3-- Change in Plans... and Gender

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Guess where I've been taken! Yup, you got it, reader. I'm in Loki's top secret villain lair!!

No... I'm just kidding. Where have I really been taken? That's a good question. But for some reason, he took us to Stark Tower. He has this thing he's doing with this cube - I assume that's what he's going to summon his alien army with. Well, he left me in the lounge room while he went talk to the scientist he had under his mind control. He said he would be back soon so I only assumed he was waiting for the Avengers here at the tower.

There's really only so much I can do in a tower like Stark's anyway. So here I am! Lounged across his sofa like the total drama queen I am. Would this be considered not doing my duty to SHIELD? I am getting closer to Loki by listening to him. But if that scientist was going to help bring the aliens to Earth then I shouldn't be sitting here like a bum! I need to be convincing Loki that he's making a big mistake!

'Sigyn' stood from her seat and walked to the elevator. She waited impatiently for it to come down but was surprised when it opened, exposing a battle-ready Loki. Her mouth was slightly open as she looked at him, head to toe. He smirked at her expression and asked, "See something you like, darling?"

She shook her head as though denying his beauty, but it was an obvious lie. "Loki, you need to stop this. You can't bring a war to Earth like this!"


She froze and held her breath. Maybe he wouldn't notice her little slip-up. But at seeing his eyes narrow, she knew that he noticed something was off. "Really, darling? Shouldn't I bring a war to Earth?"

"Too much time with the mortals...?" 'Sigyn' bit her bottom lip, knowing very well that Loki didn't believe her one bit. She sighed, knowing his anger was steadily rising. He was absolutely furious at being tricked by a mortal, but he proceeded by admitting, "I already knew of your little trick. After all, I am the God of tricks. How could I not see through it?"

Daniel knew that staying in the form of Loki's love was only going to protect him for so long. He held his breath as he shifted back into his original form. Loki instantly flew at him and they began a hand-to-hand fight, leading up to the point of Daniel being taken to the floor and pinned under Loki as he continued to beat the shit out of him.

After a while, Loki stopped and they were both breathing heavily, catching their breaths as Daniel wiped the blood off of his face with the sleeve of his jacket. He ended up saying, "Yeah, my name is Daniel, by the way... I'm usually against using my powers to play with people's emotions; but this wasn't to play with your emotions, this was to try and help you and save the world."

There was no lie in that statement and Loki knew it. The God then began to question, "Why did Thor use Sigyn against me? He knew very well-" He cut himself off as though it were a bad memory. He changed his train of thought, and instead asked, "Why did you treat me the way you did? I feel that even if Sigyn were actually here that not even she would sit by and let this occur..."

Daniel looked down at the floor between them as he muttered a lie as best as he could, "It was all part of the job, man... I just acted all lovely to you so you would fall for me- for the act." He was certain that the God of lies would pick up on his fib, but even if he did, he didn't comment on it and Daniel was grateful. "I really would hate for you to ruin this world. That's another reason why I agreed to fight you. This is my home. You're also... kind of cool... It's sweet how protective you are of Sigyn." Deep down, Daniel longed for a sweet love to show the same amount of love that the seemingly heartless Loki had.

"Thank you," Loki replied softly with a small smile, "Something tells me you appreciated it as well."

"Well... I guess. It was flattering, in a way, to be treated like I was important to someone. I mean, for a man, you aren't bad." Daniel adored Loki's smile. It was so soft and hid a contentedness that seemed to have been absent for a long time. But it was the first genuine smile that Daniel had seen since he first laid eyes on Loki. He loved seeing Loki so content and not power-hungry. But he still had to make Loki see reason. It wasn't over yet. Daniel encouraged quietly, "You could still stop it, you know; before the portal is opened. Thor cares for you and... well... I wouldn't be against you joining us."

"I can't..."

It was sad to see the smile erased from Loki's face, but he wasn't stopping there. Daniel leaned closer to Loki with a serious look in his eyes. "You can and you know you can, damn it. We can help you. I'll be here for you."

"It's too late." Loki's voice showed anger, but his expression betrayed him. Why was Loki afraid to do the right thing?

"It isn't too late," Daniel argued as he placed a hand on Loki's shoulder. "We'll stop this together, Loki." He laid a hand on Loki's scepter, carefully getting a hold on it as his eyes never left the Asgardian's.

Loki eventually looked back at Daniel and his hold tightened around the scepter. He seemed prepared to fight Daniel, but a minute went by before Loki's tense muscles relaxed. He was strong, but he was too emotionally spent and confused. He sighed as he muttered, "There's only one way to stop it... Even then, there's no guarantee it will work..."

He seemed to appreciate the smile that Daniel gave him. It was encouraging to know that he had someone behind him as he made the right choice for once. Loki was glad that he was no longer going to be the puppet of a monster. Daniel whispered back, "It will work, Loki. We can make it work."

Damn it, damn it, damn it. I really need to watch my word choice when I'm talking to Loki. I'm probably not as awkward as I honestly feel. I mean, reader, you're reading my diary! Can't you tell me if I sound too flirtatious? I swear it isn't my fault if I am!

And... Yes... you, reader, are reading my diary. Invading my privacy much? Oh, whatever. That's not my point. I just wanted to confide in you. I know I'm probably putting a lot on your plate, but I'm just a secretly gay Avenger! What do you expect? 

Hold on... on second thought, did you expect me to so easily convince Loki to join me? No? Well, I'll have you know I happen to have a way of touching people's emotional spot. I guess being Sigyn just opened him up to me in a way that no one else could. It's moments like these where I'm just so proud of my God-given ability! And no... I'm pretty sure a God didn't give me these powers. Let's leave that particular topic right at that...

But this just puts a skip to my step! The team is going to be so proud of me!

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