Chapter sixteen

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"Are you sure you should be going to class today Roxas?" Xion asks, face troubled as she watches Roxas gather his paperwork and whatever else he needs for his classes.

"I've been missing too many days already Xi, I have to go," he looks up, "now that I think about it, I have to go to work too, Sora's off tonight, so Luxord's probably gonna have me work at the bar."

"But Roxas-"

"Look Xion," Roxas cuts her off, "I can't go missing anymore days of school because of this supernatural nonsense! I thought you of all people would understand."

"I do, but..." she bites her lip and turns her eyes away, " should try talking to Sora sometime? I know it's been bothering you."

At the mention of Sora, Roxas feels a painful throb in his chest. 'What the hell is this?' He wonders, absently putting a hand to his chest and rubbing the spot above his heart as he glare at her, "he bothers me for all the wrong reasons Xion, I'm not gonna make it worse for both of us by trying to talk to him; and if you see him, tell him I suggest the same for him."

He slings his bag over his shoulder, brushing past Xion and heading to the door without a backwards glance, "I'll see you tonight."

Xion sighs as she watches his back, "so stubborn," she mumbles to herself before raising her voice for the blond to hear, "just be careful Roxas!"

"Yeah, yeah, I will." Roxas closes the door behind him.


Roxas tries to listen to the lecture, but he keeps getting distracted by some strange pull in his chest; it's as if some kind of cord is trying to make him get up and look for whatever it is at the end of it. The more he resists, the foggier his head gets until his surroundings seem to take on a dreamlike quality. He has to keep shifting in his seat and pinching himself in order to focus, but it's starting to become more difficult as the cord feels like it's being pulled taunter with each passing minute until suddenly it just stops. The pull is still there, but whatever is at the end of it isn't going any farther away from him.

"The heart cannot be measured by any machine; it is a fickle thing and regardless of what science tells you, it is more than just an organ that keeps you alive...though that is a vital feature in and of it's self," the lecturer continues.

Roxas dimly focuses on the professor again. Though he never saw the point of this part of the class, Prof. Ansem Wise seen it as a vital part of creative writing and made matters of the heart a subject itself.

"For instance," the Professor goes on, "perhaps you've heard of the red string of fate?"

At the silence and blank faces, Ansem sighs, "the red string of fate is said to lead you to your soulmate, your other half so to speak, though some take it as a fantasy I believe there is some truth to it."

Roxas rests his head on his hand and rolls his eyes in boredom, of course the older man believed this. Roxas had heard about it on and off in his life, but he'd given up on the concept a long time ago. Love at first sight? Someone whom once you meet them you can't live without them?

Bullshit. As far as Roxas is concerned, that soulmate malarkey was made to give little girls, and sometimes boys if Roxas is being honest, a hope to find a perfect mate. Life doesn't work that way though, you don't need someone else to live life happily. Everyone is capable of completing their dreams on their own regardless.

As if reading the spiky blond's mind, Ansem smiles and says, "human beings are quite capable of living on their own, but it is in their nature to want someone to love; whether it be a parent, child or significant other, hearts always seek a connection with someone and will always find a way to get it. Love is a powerful thing, this is why the trope of 'love conquers all' is so popular, because it is true."

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