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Father was going to be upset. No doubt about it. He's going to be vile and angry. Daniel slumped in his uncomfortable plastic seat and looked around the empty school hallway. He really should have lied. It was in his Commandments and he disobeyed. Father definitely is going to bring that up.

It all started yesterday when his teacher, Mr. Goldberg, assigned an assignment to write about what you like about your parents. Most of the class wrote about how they loved how their parents took them to parks, gave them candy, and just spent time with them. The evening went through without much of a problem, until Daniel stood to speak.

He was nervous and his paper was shaking but Daniel wrongfully ignored the butterflies in his stomach. He started, his voice soft and small.

"I like it when Father lets me do my homework alone.
I liked it better when Mother was home.
I like it when Father puts food on the table.
I like it when I don't have to sit on the floor.
I like it when Father doesn't cleanse me.
I like it when Father doesn't scream at me.
I like it when Father doesn't force me to stay in my room for days without food-"

Mr. Goldberg had a growing frown and clear concern in his soft brown eyes. "Daniel?" Daniel looked up at his teacher and stared into his eyes. His eyes weren't harsh like his Father's. They were large, kind and soft. If the light hit them just right and he was smiling, he had flakes of golden in his iris, something Daniel wanted for himself. His own eyes reminded him too much of his Father.

"Please bring your paper over here, on my desk."

Daniel gulped harshly and looked around the room. Some kids were disinterested, rolling around imaginary lint on their desk while others whispered to each other. "Am.. am I in trouble?" Daniel redirected his attention toward his teacher and his face broke into a soft smile.

"Of course not, Danny." With new found confidence, Daniel moved toward the front and placed his paper in front of his teacher. He had to stand on his toes to even reach properly. Daniel nodded slowly at his teacher and moved back to his seat.

He had no idea Mr. Goldberg would tell the principal and the principal to his Father. Daniel was slightly annoyed by him, Mr. Goldberg clearly violated his trust but then again, he was secretly glad he did. But he would never admit that. A door swung open and his Father stormed out, his face red. He immediately ducked his head and was fixated on his shoes. "Get up, Daniel." Father spoke and he stood up. Daniel lifted his head to peek inside the room and he saw a frustrated school prinicipal and his teacher, standing there. His face was draped in an emotion he never saw anybody wearing.


His hand pinched the bridge of his nose but the emotion was clear. It was like it radiated off of him in waves. Daniel had a slight sick feeling in his stomach. However, he couldn't dwell on the face of his teacher as Father gripped Daniel's small hand and led him away from the room, away from his school. They piled in the car and Father muttered about uncleanliness and impure souls. Also a word Daniel never heard before.


The car started up and Daniel looked down at his shaking fingers. "I.. I'm sorry Father," he looked away and stared at door handle, suddenly interested. "I.. I had no idea Goldberg would ever-"

Father interrupted him. "It's time to teach you about our God, Daniel. The God we were all born to serve." Daniel's face scrunched up in confusion and glanced at Father, who didn't even turn his head toward his son. "God, Father?" Father only nod and it signaled the end of the conversation.

Daniel was led into an unknown room. It was small like a closet but bigger than his bedroom. His Father had to bend down to even fit inside. There was no light except the soft red light of candles near the back of the room. The candles bunched around this small raised area with a soft red cloth covering it. Off to the side was a frame with the Commandments inside. It was smaller than regular sized paper but the print was readable. In the middle was another framed passage of text and on the top was a large "XEEMÜG" printed. Daniel widened his eyes and started picking at his pants.

"This," Father pointed at the middle frame, "This is the word of Xeemüg, Daniel. This is the way of his loyal followers." Daniel glanced at Father and his eyes were.. sparkling. His pupils were large and full of admiration, full of love, accepting. The thunderstorms calmed and revealed a sky without clouds. Daniel's heart fell into his stomach and he swallowed harshly, like suddenly it was harder to breathe and be crouching near his Father. "Loyal?" He ignored the throbbing pain in his chest. "There's more..?"

"Obviously, Daniel!" He snapped and Daniel flinched back, almost knocking over a candle and setting the whole closet ablaze. "It's a shame I got the most defiled one." He sneered, seemingly speaking more to himself than Daniel. Daniel bit his lip and turned to the Xeemüg page. "No matter," Father sighed. "Hopefully after your worshipping, he might bless you."

"W-what do I have to do? To be loyal?" He asked after a few minutes of silence.

"You have to help others ascend. It's a brilliant process." Again, his Father's eyes sparkled. He seemed to get into a trance whenever Xeemüg took control of the conversation. "You'll ascend others, Daniel. In due time." Father nodded, certain of himself and his son's ability. He then turned and scampered out of the closet before slamming the door shut and trapping Daniel inside.

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