Chapter 2

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You and Sam continued to clean his room. You moved on to his closet to go through his clothes. As you looked through all his clothes, it gave you flashbacks.You pulled out his pink sleeveless hoodie.


"Guys, please don't fall!" You called up to Sam and Colby as they climbed the silo.

"We're fine, Y/N! It's totally safe!" Colby yelled back.

"We're being careful!" Sam yelled, knowing it wasn't actually safe.

They continued to climb the silo, which was about 250 feet tall. You didn't want to climb it because you were afraid of heights and that was way too high. So, you sat at the bottom and waited for them to come back down.

"Why did I agree to come here? I'm going to be sitting down here, bored, until they come back down. Ugh."

After filming and taking instagram photos, they eventually came back down.

"Took you long enough." You said as you poked Colby.

"We had to get the perfect instagram angles, sorry." Colby says while fixing his hair.

*Current time*

You gently fold the hoodie and put it on the couch. You continue to pull clothes out of the closet, and put them in a separate pile on the couch. Sam has been going through his camera stuff, seeing what he can use from it.

After a while, you guys are finally done organizing. You both have your piles of stuff you need to keep for yourself, and everything else is in other piles, to be given or thrown away. You take your pile of stuff, walk to your room, and sit on your bed. You put the hoodie on. It still smelled like him. Tears start to fil your eyes, until you hear a knock on your door.

"Who is it?' You call, wiping your tears away.

"Jake. Can I come in?"


Jake walks into the room and sits next to you on the bed.

"How are you doing, Y/N? And don't say you're fine, because you are obviously not fine."

"I'm.... coping."

"We're gonna get through this, I promise. I'm here for you."

"I know Jake, thank you." You say as you grab his hand with both of yours. You look into his eyes, "It's been so hard, Jake. I miss seeing his face every day, seeing his smile, hearing his laugh, smelling his cologne. I miss him so much." You bury your face into his shoulder.

"I know, Y/N. I know."

Suddenly there was a soft tap on the door. Sam slowly opens the door, peeking his head in.

"Hey Jake. Y/N." He says looking at Jake then you.

"Hey, Jake, can we have a minute?" You say, giving Jake a look to tell him it's important.

"Sure." Jake looks at you, then Sam, as he walks out of the room.

Sam sits next to you on the bed, then looks at the floor.

"I-" He starts, not knowing what to say.

"I know, Sam."

He looks up at you, and you can see his eyes are red from crying. This is hitting him really hard.

"Y/N, I'm so glad I have you, I would never get through this without you."

"I'm glad to have you too, Sam. I need you."

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