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Hello everyone! Goodness it's been a while huh? Well, I have some news and I figured since I had said I'd post some kind of authors note here, now would be the best time now that I'm thinking about it.

The Red String Series/Trilogy, is unfortunately not finished, nor will it be finished soon. I haven't stopped working on it, but lack of motivation and life is making me limp through it so much that I haven't even made it past the main plot outline yet. Maybe I'll get it finished one day, maybe not, but it's definitely not gonna be soon. Sorry for anyone who was looking forward to any new updates on this.

I haven't completely stopped writing, but I don't think I'll be able to post anything worth while for a long time except maybe some one shots or random short stories that hit me once in a blue moon. I love this series, and I'm building it up a lot, but I'm overwhelmed with it all unfortunately. I'll still most likely be around, but as of right now, both of my accounts on Wattpad and Fanfiction. Net are on an indefinite writing hiatus. I'm really sorry to anyone who was looking forward to new stuff, but I wanted to at least give an update to why I haven't been posting anything new really or updating anything. I'm not taking down any of my published works, so anyone who enjoys them still can, and I'll still be around as a reader, but that's gonna be about it for a while.

That's really all I can think of right now. In the mean time, I hope everyone has a wonderful day. Stay safe out there, and I'll see you all in fanfiction.


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