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Everything was golden. Her hair, her smile, the way she seemed to float across the floor and dance like nobody was watching. Throughout the house was the smell of baked goods, melodic singing and gentle laughter. She used to wake the boy up with a smile and whispers, even when the night before was grey and filled with loud screams. She grabbed him by the hand and danced around the house, singing soft songs at the top of their lungs until they collapsed on the floor in a fit of laughter and bright smiles.

She was golden. Everytime he grabbed her tight and cried into her long yellow dress, she let him finish and wipe away the tears. She would whisper promises and "I love yous" until he quieted down. Then she would lift him up and show him what she was filling the house with heavenly aromas. Soon enough, the boy would be filled with the brim of giggles and they would be golden together.

He didn't like it when the house was quiet, no singing, no laughter. Gold was replaced with grey and the boy couldn't giggle nor smile anymore. When she left, she took the bakery smells with her. When she left, she took the smiles and happiness with her.

Then the boy, with no more gold in him, was met with dark nights and a lot more screaming.


Daniel chuckled awkwardly and looked toward the campfire, feeling its heat warm up one side of his body while the other side was cold. He felt David's soft eyes on him and he sniffled, wiping away some tears that escaped him.

"I guess.." Daniel muttered but David heard him loud and clear, "I guess she had to protect herself.. she couldn't protect me anymore."

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