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Daniel held his breath and walked closer toward the living room as if he was walking on eggshells. He peeked around the corner and saw his Father, drunk and sleeping on the couch with the television light streaming onto his face. Daniel allowed himself a small smile before backing up and rushing for the back door. He slowly opened it and closed it shut after himself. He stayed there and waited for any movement inside the house. He grinned wider as he determined the house was silent and started off into the evening.

Daniel ran through wet grass fields and large thick trees, excitement running through his veins. He reached a small creek where rushing water filled his ears. He bent down and saw earthworms burying themselves in the rich dark soil and bees humming around small flowers. He smiled as he watched nature run its course.

Strangely, everything has been going alright. Well, as alright as Daniel having to slaughter small animals in the name of Xeemüg. Father has been exceptionally proud of him. He hasn't cleansed Daniel or tried to purify him through punishment. Daniel's grown eager to keep up the winning streak and to get away from Father's punishments. Daniel is still uncomfortable with the thought of flaying and sacrificing the animal remains to Xeemüg but he's desperate to keep Father happy.

"Well, lookie who we have here." A smug voice rang out and Daniel darted up and swirled around to see a familiar face. Daniel's startled face soon grew into one laughing and happy. "Devan!" Daniel laughed and moved closer to the taller male, engulfing him into a hug. Devan smiled and lingered on the hug before pulling away and landing a small kiss on Daniel's cheek. Daniel's face grew red and he pulled himself away to give Devan a once-over.

He was dressed in usual attire, a fire-red flannel, blue jeans complimenting his dark skin, with combat boots. He even had on his signature white watch. Daniel's favorite feature of Devan's was his green eyes. They were always full of love and admiration whenever Devan was looking at the blonde sixteen-year-old. As Daniel was in love with Devan's eyes, Devan was in love with Daniel's. He complimented his boyfriend so much that Daniel grew to accept his eyes, love them even.

"Whatcha looking at, cutie?" Devan smiled, turned Daniel around, and held onto his waist. "There was a cute worm somewhere around here," Daniel murmured and looked down, trying to find the same worm he was admiring earlier. "He might have already dug into the ground."

Devan shrugged, walked closer to the water and sat down in a semi-dry patch of grass. He glanced at Daniel and patted the grass next to him. Daniel smiled softly and claimed the spot. The boys were quiet for a while before Devan broke it.

"Planning to tell your dad?" He looked down and started trailing a pattern into the ground. Daniel crossed his long legs and nodded slowly. "I tried to bring it up at least twice. But I don't think he heard." Daniel tried telling him about him and Devan but Father wasn't listening and just set him off on a hunt. "Today? After we hang out?" Devan peeked up at him. Daniel turned his head and felt himself diving deep into those eyes again. "Today." He giggled and Devan's concerned lip bite turned into a soft smile. Devan leaned in and captured the blonde's soft pink lips with his own.

Daniel took a deep breath and opened the back door. He closed it rather loudly and held his breath. He ducked his head and peeked in the living room. Everything was clean and put in their proper places. He licked his lips before moving to the front door and removing his shoes. "Father? Father, I have something important.. to tell you." He spoke aloud and waited for a response, his heartbeat filling his ears.

"Kitchen." Was the curt reply that Daniel got and he moved toward the voice. He saw Father facing away from him, hunched over something on the counter. "Father?" His voice shook slightly and Daniel mentally kicked himself. His Father turned slowly and faced him. He had a large knife in his left hand which caused Daniel to nervously sit down at the table.

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