Chapter Six - An Important Clue

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July 10, 2013

Sitting inside the café without her best friend, she felt lonely. The two always enjoyed a good cup of coffee every morning on weekends at the same café. Closing her eyes, she let out a little sigh as a flashback entered her mind. I know I didn't do anything on your birthday this year and I know it broke your heart. JG's voice echoed in her mind. So I brought you a surprise. Surely enough, it was already a surprise that JG showed up at her door at ten-thirty one night, her arms behind her back, with the hugest smile spreading across her face. Holding both hands in front of her and revealing what she held in them, her smile grew even bigger. It's a kitty! I adopted her this afternoon! Look at her, she looks just like Miss Flufferine, doesn't she? A fluffy, white kitten that looked almost the same as Ida's last cat that died a few years ago. You like? JG raised an eyebrow as Ida's eyes filled with tears. She happily took the kitten out of her best friend's hands, caressing it gently. I love! She exclaimed, hugging JG. You're the bestest best friend ever! Ida opened her eyes as she heard the café door open with a little bell ringing. In walked Niall, his hair all messy and wearing a pair of ripped jeans with an oversized shirt on top. She waved at him from the table. I learnt how to be a bestest best friend from you, Idada... Judy's words kept haunting her mind.

"I know you must feel horrible right now, babe." Niall held her hands as he sat across her. She had not made eye-contact ever since he sat down. He realized something was bothering her. "You can always talk to me. You know that, right?" "Right." Ida replied, biting her bottom lip. "Hey..." Niall gently touched his girlfriend's chin, moving her face slowly upwards so that their eyes met. As soon as they did, he noticed the tears in them. "I'm not gonna say that everything's okay because nothing really is. I'm not gonna lie to you just to make you feel better. I'm not gonna say that everything will be okay because I don't know what's going to happen. But I can tell you this..." Niall's blue eyes stared right into Ida's teary ones. She could feel her heart about to explode. "JG was your best friend. She wouldn't want you to just sit here all day, letting these thoughts eat up your mind. She'd want you to live a happy and a healthy life. So stop thinking, Ida." He wiped off a tear that rolled down on her cheek. "Forget about it. Forget about everything and try to move on." This made Ida angry. She got up from the chair, letting go of Niall's hands and stared coldly at the guy, her hands balled in tight fists. "How can I, Niall?" She asked softly at first. "How can I forget about everything? About her? She's my best friend! If she were here in my place today, she'd be doing something about this! She'd be looking for me, trying to find me!" She raised her voice as customers turned around to watch the whole drama. "And that's what you intend to do? Look for her?" Niall raised his voice as well. "I can at least try." Ida crossed her arms on her chest. "How do you plan to do it all alone then? Because I'm not gonna help you in this." Niall crossed his arms too, frowning at his stubborn girlfriend. "I don't care if you don't wanna help me in this." Ida smirked. "'Cause I've got a friend who will." "Oh, yeah? And who might that be?" Niall got up from his chair, just as the front door opened and Theodore walked in. "Sorry I'm late, Ids." He smiled with his hands dug deep into his hoodie pockets. Niall eyed him up and down in astonishment. He spun around to look at Ida, who gave him another smirk. "Theo?" He asked.

The light of the house had disappeared. Everything spun around her in discomfort. So many questions unanswered. So many thoughts... scattered as if nowhere to go. These questions and thoughts frightened her. They were eating her up inside. Eating her up... until she was going to be no more. Where's my daughter? Who took her? Can it really be...Reina...? Has my worst fear come true? She needed answers. She needed to find explanations. Better ones. Her silence broke Henry's heart. "Julie..." He would call, but she would not hear him. No, she would just sit on the couch all day, staring at the flat TV screen when nothing was even on, lost in her own thoughts of despair... I need to find her. Julie's heart throbbed with pain. She had not eaten anything, but she felt no hunger. There was only one thing she cared about in the world now; bringing her daughter back. She'll call me 'mom' again, with her flawless voice, she'll call me again and she'd come running into my arms... and this time I'll make sure Reina's gone for good.

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