Actions speak louder than words

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I went to school the next day begrudgingly. I didn't want to be here but after enough coaxing from my parents, I went. What am I saying? They basically shoved me out the door. Yep got to love them.

Even after I told them what happened, mom said to kiss and make up with Zander. Dad said no kissing, no touching, a hand shake will do just fine. Then mom smacked dad. I will never understand those two.

I made it to school without seeing Zander. Good. I didn't want to see that cheesehead. As I made my way to my locker, looking around and not paying attention, I ended up colliding with someone as I turned the corner.

We both ended up on the floor with them on top of me. I opened my eyes to see Zander looking at me. Then I smelled it. The minty smell. It was intoxicating. That's when I noticed his blue eyes. They were as blue as the ocean.

My eyes darted to his lips. I never knew how plump and full his lips were. His facial features were striking that you could get lost in them. Now I see why he had no problem getting girls.

Wait a minute! What am I saying?! I hate him. He's a cheesehead! I promptly pushed him off of me. Then we both stood up.

"Watch where you're going," I huffed straightening my clothes.

"Me?! You ran into me, sweetheart!" He said defensively.

"I was busy." Busy trying to avoid you.

"Oh, what movie had your interest this time? Some lame romance movie that puts unrealistic ideals in girl's head," he tapped my forehead with his finger.

I smacked his hand away, "just like porn," I smirked as I walked away leaving him standing there stunned. Avery 2, Zander 0.

I finally made it to my locker no thanks to that cheesehead when the minute I opened my locker, someone promptly closed it. I turned to see Zander standing there.

"For your information, I don't watch porn. I don't need to. In fact I can get any girl I want," he told me.

"Oh right because Roxanne was such a prize," I rolled my eyes.

"I'll prove it."

"Yeah and how do you plan on doing that," I challenged him.

He took a step back and rubbed his chin as he eyed me up and down. I gave him a look, "what?"

"Okay, you want a challenge fine. I bet you I can get you to fall in love with me in two weeks."

"You're crazy," I scoffed.

"Am I?"

"Yes you are because I will never fall in love with you. I don't even like you," I rolled my eyes.

He took a step towards me as my back hit the lockers, "I beg to differ. See I think you want to fall in love but you have some weird notion that love is like in the movies."

I looked at him, "I do not. I think that no guy knows anything about love because if they did, they would know it's more than about sex."

"You don't think I can make you fall for me without sex," he asked me.

"Nope," I said popping the p.

"Okay fine. I will show you I can make you fall in love with me and what actual romance is like," he challenged.

"Okay but what do I get out of this, if you lose, and you will lose," I retorted.

"I won't tease you anymore and I'll leave you alone," he shrugged.

I raised my hand to my lips and tapped them with my index finger. I wouldn't have to deal with cheesehead and this would prove I was right.  It was an offer I couldn't pass up.

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