Chapter Ten - The Untold Truth

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"Every cold and lonely night I imagined that you were there, right beside me, holding me tight and keeping me warm... But you weren't."

As Judy sat behind bars, she kept thinking to herself of how Reina had used her innocence. This is not fair for me. Now Ida despised her. Theo despised her. What was she supposed to do? She could hear Julie screaming at Harington outside. After sometime, she came running to her cell. "Baby! Baby, my baby!" She held Judy's face from between the bars. "I'll get you out of there, I promise." She cried. "Who did this to you? Tell me who did this to you!" Screaming, Julie stood up as Harington held her arm. "Reina." She heard her say. Julie's heart nearly stopped. "What?" She asked. Honestly though, she was expecting that. "Reina did this to me. But you already know that. Don't you, mom?" Judy sneered from behind the bars. Shit. Julie could see the fury inside her daughter's eyes. She realized it. Judy knew everything.

"Do you know who Reina is?" Kyle asked the couple as they spoke in his office. Of course he already knew, but he wanted them to come clean about everything. Brandon stood behind the Greys, hands tucked into his pockets. Henry looked at his wife, who was hesitating. "Julie no." He said. "Not anymore." The words made her realize that it was time. The only way to get Judy out of jail was by revealing the truth. "Reina Karev..." She spoke with her eyes concentrated to the floor. " my daughter." Kyle looked at Brandon, who shared the same surprised expression with him. "Your daughter? You mean the one that was sent to a sanitarium at a very young age?" He questioned. Julie nodded yes. Harington scratched his head in disbelief. Wow. The case was much tougher than he thought. "Explain to us." He said, trying to remain calm. Before Julie could speak, the door flew open and in walked a young lady with short, black hair, dark skin and a worried expression on her face. "Excuse me, may I help you?" Brandon stopped her halfway in. The lady looked at Brandon, then at Harington. "I'm sorry sir, but I really need to speak with you." She told Harington. He looked at her up and down, studying her. "Sir..." She did not wait for him to answer. " name is Reina Karev. And I'm here to confess to all my crimes."

Julie quickly spun around, eyes wide open and shocked. Henry spun around in surprise as well, his mouth dropping open. Reina looked down at her mother, who was looking up at her. Julie saw what a beautiful woman her daughter had grown up to be. Her eyes filled with tears. "Hey ma." Reina greeted her with a little smirk. "Remember me?" Harington looked at Julie's expression and then looked up at Reina. "Start from the beginning." He told her.

After Reina had told them the whole story, everything even including how Julie treated her, Harington asked Brandon to bring JG into the room. As soon she was there, he stood up, walked up to her and motioned her to take a look at Reina. When Judy saw her, she just stared at her in astonishment. Then she held her by the collar and shook her. "You!" She cried. "You framed me! You used me! You bitch!" "Stop! Stop it right now!" Both Brandon and Kyle had to separate the two by force. Reina had tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry. I really am. I wanted to help you, but at the same time, I wanted to hurt her." She pointed her finger at Julie. "To make her life miserable. What I didn't realize was that by ruining her life, I was also ruining yours." Reina explained. Judy still did not buy it. She kept on frowning at her big sister, letting her know that what she did was unforgivable. "Reina has confessed to all of her crimes." Harington said, removing Judy's handcuffs. "Wait, wha- what?" Judy looked down at the cuffs as Kyle carried them over to Reina. "Wait officer." Reina stopped him. She walked over to Julie, who stood up and looked her straight in the eyes. "If I'm going to jail, I'm not going alone." She said softly. "I was twelve years old when my mother tried to kill me." "What?" Brandon, Judy and Kyle asked at the same time. Henry looked shocked as well. Seemed like he was not aware of it either. "Ma was cooking in the kitchen and I was in the living room, doing my homework. Little Judy was playing around with her toys. She got up and started coming at me with a little doll in her hand. She wanted to play with me. She ran towards me, but suddenly stepped on a little pink car and slipped. She fell and hit her head real hard. At the sound of her cry, ma came running into the room with a knife in her hand. What she saw was that I was hurting her little child when in reality, I was comforting the kid. I rubbed her head where she hit the floor and I tried to calm Judy down, but ma didn't believe me. She dug the knife into my tummy, right here..." Reina touched the right side of her tummy. "...out of anger, she wanted to kill me." Julie looked at her in anger as she told them everything. JG's eyes filled up with tears. No wonder Reina hated her. She deserved no love. "She did not dig it deep enough to kill me, so I just lay there, bleeding. Touching my belly and crying. After realizing what she had done and with the fear of ending up in jail, she took me to the hospital, bribed the doctor and the nurses, made them operate on me and forced me to keep my mouth shut about it." "Is this true?" Judy asked her mother. Julie tried to act innocent. "No- no honey. I don't know what she's talking about. She's just making shit up to get me in trouble." "Oh, yeah?" Reina asked her, lifting up her shirt. "Does this refresh your memory?" There it was. On the side of her tummy. A big scar. "Here's your proof, Officer Harington." "Did you know about this too?" Judy asked her father, who looked just as shocked as the rest. "No, he doesn't. He was away on a trip to Moscow." I remember clearly that he came after three months and brought gifts for his family but none for me." Reina laughed. "Who am I kidding? I wasn't your family. But he still noticed that sometimes I was in pain and crouching over with my hands on my belly. He'd always ask ma what's wrong but she'd tell him to ignore. That I'm seeking attention." "Oh, god!" Judy covered her face with her hands and took a deep breath in. "How could you?" She asked them both. "HOW COULD YOU?!" Julie and Henry took several steps forward. "Honey..." "Don't!" JG slapped her mother's hand away. "Don't you dare do that. Don't "honey" or "baby" me. You don't know anything about loving your daughters. And I'm not even your biological child. Your real daughter is the one you threw away." Julie's heart broke into a million pieces. She then did what she could only think of. Brandon's gun. Grabbing it and pointing it to her head, she begged Judy for forgiveness. "I'll kill myself, I swear it!" She kept on screaming. "Mom, no! No, don't!" Julie's eyes caught Reina, who stood still. Then she pointed the gun to her head. "You..." She said. Reina's eyes grew wide. "Mom! NO!" "PUT THE GUN DOWN, I DEMAND IT!" Kyle screamed. He remembered that his gun was in the drawer so there was no way he could grab it. "Because of you, my daughter hates me now." "Oh, but ma." Reina spoke calmly. "I'm your daughter." Then she smirked at her mother. "I'LL SHOOT YOU!" "SHOOT ME THEN. WHAT'S THE HOLD UP?" Reina turned serious. "Every cold and lonely night I imagined that you were there, right beside me, holding me tight and keeping me warm... But you weren't." The words broke Judy. "Stop it mom. Just stop it." She sobbed. "Shoot me. I actually wish I had died that day when you stabbed me." With that, a loud gunshot was heard and Reina Karev was shot in the head. She was killed by her own mother.

June 2, 2017

My name is Judy Grey and I am now twenty-two years old. My father lives alone in our old house where a lot took place. I live in an apartment with my best friend, Ida Frey. My mother's in jail for murdering my big sister. I am a journalist and I'm engaged to Theodore Shepard, my boyfriend since high school. I still visit my dad regularly and occasionally visit mom in prison. Theo and I are to get married in December and I can't wait. We're planning on going to Malibu for our honeymoon. Well as you can already guess, my life is going pretty well. Oops, almost forgot something – Reina Karev. My big sister. Who had kidnapped me to seek revenge from our mother who ill-treated her as a child. Reina wanted to torture me, as she blamed me for whatever that happened in the past, but instead of torturing me, she was loving me. Alright, she did hurt me every now and then, but it wasn't hatred directed towards me – it was towards our mother. She never intended to hurt me. The hatred and anger blinded her at first. After she realized that she had always felt affectionate with me, she set me free. Reina Karev, my big sister. Who loved me till the very end. She will live in my heart forever.

"Hey! What's up?" Ida walked into the room wearing a bathrobe. "Just writing in my journal." JG replied as she closed the book and put it into her bag. "Oh, almost forgot. Happy Birthday." Ida said with a smile as she hugged her bestie. "Thanks Ida." "Wanna go for some pizza to that new place?" Ida asked as she sat down on Judy's bed. "Maybe later? Gotta run right now. Visiting my mom in jail." Judy grabbed her jacket as she made her way to the door. "I don't know how you can still face her after all she did." Ida said in confusion. "She's still my mom. I mean, I get that what she did was wrong, very wrong and I can never forget that, or forgive her. But she's still my mother." She explained. Ida smiled. Nodding her head, she said, "I get it. I totally do." "I know you do." JG laughed. "Catch ya later." She said as she walked out the door.

Twenty-two-year-old Judy Grey. She walked down the street as the sun rays poured down onto her beautiful dark skin. A big, beautiful smile spread upon her face, she walked up to her platinum car. Things were turning out great for her. Although she didn't get to spend enough time with Reina or know her very well, she missed her like she had known her forever.

In loving memory of Reina Karev (1989-2013)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2018 ⏰

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