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A loud alarm clock startled the redhead awake. He slowly opened his eyes and laid there, listening to the loud pattern before sitting up abruptly and fumble for his phone. He forgot that he had somebody laying asleep in the bed opposite of him. Usually, Gwen was a heavy sleeper and didn't even wake up to him screaming because Nurf thought it was funny to fling Space Kid as hard as he could into the lake. He sometimes worries that Gwen could be dead..

He turned off the alarm and turned to his co-counselor's bed. The male stirred but he made no move to indict he was awake. David let out a slight puff of air and smiled down at sleeping Daniel. He was wearing the counselor shirt and gripped the pillow tight with his lips pressed together tight. His blonde hair was messy and covered most of his eyes. The green blanket was tangled around his legs mostly and David got a shameful glimpse of his dark green boxers. His cheeks grew ablaze and he darted his eyes away from his lower area and back to his face. Despite the lips were closed shut, he looked soft and peaceful. Almost.. almost like an angel. Especially with his pale skin, paler than David's which has a soft pink undertone, and his bleached hair. He lingered on the sleeping male a while before looking down, slightly ashamed and grabbed his regular attire.

He really shouldn't be gazing at his partner like that. It was.. gross and nonconsensual. David pouted at himself in the small mirror provided and splashed his face with water. He dried his hands off and changed into his signature wear. He should be extra nice to Daniel, he smiled softly, to make up for his staring. Plus, it's the second day on the job and David doesn't even know Daniel's favorite color!

It's probably purple.

David giggled to himself and walked out of the small, quite dirty if he's honest, bathroom and his eyes automatically went back to Daniel. Still there.. David smiled and moved out of the cabin. It's time to start the day.

"Preston!" David shouted at the boy and he dropped what he was doing, "I'm sorry, but we can't listen to your draft right now. It's Dolph's turn to share." Preston moaned in protest and sat down next to his filling box of props, arms crossed and a look of displeasure on his face. "Sorry, Dolph." David looked apologetic toward the small boy and the small boy continued explaining his multiple paintings and the complex meaning behind each one.

David sighed and slowly sat down next to the alert Daniel. They sat in silence until Daniel leaned over and whispered, "Is it just me or does Dolph look like Hitler?" David looked at Daniel and he tried his best to look shocked. He failed, obviously and he nodded slowly. "A little." David looked down at his lap, slightly upset at himself. A deep chuckle emitting from David that once again, sent a shiver down his spine like a fingernail lining his back. He smiled slightly, happy that he made Daniel laugh a little bit. A minute of silence went by until David worked up the courage to speak again. "You like art? Or were you a theatre kid in high school?" He peeked at Daniel and saw Daniel tense up slightly. He cleared his throat and muttered back, "I.. I like cooking."

David's face lit up in gentle surprise. He wasn't really expecting.. that. Not that's anything wrong with it! David felt his hands grow clammy as he stared at Daniel, most likely making him uncomfortable. He was looking down and playing with a string on the hem of his shirt. "That's.. that's great!" David finally got over himself and smiled at Daniel, speaking louder than he previously was. Daniel peeked up at him with an eyebrow raised. "Quartermaster is kinda bad at cooking," David chuckled, suddenly wary of his surroundings, "Maybe you could make some meals! For.. for the kids, of course." David tried to hide the fact he was excited to taste his cooking. He smiled wider at the male and watched as Daniel mulled over the decision in his head. He nodded slowly and muttered out "Okay".

David smiled wider and looked ahead to find that Dolph had stopped explaining the meaning of quite simple paintings and now the room was filled with loud talking and as usual, Max was eyeing the males from the safety of a far corner with Neil and Nikki. David waved at Max with a smile but he only returned it with a small sneer and turning away from him.

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