Chapter seventeen

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Roxas is not having a good night.

'That fuckin vampire is back,' he think sourly as he polishes a glass, keeping a sharp eye on the pink haired man. 'Why hasn't Luxord gotten rid of that perv for good?'

"Somethin' on yer' mind Tiger?" Xigbar asked, turning his attention to the blond after he gave a customer his drink. Roxas shrugs.

"Not really feeling well I guess, I think I need to ask Luxord to let me off early." Not really a lie, his headache was back and the bad feeling in his gut is getting worse. Couple that with the fact that Marluxia was here as well, Roxas feels like he's going to be sick. Xigbar gives him a look.

"Yeah, you're lookin' a bit pale kid, maybe you should call it a night. I can handle the crowd just fine tonight."

Roxas sighs, "if you're sure," he said, not in the mood to argue anymore. He walks away from the counter, not noticing the older man looking through a window and grinning strangely.

Roxas goes into the back room and retrieves his stuff from his locker, slinging his bag over his shoulder with a heavy sigh. Luxord comes into the room and notices Roxas getting ready to leave, humming in thought.

"Got a heads up from Xiggy that you weren't feeling too good kid," he said. Roxas nods as his lips turn up tiredly.

"Yeah, think I might've caught something over the weekend. You don't mind do you?"

"Not at all," Luxord grins.

Roxas nods again, returning the grin in his own way, "thanks Luxord; have a good night."

"You too kid, good luck!" Luxord replies before adding quietly after Roxas leaves, "you're gonna need it..."

It is early enough at night that Roxas is able to wait for the last bus before they would close down for the night. As he stands at the bus stop, he finds himself looking up at the sky warily.

'A full moon...' he thinks as he looks up at the round orb in the dark blue sky. Feeling a chill going down his spine, he looks away and shakes his head, his heart racing at twice it's normal pace.

'Get ahold of yourself Roxas,' he thinks, 'all this supernatural shit is getting to your head, the bus will be here any minute and you'll be on you're way home.'

"Out pretty late aren't you?"

Roxas tenses, instinctively whipping around towards the voice, "Riku? What are you doing here?"

The silver haired man shrugs, blue-green eyes glowing strangely in the moonlight, "thought I'd go for a walk and ended up here. It's a nice night isn't it?"

"Yeah..." Roxas replies slowly, 'doesn't he hate my guts or something? What's with the small talk all of a sudden?'

"Waiting for the bus?" Riku walks up and stands next to him, looking around at the emptiness of the area. The bad feeling gets worse and Roxas finds himself distancing himself from the other male, some instinct telling him to run, but he ignores it for now; Riku doesn't seem to be threatening him, at least not at the moment.

"Yeah, wasn't feeling too good, so I had my boss cut me off of work early," he says.

Riku hums, looking up at the moon, "you know...tonight might not be the best night to be out alone," he looks at Roxas, feigning concern, "don't you have any friends nearby willing to board you up?"

Roxas shakes his head slightly, eyebrows wrinkling as the urge to run increases. He tries to remember what about tonight made him so anxious, something about the moon...

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