Chapter nineteen

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Sora slashes and cuts at the nobodies, spinning his keyblade around him for a finisher. More demons appear, these kind much bulkier, and Sora growls under his breath. He chances a glance to see Axel fighting off the mage, thoroughly distracted as the blazing eyed red head tries to land a hit and Zexion keeps ducking and jumping away. The brunet is a blacket now, his own inner demon threatening to come out full force in his aggravation.

He slices another demon away, heart pounding in his ears from the rush of adrenaline coursing through his system faster than what would be healthy for a normal human. But Sora isn't a human, not really anyway. Even though he is capable of feeling attachment, considering what kind of demon he is, that doesn't make him human, it makes him different from other demons. He feels more than other demons do and what he is feeling right rage.

Sora roars, losing the whites of his eyes as darkness swirls around him. He begins jerking and growling as he goes into his second form, a form with no human intelligence that runs purely on instinct. Little shadow demons appear around him and the nobody demons step back in surprise.

His thoughts are jumbled and nonsensical, the only thing he's able to lock onto in that moment being 'enemy; hindrance; find mate; protect mate.' The demons regroup and begin their assault anew, but are no match for the major demon before them as Sora roars and lunges, claws ripping through grey leathery skin as if they are nothing but wet toilet paper.

Axel and Zexion pause in their fight to watch the terrifying yet beautiful display, their eyes wide and jaws to the ground. They see Sora tear into a Lesser Dancer, using teeth to rip out its' throat before savagely ripping it to shreds and Axel smirks while Zexion blanches back.

"Looks like you pissed off the wrong demon Zexy," Axel comments, "if I were you, I'd book it to the next portal to hell and see if Lucifer would be willing to protect you."

Zexion glowers at the spawn, very much unamused before he looks up and behind Axel. He suddenly grins and Axel wrinkles his brow.

"What's so funny?"

"Perhaps I should leave you to your executioners...Number Eight," with that, he vanishes into a black and purple portal, leaving Axel confused.

"What the-whoa!"

He dodges out of the way just in time to avoid a massive spiked claymore that lodges into the ground where he stood. Axel scowls as he turns to the blue haired man who lands softly behind him, Saix giving him a hard look as he pulls his claymore out of the ground and brandishing it behind him.

"Hello Axel..."

Sora has just demolished the last dusk when he senses a new threat. He hisses at Marluxia and Larxene, who simple smirk at him as they find the situation humorous.

"Oh, look at the big bad demon~!" Larxene sneers, cooing when Sora growls, "how about you be a good boy and come with us?"

Sora shakes his head and roars, lunging at the vampires in rage. He remembers these two perfectly well, and wants to make them pay for threatening his Other and crossing a line they had no right to cross. Larxene and Marluxia dance away, pulling out knives and summoning a scythe respectfully.

"As strong willed as your other half, Emotic-Trickster," Marluxia jeers, jumping away when Sora lashes at him, "but I'm afraid that will do more harm to him than good."

Sora stalls, some part of him registering the words. He rests on all fours and bounces his feet in agitation before he chitters angrily, narrowing his eyes up at them, "where...?" He hisses.

Larxene giggles, "come with us quietly and we'll take you to him."

Sora eyes them suspiciously, not trusting the Vampiress' words. Shaking her head, Larxene sighs as if she doesn't understand the hesitance in the creature before her.

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