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His blood ran cold. He wanted to yank his hand away from David and run as far away from this camp as fast as he could. But he made no move and his hand was still there.

Louis Goldberg.

The name ran in his mind and he desperately tried to connect it to somebody else, anybody else. He spoke as soft as his voice would go. "Was he an elementary school teacher?" He watched David wrinkle his nose in confusion and nod his head. "How did you know?" Daniel cleared his throat and was to spew out some random lie but Quartermaster screamed that dinner was ready and he took an opportunity to stop touching David. He looked back toward Quartermaster and stood up, completely ignoring David's confused and lost face. "Come on kids!"

The campers dove out of the water and each grabbed a towel from an empty chair near the pool, wrapped it around them and ran toward the building. Except for Ered, Nikki, Neil, and Max of course. The boys hung back with Nikki chatting their ears off while Ered walked; sunglasses still on her face.

Daniel watched the kids until they reached the building and he turned to David's still stunned face. He didn't really know how to tell him that he was his teacher, the teacher that made an effort for him to get away from his Father. "Come on David." He decided to settle on and he outstretched his hand. Something he would never do for any of his past coworkers but the circumstances did just change, quite drastically. David did just open up about.. Goldberg and now it was like Daniel was too close to pull back and be a loner. David would never let that happen. David snapped away from his trance and took Daniel's hand.

It was like it fit perfectly, like a puzzle piece. It seemed like the last piece and the one Daniel was looking for for a while. Then like that, David dropped his hand. "How did you know my dad was a teacher?" Daniel let his hand drop as well and he scrapped his mind for an excuse. Usually, he's great about lying but not when it was this close. "My mom." He blurted out. "My mom was a teacher at a few different schools and she mentioned a lot of names. Maybe she said your father's."

David seemed to accept the lie and he nodded. They both stared at each other for what seems like forever and David finally looked away and toward the building. "We should really do our jobs." He laughed and his cheeks were a light pink. He began walking and Daniel took long strides to keep up.

Right. Sticking to the plan. Absolutely no detours, he couldn't afford it. Daniel peeked at his happier coworker. ..No detours. He pulled his eyes away and walked further ahead, opening the doors and allowing David to go inside first. David went straight toward the back, near the kitchen and made his plate. However, Daniel avoided eating altogether and took a seat. He pulled a pen out of his breast pocket and fiddled with it, scanning the campers as they laughed freely and ate. David soon joined him and they sat in silence, David's unnerving eyes not leaving the empty space between them.

It was slightly uncomfortable as David spilled his guts to Daniel and he had no doubt he had more questions brewing. Nobody had really asked nor cared for his tragic backstory so it's quite difficult whenever David will, surely, ask him. He'll have to keep David away from getting too close or he'll have to make up a lie. Just what his Commandments demanded.


The voice dragged the blonde out of his daydream trance and he realized he had been staring at David's soft hand. He remembered when they touched, briefly.

Puzzle pieces.

Daniel's cheeks grew a shade of light pink and he mustered up the courage to look at David and his eyes. He cleared his throat, "Uh, yeah?" David looked down, Daniel slightly thankful, and he pushed the 'food' around with a plastic fork. "I just.. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. For spewing my whole life story at you. I know it's.. it's very unprofessional and I won't do it again. Nor.. ask any more personal questions."

Well, this does aid Daniel as he doesn't have to come up with millions of lies for David but then he doesn't want David to think he was uncomfortable. He was.. actually quite the opposite. Daniel selfishly liked when David spoke to him with no filter and he was really warming up to David's demeanor and smile.

Oh, fuck..

"No, it's alright! I really didn't mind. Plus, we're going to be working together, I guess we should know a few things about each other."

If his Father could see him now. How his only child grew up and actually seeming to build a relationship with somebody he would label as impure, a mistake; Well, Daniel didn't really like to think about all the pain Father would put him through. He internally shuddered and his heart seemed like it jumped up into his throat. "Really?" David looked at Daniel and he leaned forward in his seat so much his knees were grazing Daniel's inner thigh. "You didn't find me.. well, slightly annoying?"

Daniel chuckled and he shook his head. "Believe me, I know what insufferable is and you're anything but." David smiled at Daniel and his eyes lingered over his face for a while before they dropped down to his cold forgotten food. There was still a hint of a small smile on both of their faces, while the pair sat in silence.

Soon enough, the campers scampered off to bed per David's request. (Well, it was more of a plead since it was 10:37 p.m. and the campers deemed it an injustice to sleep so early.)

The counselors walked back to their cabin and David offered to wait outside or in the bathroom as Daniel changed. Soon enough, the men were stripped to their pajamas, David wearing sweatpants and a camping graphic t-shirt and Daniel in his iconic green boxers and some random white shirt, each on their own beds. Well, Daniel on Gwen's. Daniel covered his pale legs with the semi-thin blanket and waited until David got settled before turning out the light.

The air was filled with the sounds of a fan turning slowly to hit both beds. Accompanying with the noise of the fan was Daniel's gentle breaths and his slightly heightened heartbeat. It was a terrible habit of staying up a little before considering it safe enough to sleep peacefully. The past few years, he has tried to break it again and again but it was like it was conditioned into his brain. A survival tactic. By now, he gave up.

Daniel was also painfully aware of David's sleeping figure across the room. He could see the curves of David lying on his side, if his back was toward him he could not tell. He could see the rise and fall of his chest and oddly enough, it gave Daniel the sense of security. Like if anything would happen, he wouldn't have to face it alone. Daniel would have David right there and whatever danger there was, they would face it together.

Daniel switched to his back and closed his eyes. Fuck. He was on thin ice and he isn't treading lightly. He already slightly broke a Commandment by not lying to David about his mother. And those.. thoughts about David's hands and how he makes him feel safe. Unacceptable. Xeemüg would send him to the deepest layer of Hell to pay for his sins. He shouldn't be anything more for these impure souls but their guide to a better life. Life with Xeemüg.

But surely with David's large smile and positive demeanor, he was anything but.


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