was Vans. Madison picked a pair of black vans with embroidered roses on them. The Squip left for a little while and returned with a pair of combat boots, promptly denying that he had stolen them. Madison just let it go, they were too tired to argue with him.
Finally, Madison's mother picked them up and drove home.
"You sure bought a lot of clothes," she said, helping Madison take the bags inside and up to Madison's room.
Madison dropped the bags and fell onto their bed.
"Goodness, you were only gone for a couple hours, are you really that tired?" their mother asked worriedly. "Do you feel okay? You want some iced tea?"
"That would be great, thank you," Madison mumbled from their pillow.
"Alright sweetie, I'll be right back."
Once their mother left, the Squip reappeared. He had taken off his leather jacket and replaced it with a white sweater.
"I apologize for making you so tired," he said, sitting on Madison's desk chair, which he seemed to have claimed as his own.
Madison just flapped a hand to show that it was fine. The room was silent. Madison's mother came back with iced peppermint tea, which Madison gratefully accepted and drank in several gulps. They placed the cup on their bedside table along with three other cups that had been sitting their for a few days. With that, they closed their eyes.
"Are you going to sleep?" the Squip asked. "It's only 6:22."
"Leave me to rest," Madison grumbled curling up on their sheets.
A moment of silence.
"Okay. Sleep well."

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