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I walked out and didn't see Jinyoung "SUKI!" He shouts from behind me grabbing both of my shoulders "Don't do that!" I squeal before turning around and flicking his forehead, he pouted "Sorry" He smiles, I laugh "Wanna come over?" He asks "Sure, This time, We won't be at each other's throats" I smile, He nods "Come on!"


We arrived at Jinyoung's house and I ran to the door, He unlocked it and smiled "PAAARK JINYOUNGGG!!" I scream "You redecorated!" I smile, He nods "Not really, I just added a few pictures I found and switched some things in the living room" He shrugs, I nod "Ooh! Who's this?" I ask pointing at a picture "Aww! It's you!" I squeal, He laughs "Yes it is, why?" He asks "Cause! You were such a cute kid!" I smile

"Thanks" He shrugs, I smile and run to his living room, I sit on the couch "There's a new table, The couch is now on the side nearest to the bathroom door, And the chair is on the right. Nice!" I smile, He laughs and sits in the chair "So, What're we gonna do?" I ask, He shrugs "How about we invite everyone over?" He asks I nod, We called the others and after a few they all showed up, We all sat around the table on the floor


We played a bunch of different games, Laughing, and joking around as we did. We watched a bunch of movies and fell asleep wherever we fell asleep. Yuri woke everyone up screaming "GET UUUUPPP!!!" I groaned and sat up, Jinyoung and I fell asleep on the couch, BamBam was in the chair and the others found a place on the floor, I looked at Yuri "Why do we have to get up?" I ask, She looks at me "School Duh!" She says "I'm not going" I say, I then lay back down and cover my face with a pillow, She growls "Fine, I'm not helping any of you when you have no Idea what to do tomorrow"

"Okay, Okay, I'm up" Mark says, Pretty soon everyone else was gone besides me. Jinyoung even went to school, I stood and went to the kitchen and found Yugyeom "Well, I thought I was alone" I say, He shakes his head and turns around "Any day I can get out of school, I take" He says, I nod "Same here" I say "So what're you planning on doing today?" I ask, He shrugs "Wanna go annoy some people at the park?" He asks "What?" I ask "You know Mark didn't go to school, He probably took Yuri to the park or something, Do you want to go annoy them with me?"

"Umm, Sure?" I say making it sound more like a question "Well, Are we gonna go?" He asks, I nod and he smiles "Who's House first?" He asks, I shrug "I guess yours" He smiles, I nod and we walk out of the house


After going to our houses, I ended up wearing a large black and white sweatshirt and dark jeans, and Yugyeom wore a white T and black ripped jeans. Then we went to the park.

As soon as we arrived Yugyeom grinned "Like I said, There they are" He smiles "You're smart Yugyeom" I shrug "Now how are we gonna sneak up on them, It won't be much fun if they know that we're coming" I say, He nods "When Mark and Yuri go to the park, They always end up running towards the Ice cream, So in a bit they'll probably be getting up to go get their ice cream and then we can go"

"Okay" I smile, we sat in the car talking till Mark and Yuri left, Then we ran over and sat in their bench, After a few they walked back and Mark dropped his ice cream "When did you two get here?" He asks "Only a few minutes ago, We decided to sit" Yugyeom shrugs "Whyyyy??" Yuri whines "We wanted to have one day away from you! Why are you here?" She asks

"Cause. We wanted to be" I say, I then look up at them with a smile "Wait, Are we interrupting something?" I ask, They hesitate before shaking their heads "HA WE WEERREE!!" Yugyeom and I yell happily, They groan


After annoying the two for a bit we left and got some lunch, Then we went to Yugyeoms house, We sat on the couch "So, You And Jinyoung" He smirks "No, friends remember?" I ask, He nods "Yea but..You two are so good together" He smiles, I roll my eyes "We're not, He see's us as friends, I see us as friends and that's how it's staying" I cross my arms "Suki, How do you really feel?" He asks looking directly at me with an intense stare, I gulp and purse my lips...

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