Chapter One

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Vanessa's Point of View

I am in love with my best friend. I don't believe she knows. Besides Jordan and Drew, I don't really think anyone knows, or I hope no one does. I am really happy for her and Travis and I would never want them to break up because of me but I must admit that it is painfully hard to see them be all lovey dovey with each other while I am ''the on-screen girlfriend''.

''Everyone, meet my best friend!'' Madelaine announced, dragging me to the rest of the cast who I was already familiar with, since I watched the show.

''Hey! Vanessa right?'' The girl who played Betty approached us, pulling me into a hug. I just replied with a quiet ''yea'', feeling a bit overwhelmed with all the interaction. A bunch of other people came to greet us, they were all extremely nice and funny, just like Mads had described them.

Eventually, after a few hours of shooting, we had a 1 hour break to have lunch, and that is where I met two of my current best friends, Drew and Jordan, who also play my friends on the show. I guess we just instantly clicked? I would say the three of us became best friends after the endless hours of shooting one single scene for the Serpents where the two of them were being so funny that we couldn't get the scene done. They made sure I was never alone in between filming and resting, since I am a bit shy. We told so many stories and it feels like we have known each other since ever. They know me so well I am worried they might know my little secret.

Yes I have a secret. And it is not little at all. It could put both my career and friendships in danger, so no one must ever spill it if they find out, but Jordan and Drew picked up on it at a worrying pace, making me wonder if I am really that obvious.

''Madelaine is kinda hot y'know.'' Jordan stated, nudging me on the shoulder, since I am incredibly short comparing to him.

''She has a boyfriend.'' I replied, pointing at Travis who was looking at her in awe as she practised her lines.

''Yea but like, if she didn't. She is totally edible.'' The boy insisted.

''You have a girlfriend too, dumbass. And what do you mean by that?'' I raised my eyebrows in annoyance, scared of where this conversation was headed.

''Oh she isn't really my taste. But I can totally see her red hair scattered in someone's grey sheets, you big emo.'' Jordan nudged me again. I was blushing like mad at this point, watching my tall friend just leave me, a big smug smile on his lips. Stupid giant.

I keep looking at Madelaine as she practises. Her beautiful red hair was flowing along the breeze on this chilly day, her eyes were closed and her full lips moved in sync with the words on the paper. Even if she had a pink robe on, I could still see the banging Cheryl Blossom like outfit that she had under that big piece of clothing keeping her warm. Her classic red blouse and a black skirt. I know she thinks redheads shouldn't wear red things but oh my lord she always looks so good in that colour of lipstick. Travis is a lucky guy, and she is a lucky girl too. I know that he treats her like the princess she is.

Seeing her all nervous and practising this line so much reminds me of the first time I saw her.

It was quite long ago, like almost two years maybe? I can't remember. After the series I was working on got cancelled my manager thought I should audition for Josie from the Pussycats, since my singing is okay. Ashleigh ended up getting the role but she was a much better singer than me so I was happy for her. When I was sitting down waiting for my turn, this beautiful girl wearing a really cool blue turtleneck approached me.

''Hey! I love your shoes!'' She stated.

''Ah! Thanks! I really like your turtleneck too!'' I replied, awkwardly. Gosh I was already a nerve wreck for the audition and now this beautiful is talking to me.

''So what are you auditioning for?'' I can tell that she is trying to make small talk, why with me though.


''Oh cool! So you can sing? I'm auditioning for Betty Cooper and for Cheryl Blossom.'' This girl has a beautiful smile, I can't help but stare at it.

''Well good luck!'' I say as I get called for my interview.

The second time the girl, Madelaine, and I went out was to congratulate her on getting the role of Cheryl Blossom, which I was super excited for. Next thing I know she is living with me for a whole month because we missed each other so much while she was in Vancouver shooting. That was one of the best months of my life. We created little routines like putting on essential oils at night and drink tea while we watch cooking shows together. We are both vegans so we would go all the time to her favourite restaurant, Veggie Grill and just spend hours chatting about everything. Eventually I got a call from one of the producers of RIverdale and they said I should audition for this new character from season two, Toni Topaz. I gladly got the role, this being like my forth show in a row where I play a bisexual character, not that it bothered me, I actually really enjoy representing lgbtq + characters so, it wasn't a big deal. Madelaine was over the top happy when I told her. 

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