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As a kid I loved school. The reason might be that I was bringing my partner to school (my sister) everyday and so we both never missed home. That was an advantage for us. We used to watch other kids forcefully taken to school by their parents while they were crying. It was a funny scenario for me as my hyper imaginative mind pictured them as criminals being taken forcefully by police officers to jail while they were begging not to go...hahahaha!! Well you might be thinking, "What does she knows about going alone to school, huh!" and yeah I don't...hahahaha!! I am adding salt to your injury...hahahaha!! (Okay no more laughing).

On my first day at school, I did not cry (for the first 15 minutes when my parents were still there...the volcano has still not exploded!). My teacher took me inside and began to help me read and write and our parents were standing there watching me and my sister. At that time she asked me to erase what I wrote as it was a mistake on the notebook but my eraser was inside my mother's purse. As I was about to call her for that eraser I saw them leaving. That teacher was constantly pointing at the mistake and asking me to erase it so I started crying. She thought I was missing my parents and began to cuddle me but only I knew that I cried for that eraser in her purse. (I wasn't crying for my parents...somebody should have told her...sigh!)

This reminds me of another incident where we thought that our mother was leaving us forever and going away somewhere. You must be thinking, "How can they have such thoughts as a kid?" Well, well, well, one of the reasons behind such thought was those nasty Indian serials which fill people's mind with garbage. I hated those. I wanted to watch cartoons all the time (all the time means day and night...and in dreams too!) but due to tightening grip by fluffy big hands of my mother on remote I was unable to change the channels (You can understand how hard it is to remove those heavy hands from the remote with those tiny little hand of yours and even if you succeed in doing so, you are dead!!! You will survive but, you are dead!!!).

Coming to the incident, it was during break time in preparatory school. Our school was situated near our house so we could see our house clearly. My sister was playing outside with some of our friends while I was in the classroom, looking through the window with bubble gum in my mouth blowing balloons (I thought, "Why play outside and waste energy...hehe!"). At that time we saw our mother going somewhere in a rickshaw and so we thought she was leaving us forever (It's tough to handle such kids imagining anything (Hats off to her...phew!)). We straightaway ran to her crossing the school boundary and started crying while our teacher came running following us (A typical lost and found a mother children scenario like in Indian cinemas). My sister held her leg so tight that she was about to fall like a panda glued, not ready to let go of her while I was standing next to her rubbing my eyes and crying (Don't worry, I did not go for another leg).

The suspense must be killing you that, "Where was she actually going then?" (You will be laughing so hard if you hear this) She was actually going to a beauty parlor for her haircut. Yeah, yeah, you can laugh on us (facepalm). After that our teacher had to let us go as she knew she won't be able to control these two ninjas (The way we ran was similar to that of ninja running on roof to get hold of his our case it was our mother...hahahaha!!) On our way to home we wanted our mother to carry both of us in her arms. When she refused, we sat down on road (Think how stubborn we were!). One of our neighbors, an uncle, saw us and offered us a ride on his scooter so as to take control of that situation. But we, who just got out of the trauma that she was actually going to have a haircut in a beauty parlor, refused that ride (I don't know about my sister but I didn't like his scooter as it moved on road like a camel, giving you sudden jerks as its parts were quite was a camel ride...hahaha!!). Finding no choice, our mother had to carry us and she handed over our school bags to that uncle (We won!!! Let the bags have camel ride...hahaha!!).

So this is where we attacked her both side...and we won! (Winks) Another incident I remember where she had to carry one of us on our way to home (Don't worry, this time I did not trouble her. I was a sweet silent kid...planning another impactful attack)

In one of the classes, our teacher asked us to keep our heads down on the desk as we were acting like hooligans inside the classroom. My sister thought that she was actually telling us to go to sleep and so she dozed off (she was gullible, actually!). Then came the break time and there she was...still sleeping! I was playing outside with other kids as I was unaware of her situation. Out teacher tried to wake her up but she didn't (My sister has such a deep sleep that even if you play drum near her ears she still wouldn't wake up, forget about alarm clocks...these would be considered music to her ears). After failing many attempts our teacher decided to call our mother (teacher called me too to wake her up but I gave up before trying as it's nice to have peace sometimes you know! (gives a wicked smile)). After that mother came and picked her up and we went on our way home (by the way she was still sleeping... shhhhhhh! Remember, peace!).

Hope you have enjoyed second chapter too. Stay tuned for next one!

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