Chapter twenty-five

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'You have got to be fucking kidding me!'

Leon grits his teeth as he locks his blade with a massive red hammer. That hammer is being wielded by a literal Giant, the man having grown several feet when the battle began. Yuffie and Xion ran ahead and left Leon and Aerith behind, the fairy trying her hardest to keep up with the damage Leon is taking with just one hit. Sure, Leon outclassed his opponent, but a Giant was a powerful adversary for anyone with their brute strength and thick skin.

'I have to figure out a way to take this son of a bitch down,' Leon thinks, jumping back when the Giant rears back and tries to take a swing at him. He aims his gunblade at him and fires a massive fireball at the Giants legs, the flames barely doing anything except making the man angry. The giant runs forward at an incredible speed, swinging his hammer and knocking Leon into the wall.

Leon yelps when one of his black wings get bent at an unnatural angle, the fall to the floor making it worse. Aerith immediately casts a healing spell, fixing his broken wing for the moment and getting him back to his feet when the giant runs at him. Leon dodges out of the way and the large man hits the wall head first, shaking his head and seeming dazed and Leon takes his chance to attack his legs, making the giant roar when the demon's gun blade manages to cut through his Achilles tendons and brings his massive opponent down.

The giant tries to crawl around to swipe at him, but Leon jumps into the air, using his wings as a kind of glider to balance him before landing on the giants back. The creature yells and lashes around, trying to knock the winged man off of him and Leon grips the Giant's shoulder and swings his sword down, cutting into the brain stem.

The giant immediately stills, collapsing flat on the floor and the fighters sigh.

"Leon, do you...?" Aerith asks hesitantly.

Leon nods, "we need to press on."

The warrior jumps off the Giant's back and walks towards the door leading further in, Aerith quietly following behind.




Demyx grins sadistically as he uses a triton to slam the red headed Weather Maker against the wall, "hope the foam you become doesn't somehow clog up my water filter~!" He taunts, pupils nothing but needles and blue eyes glowing as he bares his shark like teeth.

Kairi grunts and makes to push the weapon away with her hands, but the siren is stronger than he looks. Her tail thrashes harshly, trying to land a solid hit or at least provide a distraction so she can get away. Demyx shoves the pole against her throat with intent to choke her, but before he can he hears a shriek and whips around to see that Naminé has pulled Zexion into the water and has begun rolling around as the bluenet struggles. Demyx's eyes widen in horror and he lets go of the captive mermaid to head towards the Pearl Weeper trying to drown his partner.

Kairi grabs him by the tail and holds him back, "oh no you don't!"

Demyx whips around a snarls, appearing feral and desperate, "let me go Merg bitch!"

Kairi scowls at the derogatory name and says, "fine, I'll let you go!"

With all the strength she can muster, she dives under the water while dragging him with her. She swoops up and beats her tail with all her might, making a whirlpool that raises them out of the water. Spinning with it, Kairi let's out a battle cry before flinging him hard into a wall, the mullet headed mer hitting it head first and knocking him out cold.

Kairi watches the merman in case he moves again, before sighing and having the water gently lower her down. Naminè is sitting on the platform that their two opponents were on before, the mage laid out and unconscious as well. Kairi sighs once again and begins pulling Demyx with her, pushing him up on the platform with Naminè's help and putting him so that the two men are next to each other.

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