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"Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yes, Eric. I'm fine."
"You're just out of the hospital. When was your surgery?"
"One week ago. But because this was because of your update, I recovered faster than a normal person."
Madison was a day out of the hospital and Eric was bumbling around him like a concerned mother.
"Eric, calm down," Madison sighed. "I'm trying to take you somewhere. You said you were hungry right?"
"Yeah, but-"
"Good. You've never been hungry before and you're going to have the best first meal you've ever had. Now shut your mouth and drive."
Eric grumbled but turned his eyes back to the road. He had no clue where they were going, but since Madison had yet to get his driving license, Eric had taken the wheel and was blindly driving towards a destination, Madison directing him where to go. Not that Eric had a driving license either, but they weren't telling anybody that.
"Can you please tell me where we're going?" Eric asked, breaking the blanket of silence that had suddenly fallen in the car.
Madison shook his head lightly. "Nope. I already told you, it's a surprise."
"I wish I could still read your mind," Eric muttered.
This earned a laugh from Madison. "I'm surprised you were able to listen to all of my chaotic gay thoughts. I was just waiting for you to make me chug a bottle of red mountain dew."
"I would never do that."
Eric took one hand off the wheel and awkwardly placed it on Madison's thigh. Madison chuckled but covered Eric's hand with his own.
The rest of the ride went by in comfortable silence, the only noise was Jack Johnson playing from Madison's phone along with him telling Eric where to turn. It was a while before they arrived at the restaurant; it was a bit of a drive from Madison's house. Brownstone Diner & Pancake Factory: Madison's favorite place to eat. The couple hopped out of the car and moved towards the entrance. Eric squinted at the giant sign displaying the restaurant's name.
"Didn't you come here with your parents when you first got me?" he asked.
Madison thought for a moment. "Yeah, I think so. That was the day you actually told me you were fine if I got rid of you."
"Thank god I didn't," Eric mumbled.
"What was that?"
Eric shook his head. "Nothing."
With that, the two entered the restaurant, the scent of pancakes and fried foods wafting by their noses. Eric's eyes lit up.
"It smells wonderful in here!"
Madison laughed. "Wait until you taste what you're smelling."
After they were seated, Eric picked up the menu he was handed, but Madison plucked it out of his hands.
"Ah ah, I already know what we're getting," Madison told him. "You'll thank me afterwards for this wonderful food."
Eric rolled his eyes but didn't argue. "Fine."
When the waiter came to give them water, Madison looked straight into Eric's eyes and recited the order. He said it as if he had said those words over and over again, which he had. The waiter scribbled the order down and bowed his head.
"We'll be back with your food," he said, turning on his heel towards the kitchen.
"That sounds disgusting," Eric grimaced.
Madison made a mocking face. "'That sounds disgusting', you've never had food before, how the hell to you have an opinion about this?"
Eric shrugged. "Fine. I'll be respectful and save my opinion until after I try it."
After fifteen or so minutes of Madison spitting pieces of his straw wrapper at Eric and Eric flicking them back, the waiter returned with two steaming plates with giant pancakes. Banana pancakes to be more specific. Madison clapped excitedly as his plate was placed in front of him. He was practically drooling.
"Thank you," Eric told the waiter, glaring at Madison for his lack of manners.
The waiter smiled. "Enjoy."
Once the waiter had left, Madison began shovelling the pancake into his mouth. Eric stared at the hungry monster in front of him in disgust.
"Can you calm down, please?"
Madison shook his head. "No. Eat your pancake already!"
Eric sighed and picked up his fork, cutting a piece and putting it in his mouth. After a moment, a smile lit up his face and his eyes gleamed.
"Alright," he breathed. "You were right. This is delicious."
Madison punched the air. "I knew it!"
Eric snorted, continuing to eat his pancake at a slow pace, being more respectable than his boyfriend who was about to inhale the entire dish. The two sat, facing each other while eating together. Snide comments and laughter was shared throughout the entire meal. Eric had to convince Madison not to order another plate of banana pancakes, instead letting him eat from his own plate.
When they finally paid the bill, Madison and Eric stumbled out of the restaurant and back in the car. The sun was dropping slowly, colors painting the sky by an invisible artist. Bright oranges, pinks, purples, and yellows nearly blinded the couple on the way home. Madison snapped a picture on his phone before the night melted the colors away.
At home, Madison unlocked the door and stepped inside, waiting for Eric to follow.
"Hey, Maddie, Eric! How was your date?"
Madison looked to see his mother reading on the couch.
"It was good," Madison replied. "Banana pancakes are Eric's favorite food now."
Eric shoved him. "I never specified that."
"But they will be your favorite food. Nothing compares to banana pancakes."
Mrs. Harper laughed. "You guys are funny. Eric, are you staying over?"
Eric nodded. "If that's fine by you."
"Of course it is! You don't even have to ask anymore, you're basically my son."
Madison tugged on Eric's arm. "Come on, let's go upstairs. The new season of Shadowhunters is out on Hulu and I intend to watch it."
Eric rolled his eyes but let Madison lead him upstairs.
"Goodnight, Teresa!" he called before Madison slammed the door."
"Don't stay up too late!" came her muffled reply.
Madison grabbed his laptop, hopping on his bed. He patted the empty side, gesturing that Eric join him.
"You're much too energetic for someone barely out of the hospital," Eric observed, kicking off his converse and sitting on the bed.
Madison waved him off, but then paused what he was doing on the laptop as if he just remembered something.
"You know, I just was reminded of something," he said, leaning over Eric to reach the drawer in his side table. "I was gonna give this to you, but I was kind of conflicted." Madison straightened up, holding a box. "I wasn't sure if it would bring back unwanted memories, but I guess since I'm a geek, I'm going to pull a Pepper Potts. Here."
He handed Eric the box. It was a bit bigger than a baseball, wrapped in electric teal wrapping paper with a green ribbon. Eric laughed.
"Electric teal," he murmured.
Madison nudged him. "I know it's your favorite color. Open it."
Eric carefully peeled off the ribbon and wrapping paper, revealing a little glass cube in a custom made stand. Inside the cube were broken pieces of a computer chip, the thin wires and detached pieces strategically placed to look like it was exploding out of two sides of a grey pill. All together, the pieces created the shape of a heart. On the stand was a small plaque that read 'The start of Eric Lovette's love'. Eric's eyes widened.
"Is this...?" he trailed off, looking up at Madison.
Madison was looking at the glass cube. "Yeah. That's your Squip pill. They took it out of my brain and they let me keep it. Michael and Jeremy helped me put it together, but I didn't tell them what the pill was."
Eric's eyes watered. He brushed them away, placing the cube gently on the side table and giving Madison a bear hug.
"Thank you," he whispered.
Madison hugged him back. He said nothing as not to ruin the moment. After a few quiet minutes, Eric pulled back.
"You ready for the Shadowhunter binge? I know you aren't going to listen to your mother," Eric added.
Madison grinned. "Of course."


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