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"Suki please let me explain!" I look up at him. He looked sad. Sorrowful. I groan "Fine" I move from the door and open it all the way allowing him to come inside. I walked to my couch. He shut the door and walked over to me. "Listen Suki...That girl was Y/E/N she's and old friend from my home...I do not at all like her in any way! Actually when I left we weren't even talking anymore! I hated her, why? Because she started being mean to me because her girlfriend was"

"I don't care about this! I wanna know why you kissed her back" I cross my arms "I didn't Suki I promise you I didn't! As soon as she started I pushed her away, I couldn't push her like I'd push mark or Jackson cause she's a girl and I'm not getting expelled and leaving you alone. All we were doing was talking, and I told her I didn't want her and I had to go and then she kissed me I didn't like it at all and pushed her away. I saw you left and I felt horrible. I wanted to run to you and apologize but you'd left and I couldn't do anything...I'm sorry...I understand if you don't believe me." He stands up and starts walking to the door

"Wait Jinyoung! I accept your apology! I'm sorry I overreacted!" I say. He turns around "Really?" He asks, I nod. He smiles "So....we can walk home together again?" He asks "Duh" I laugh, and he walks back to me and hugs me "What would I do if you weren't understanding?" He smiles. I hug him back "You'd probably go home crying" I tease him. He laughs, and breaks the hug "I'll see you tomorrow Suki" He smiles at me "Bye Jinyoung!" I wave "Bye" He turns around and walks out.


I ran into the school passing the girl that kissed Jinyoung and ran to him "I'M HEEEERE!!" I yell loudly, Scaring Yuri, Mark, And Youngjae "Wheres the other three?" I ask "Jaebum is sick, Jackson is on his way, and BamBam is in the bathroom" Jinyoung says "THAT WAS MEAN!" Yuri Youngjae And Mark Say "Hmm...Now you know how it feels!" I tap mark's shoulder and laugh "Jinyoung!" I turn him around and look up at him "Good Morning!"

"Good morning Suki" He Chuckled "SUKI!!" Jackson yelled running to me "JACKSOOONN!!" I yelled back hugging him, he laughed and hugged me back "Come with me!" He Pulls me Away and I shrug when Jinyoung gave me the What is this about? Look. He pulled me the the old part of the school I looked at him. "What's this about?" I ask "Something was wrong yesterday and I wanna know what it was" He says "Oh"

"Well..." I explained what happened "so it's all good now?" He asks "Yep!" I smile. I then turned and started walking out but he grabbed my wrist "I need to warn you though, This girl isn't all...nice...when it comes to Jinyoung, She's completely psycho okay? She got super mad and framed a girl when she thought Jinyoung rejected her for that girl." I nod

"I'll be careful" I smile at him, He hugs me. "Please do" he whispers "I'll be as careful as humanly possible. Even if it means staying with one of you guys" I tease. He chuckles "That's why I want you to be careful...You won't be able to stay with me cause I'm going back to China tonight...only for a week, but I won't know if anything happens and I'll be worried...I just need to know you'll be safe"

I smile "I'll stay with Jinyoung...he does know her the best doesn't he?" I break the hug. He nods "Good idea" He says "We should head back now" I say "Yeah" He smiles "Can you tell them about the whole China thing too? They'll be mad that I didn't tell them, I'm gonna go to the bathroom" He smiles "Sure" I shrug and walk back to the six "BamBam! You're back!" I laugh, he nods "Hi Suki!" He waved

"So, Jackson just wanted to tell me that he was leaving for China tonight and he didn't know how to tell you guys so he wanted me to tell you because he doesn't want you to be mad that he didn't tell you earlier" I smile, they nod "Forever?" Mark asks "No! Of course not! Just a week" I laughed "Okay good" Mark sighed with relief. "So Yuri, You And Mark are still Good right?" I ask "Of course we are! Why wouldn't we be?" She asks "I don't know" I shrug "Yugyeom say something"

"Something." He says "What's wrong?" I ask he shrugs "Nothing, I just don't know what to talk about" He laughs


"Let's go Youngjae!" I grab his arm and pull him down the hall to our class


I ran out of the school trying not to be seen by any of the guys and Yuri, after successfully making it to the old part of the school I stopped to catch my breath when My chin is lifted and I snatch it away "Who are you?" I ask standing straight "Your worst nightmare" She says "So you're an elevator?" I ask sarcastically. She rolls her eyes "Boys!" Then it all goes blank.

*Jinyoung POV*


My phone goes off and I pull it out of my pocket

Hey, I'm going to my brothers hotel room for a couple hours, I didn't know he same to Korea and I want to see him, I'll be there soon

Okay be careful

I put my phone in my pocket and got into my car...

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