Chapter eight

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After laying in bed for a bit, Roxas decides it might be a good idea to get changed before realizing that he doesn't have any clothes asides the ones he is wearing. Groaning, the blond wracks his brain before giving in when no alternative comes to mind.

He would have to borrow some clothes.

After the dream that Roxas had, coupled with the experience before hand, he finds himself hesitant to talk to Sora. However, he finds walking around with crusty underwear to be even more embarrassing and uncomfortable than talking to the brunet. 'Lesser of two evils I guess,' Roxas thinks, sighing in resignation.

He gingerly climbs out of bed and walks to the door, reaching out for the knob when it turns of its own volition before he can grasp it. He steps away as the door swings open and stares wide eyed at the very brunet he was thinking about. Flashes of Sora from last night, both from the battle and the dream flit in Roxas' mind and the blond shifts on his feet nervously as his face somehow pales and turns red at the same time.

The two men stand and gaze at each other, an awkward tension in the air for what feels like forever before Sora clears his throat.

"I just came in for some clothes, I didn't think you would be up," Sora smiles a bit forcefully, trying to dispel the uncomfortable atmosphere undoubtedly.

"Oh! Yeah," Roxas finally breaks his gaze away to look at the floor, "it is your room," he says needlessly as he feels the back of his neck and steps to the side.

"Yeah..." Sora replies, heading for the dresser and riffling through it.

Roxas can't help but think the situation is akin to the morning after a night of sex; the awkwardness, studiously avoiding eye contact, as if neither can quite believe what happened the night before and didn't know what the other was thinking. Of coarse, there is a very good reason why they are acting like this, but with Roxas' thoughts still fresh from the dream he had he keeps thinking of a different reason for the tension between them.

"Are you doing okay?"

Roxas snaps his gaze back to the other man, "huh?" He says intelligibly.

Sora grins a little, "you were a bit...out of it last night after what happened...are you alright now?"

Roxas' mouth flaps open and closed as he tries to fish his mind out of the gutter before he gives Sora a crooked smile, "just...a lot to take in, that's all," really no lie there.

Sora raises a dark brow, as if he knows there's something more to it that Roxas isn't telling him, but lets it go for now, "I'm sure you've got a lot of questions...hopefully we'll be able to answer them better this time around."

Roxas chuckles at Sora's wry statement, nodding before he remembers an important issue of his, "can I, uh, maybe borrow some pants or something?"

Sora blinks, before an almost knowing look crosses his features. Smirking slightly at the pink tint on Roxas' face, Sora reaches into one of the drawers of his dresser and pulls out a pair of underwear and some tan cargo shorts, tossing them to the blond who catches them easily before pulling out his own change of clothes and heading to the door.

"I'll meet ya' downstairs; make sure you clean up real good," He says with a cheeky expression before closing the door behind him.

Roxas' face turns a brighter shade of red at Sora's off-handed comment. After he is left alone, he begins thinking about his questions as he changes. What is going on? What exactly is Sora? Are the others even human? Somehow he doubts the last question, but there is still a part of him that hopes at least one of them is like him.

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