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He had almost found him out. That bratty ten-year-old almost revealed everything about the 22-year-old blonde and then everything would've crashed and burned in a large bonfire. Daniel was extremely lucky David had to retire to the bathroom and he noticed the dirt tracks on his bed. Then everything followed like clockwork. Despite his aloof appearance, his hands were clammy and his heartbeat rang loudly in his ears.

It's a miracle that Daniel was even sleeping in an actual bed instead of a hard bench in a small jailhouse. Daniel moved to lie on his back and raised his arm to reveal his watch. He squinted at it. 5:45 a.m. He rubbed his eyes and gazed up at the ceiling. He was lucky. Very lucky.

He had to be more careful. This is why his father beat the rules and Commandments into him; it was something he absolutely had to follow. However, that meant sacrificing the children and killing David.

Unbelievers must ascend. To be reborn in the loving arms of Xeemüg.

His mind quoted it so easily and he groaned and his palms covered his eyes. He turned to David. In the few days he had known him, he has revealed that he doesn't believe in any God or gods and probably never will. Which drops convincing him to believe in Xeemüg off the table. He has to kill him. He doesn't have a choice.

Daniel can't do it again. He can't look into David's glowing green eyes and drive a knife into his heart. Daniel would rather die than to allow another pair of eyes to haunt him.

"Daniel?" A soft sleepy voice rang out of the darkness of the cabin. Daniel flinched and calmed his breathing before croaking out, "Yeah?"

David's beautiful signature laugh followed after Daniel's reply but it was soft and breathy. Daniel heard the bed creak under change of pressure and he could feel David's eyes on him. He didn't move to gaze at them.

"Couldn't sleep? Mm, me neither." Daniel didn't reply and the two men lied in silence. "Hey, Daniel? Why do you wear that white watch every day?"

Daniel stiffened and it was like his vocal chords were ripped out of him and blended into a fine powder. He fiddled with it and chewed his lip. Remember the Commandments. Remember what Father told him.

"It was my boyfriend's," His lips moved without his brain's permission. Fuck, fuck fuck! God, what he was doing is fucked. It was like he couldn't bring himself to even lie about the smallest things. His fists balled up and his nails dug into his palm.

"Boyfriend?" David squeaked like they just crossed into dangerous territory, "Oh... what's his name?"

Daniel finally turned to David and he could see him fidgeting with the hem of his blanket, his upper body dangerously close to the edge. "Devan. His name was Devan," David spoke and licked his dry lips and cleared his throat.

David mumbled his name slowly as if he was pronouncing all of the letters. He seemed... desperate to remember the fact Daniel dated a boy. "What happened to him?"

This was too close. Too damn close. The air around Daniel seemed tight and his throat seemed to close. It was like something was choking him, even daring him to speak a word of the truth. He could even feel rough, calloused hands wrapping around his throat.

"Moved away," Daniel whispered. He could never bring himself to even tell David a small truth. He would look at him wrong and no doubt put two and two together. If Daniel could murder his own boyfriend in cold blood, then he had no problem murdering and butchering campers and counselors.

"..what was he like? Was he.. nice.. to you?" David's voice was uncharacteristically quiet and soft like he would get in trouble for even talking about it. It also had an edge of insecurity.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2018 ⏰

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