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I roll my eyes and he chuckles "Why do you hate me?" He asks "Why wouldn't I hate you?!" I ask annoyed "Why would you babe?" wait what?! "BABE?!?!" I yell "Don't ever call me that!" I cross my arms over my chest, He laughs "But babe suits you well, or maybe baby, since that's what you act like" He says rolling his eyes, Yuri his his chest "BE NICE!!"

I laugh "Mom got mad" I tease smiling "Oh, shut up Suki!" Jinyoung says annoyed "Okay, Okay" I say smiling cockily and looking at Yugyeom who sat across from me "Hi" I smile sweetly, he starts laughing "What?" I ask "How can you go from I'm gonna kill you to I love you all In literally one second?!" He says "I don't know, But that wasn't a reason to laugh"

"It was the awkward smile you had" He laughs "Hey Mark!" Yuri calls "Yea?" Mark looks up, She smiles, he smiles back "See, Marks smile is cute!" She squeals with a smile "Bam..." She says cutely "Can we switch seats?" She asks with a pout "Sure" He smirks and sits with Jaebum, He then started annoying Jaebum and Yuri and Mark started being cute, and I honestly forgot I was sitting next to Jinyoung till he whispered something that'll be explained later on

"I hate you" I say, He smirks and I kick his shin under the table and he bites his lip from pain, I smile Riiinnnggg

We all stand from the table, I was told to discretely follow Jinyoung cause he has the same class as me next, so I did, When I got there Jinyoung had already sat down and the teacher smiled at me "Hello Ms.Min!" She smiles sweetly "Hi Ms.Lee!" I smile back she was a younger teacher and was soon to be married "It'd be best for you to sit next to someone who can help you so...Jinyoung"

He looks up and his expression goes from Yes? To Damn once he sees me "You'll help Ms.Min correct?" She asks sweetly, He sighs "I guess" He looks down and I sit next to him "I still hate you" He says "The feelings mutual" I say, He laughs "The feelings mutual" He mocks "Shut up" I laugh

"You two seem to get along" She smiles I'll let her think that "I-I guess we do" Jinyoung says LIES!! "Good, You two can partner up for our project" She says "You'll have something to do for each day of this week, It will be turned in Monday...Luckily for you Suki's new and I won't pressure her and make her present" somehow I knew when he said we got along, this would happen I sigh and lay my head on the desk

This is going to be the longest. Week. EVER.


After class I walked out and went to Jaebum "I can't come over after all" I say "Why?" He asks "I have to work on a project" I say "With-" Jinyoung interrupts me "Me" He smirks "Now we gotta go, Bye!" He pulls me away, Once we're away from everyone he slams and holds me to the wall "Listen you idiot" he says "I'm actually gonna work, and not because I like you!" He yells

"Never said you did, I was gonna say if you didn't do anything I wasn't and we can fail" I say "Guess it's good you're not that dumb" I ruffle his hair and smile, He drops me "Come on dummy" He walks out of the school and I follow him "Did you bring a car?" He asks "Nope"

"Ugh...You'll have to ride with me, Get in" He walks to the drives side of a car, I get in on the passanger side and set my bag in the back seat before buckling my seat belt and looking at Jinyoung "I hate you" He says "I've already told you I hate you so I don't feel like saying it anymore"

"WHY ARE YOU SO DAMN ANNOYING?!?!" He yells "You always retort every single thing I say, You always say some cocky remark, You always know what's gonna happen, You never get scared, You never ask me to stop, you never do anything to sound or even look hurt!!" He yells "You only do things that piss me off"

"That's cause You don't scare me and I don't care" I smile, He growls "See?!" He starts the car "Let's just get this damn first page over with" He sighs and pulls out of the school

Maybe it'll actually be fun I smile and we soon arrive at his house

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